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Samer Koda IEEE-SEM – Section Student Representative IEEE-SEM-SA – Webmaster 9/22/2018 *material from IEEE website.

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Presentation on theme: "Samer Koda IEEE-SEM – Section Student Representative IEEE-SEM-SA – Webmaster 9/22/2018 *material from IEEE website."— Presentation transcript:

1 Samer Koda IEEE-SEM – Section Student Representative IEEE-SEM-SA – Webmaster
9/22/2018 *material from IEEE website

2 Agenda Responsibilities Collaboration Platform
Chair / Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Webmaster Collaboration Platform Listserv Website Facebook IEEE Resources, Awards, and Benefits 9/22/2018

3 Executive Committee: An IEEE Student Branch is guided by its student officers, committee Chairs and the faculty Counselor. The Branch Executive Committee is responsible for administering Branch operations. It traditionally consists of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. 9/22/2018

4 Chair Description: Chair will be the executive officer of the student branch. The chair is the key to an effective student branch leadership. As chair you will be responsible for the overall of management of all branch affairs. Hold regular meetings (weekly/bi-weekly) Assures that actions of the committee are handled properly and in the best interest of IEEE. Most importantly communicating with the members. 9/22/2018

5 Vice-Chair Description:
Vice-Chair is the junior executive Officer of the Branch. The Vice-Chair frequently overseas the committees. Will always share the workload with the Chair. Motivate Branch Activity. Reserve the right to the be the liaison between the Branch and IEEE Chapter. 9/22/2018

6 Secretary Description:
Needs to keep detailed records of each Branch meeting in order to complete the Annual Report each year. Carry out the necessary communications of the Branch and serve as custodian of all records of the Branch, including and correspondence. The branch membership roster and committee assignments list should be kept by the Secretary. Communicate with webmaster for all updates for Branch website. Secretary will also need to file a L31. 9/22/2018

7 Treasure Description:
The Treasure is a vital role to the committee. The Treasure must see that the Branch’s finances are in order and accounted for. Deposit money received in the name of the Branch in an appropriate depository. Prepare a budget at the start of the year and an end-of-the-year. 9/22/2018

8 Other Roles Not limited Finance committee Workshop committee
Fundraising committee Membership committee Job fair committee 9/22/2018

9 Collaboration Platform
The Collaboration Platform is designed to connect the Southeast Michigan Student Branches together. Websites Social Networks 9/22/2018

10 Listserv Insures branch officers a smooth flow of information to members and other student branches. University University Of Detroit-Mercy Michigan State University University Of Michigan – AA Wayne State University Lawrence Tech University Of Windsor Oakland University Eastern Michigan University University Of Michigan – D 9/22/2018

11 Website Student Activity website that is designed to keep students up-to-date on activities in the section and the region. A way to see what other braches are doing. 9/22/2018

12 Facebook Stay connected Post events Meet students within the section
Great way for networking among the Branches in the section. 9/22/2018

13 Branch Resources Regional Student Representative (RSR) and Regional SAC (RSAC). Region 4 RSR – Saurabh Mishra Region 4 RSAC – Steven James Section Chair, Section Student Activities Chair (Section SAC). Branch Counselor and other faculty IEEE Student Services Manager (IEEE HQ). Contacts listed in booklet. 9/22/2018

14 Branch Resources (continued)
Handy Web Sites for Student Branches IEEE Student Concourse web site Join the IEEE: Renew your membership: Student Branch Resources: es/stbforms.html Find a Student Branch in your area: udentbranchesbyregion.html 9/22/2018

15 Branch Resources (continued)
Membership Development Order Form: - need IEEE web account to access Officer reporting need IEEE web account to access IEEE SAMIEEE to access your Student Branch membership data (Student Branch Counselors and Chairs have access, as long as reported to IEEE) 9/22/2018

16 Branch Resources (continued)
MyIEEE: tml memberNet: IEEE Entity Web Hosting: IEEE Job Site: Student Branch Awards: 9/22/2018

17 Branch Resources (continued)
IEEE Student Branch All Magazine Package Fee is US$ in 2010 Subscription package includes over 30 IEEE magazines Available to all Student Branches IEEE Spectrum magazine IEEE Potentials magazine IEEE Computer magazine IEEE Software magazine IEEE Internet computing magazine IEEE Power Engineering Review IEEE Micro magazine IEEE Personal Communication magazine 9/22/2018

18 Student Branch Awards One of the Best benefits of being a Student member. Keep Branch members informed about the opportunities. Some are scholarships, others are fellowships or stipends. Still others are prizes for competitions. Recognition for the Branch, Branch Counselor, and Students. 9/22/2018

19 Student Branch Awards (continued)
Regional Student Paper Competition Open to all undergraduate IEEE Student Members Chance to improve written and verbal communications skills Local competition at Branch determines winner for Area Competition; winners from Area Competition go on to Regional Competition Regional prizes from Life Member committee (US $800, $500, $200) See guidelines in Handbook or contact Regional Student Activities Committee Chair (RSAC) 9/22/2018

20 Student Branch Awards (continued)
IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award Award designed to encourage, through public recognition, exemplary Student Branch operation. Good goal to guide Branch planning efforts. No limit to the number of awards given. Nomination must be by an Officer of the Branch. Supporting documentation must be provided. 9/22/2018

21 Student Branch Awards (continued)
Outstanding Student Branch Counselor and Advisor Award To recognize the important contributions of the Counselor / Advisor. Over 300 Counselors and Advisors have been recognized since 1979. Sponsored by RAB and TAB. Up to 1 Counselor per Region recognized each year. Students must submit a nomination essay (1500 or less words). Nomination deadline is 28 February. 9/22/2018

22 Student Branch Awards (continued)
Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award To recognize the student most responsible for an extraordinary accomplishment associated with student activities. One winner per region. Commemorative plaque and 3 years free membership in the IEEE. Nomination deadline is 31 January. 9/22/2018

23 Student Branch Awards (continued)
MGA Membership Growth Award Given by MGA (cannot apply for this) to the Branch in each Region that has highest growth (based on Branch size and % growth --- not just actual numbers) Outstanding Student Certificate Available free from IEEE Student Services; 1 per 100 Branch Members (or fraction thereof); lettering done by IEEE for your Branch. Give them to deserving Student Members! All IEEE student and Student Branch awards are on the web 9/22/2018

24 Student Membership Benefits
IEEE Spectrum and Potentials magazine online and print The Institute online and print Xplore online access to subscriptions Discount on technical Society memberships and publications 50% discount in IEEE dues for students graduating the first year after graduation Leadership Experience and networking with Section, Industry Leaders IEEE Job Site alias Membership card and more at 9/22/2018

25 Thank you! Thank You! 9/22/2018

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