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Algebra 1B Contact Information Class Materials Beth Clayton Room A108 903-874-8211 ext. 6360 For this course, you will need the following.

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra 1B Contact Information Class Materials Beth Clayton Room A108 903-874-8211 ext. 6360 For this course, you will need the following."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra 1B Contact Information Class Materials Beth Clayton Room A108 ext. 6360 For this course, you will need the following resources: Pencils 3-Ring Binder Loose-leaf Paper Expectations and Goals In Algebra 1B we will briefly review Linear Functions and Linear Systems. The main focus of the class will be Quadratic Functions and Exponential Functions. Although we will be using graphing calculators, we will be taking a hands approach to Algebra. My expectation of you is for you to show up to class, prepared to learn, ready to work and to be your best. You can expect me to show up to class, prepared to teach, ready to work and to give you my best. Our common goal – to develop a strong algebraic base for success in the math courses that follow Algebra 1. Be respectful. Be responsible. Be successful. Grading & Policies Daily Work: This includes classwork & homework. This makes up 25% of your grade. Daily work is crucial in preparing for tests & quizzes. Tests & Quizzes: Quizzes – 25% Tests – 50% This means that 75% of your grade is noncollaborative. (i.e. on your own!) Make-up Policy: You will have a day for every day you are absent plus one to make up work. If you are absent for school related reasons you must get assignments before hand. Late Policy: 1 day late, 70% of grade 2 days late, 50% of grade 3 days late, 30% of grade Assignments are not accepted after 3 days.

2 Additional Policies Before/After-School Help Technology
Monday - Thursday 4:00 – 4:30 pm Tuesday - Friday 7:45 – 8:15 am Please note: the expectation is that you are attentive in class and working to understand the concepts. Please do not waste class time only to request to stay after school to make up for lost time. You may also me for help, and I will respond as soon as possible. Technology We will be utilizing the TI nSpire calculators on a regular basis in the classroom. There are comparable calculator apps that are free for use at home. Ask me about them and I will give you some suggestions. NO CELL PHONES! There is place to keep your phone in the room. Noncompliance will result in detentions and/or office referral. Test Retake Policy Failed tests may be retaken for a grade not to exceed 70. Must request to retest. Retake must occur within 5 class days of the failed test. Must show proof that you have prepared for the retest. How to Be an Amazing Math Student 1.  Come to class every day.  Math builds on itself like a story. Missing something can have negative consequences for a long time. 2.   Always do all of your homework. Math skills are like basketball skills or baseball skills. You can be out of practice. The more you practice, the better, faster, and more accurate you will be. This will make it easier to learn new, harder things. You'll also remember it for longer and will perform better under pressure, such as on a quiz or test. 3.   Check your answers (if given) as you do your homework. If you get a question wrong, then go back and solve it until you get it right. Be sure you understand what your mistake was. 4.   Always show your work. Organized work leads to organized thinking. Plus, if you get a question wrong,

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