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A Plan to Address Sections Congress 2011 #1 Recommendation

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1 A Plan to Address Sections Congress 2011 #1 Recommendation
IEEE Educational Activities Board Meeting Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, New Jersey USA Tariq S. Durrani, IEEE Director Liz Burd, Chair EAB Pre-University Education Coordinating Committee November 2011

2 IEEE SC2011- Recommendation #1
“IEEE to develop a comprehensive long-term strategy to increase the number of next generation youth pursuing science and engineering careers.” Purpose: “To address the perceived / real reduction in the number of students entering engineering and science at the post-secondary level and the expectation that the issue will become worse as the number of retiring scientists and engineers increases in coming years.” This recommendation proposed by representatives from Region 2, 3 and 7. The Numbers: 1,133 attendees 139 Professional Staff 84 Presenters 92 Countries 60% attending for the first time 17% of attendees are GOLD Members 13% of GOLD members attending SC2011 for first time 294 Sections/88% represented 41 Technical Societies/Councils represented Source: IEEE Sections Congress Recommendations July 2011 9/22/2018

3 Steps taken so far The EAB-PECC met with representatives of MGA to consider how to take forward this recommendation The EAB-PECC considered: What influences student choice Who the main stakeholders are How to address our goals What future steps will be taken to develop the long-term plan 9/22/2018

4 Strategy: Change the Perception
Design new initiatives and capitalize on existing programs to enhance public perception of engineers To leverage a change in the number of students pursuing science and engineering careers by improving/changing their perception of what engineering is and aligning the stakeholders efforts to achieve that goal 9/22/2018

5 What Influences Student Choice
Perception impacts Quantity driven by Enrollment Rates Retention Rates Quality driven by Availability of high quality educational materials Prestige of the Profession 9/22/2018

6 Stakeholders and their influence
Industry Government University/faculty Teachers/counselors Parents Students IEEE members Key policy drivers Key influencers Target influencee Mentors & delivery mechanism 6 9/22/2018 6

7 Analysis: Target influencees (students)
1 3 2 5 4 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 13 17 16 14 15 Age 1 3 2 5 4 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 13 17 16 14 15 TISP 1 3 2 5 4 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 13 17 16 14 15 TryX Portals Museum Exhibits 1 3 2 5 4 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 13 17 16 14 15 1 3 2 5 4 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 13 17 16 14 15 eZine 1 3 2 5 4 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 13 17 16 14 15 EPICS 9/22/2018

8 Next Steps In partnership with MGA and TAB, EAB will take the lead to:
Develop business plans to appropriately design and resource; address stakeholder needs; and manage risks for proposed initiatives. Define leadership strategies to ensure that the Sections engage; run programs appropriate to their local needs; and collect and report evaluation measurements In early 2012, EAB will submit a comprehensive long-term plan to the IEEE Board of Directors 9/22/2018


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