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Homework: Complete your note cards (due tomorrow)

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1 Homework: Complete your note cards (due tomorrow)
Objective: SWBAT explain the effects of the Agricultural Revolution on world history. Calisthenics: Compare and contrast a nomadic community and a agricultural community in a Venn Diagram. Homework: Complete your note cards (due tomorrow)

2 Agricultural Revolution!
Agriculture = farming Revolution = sudden big change Agricultural Revolution = shift from food gathering to food raising from 8,000 BCE-3,000 BCE. Farming tools improved. Agriculture became the most important source of food.

3 Effects of the Agricultural Revolution
What does this graph suggest was the effect of the Agricultural Revolution? Why?

4 Effects of Agricultural Revolution
Agriculture could provide more food than hunting and gathering. As a result, population increased. Increased population Produced more food Agriculture

5 How did the agricultural revolution affect the economy?
STIMULATION!! (Stimulation- to happen quickly or rapidly)

6 Surplus The class is the agricultural community. October: The harvest provides more food than hunting and gathering did. In fact, there is too much food! Surplus = more than what is needed; extra What could your community do to solve this problem of having a surplus of food? (15 min Conference) (everyone farms)  (3 yellow index cards to represent wheat)  (hand gesture for "full" for surplus) 

7 Surplus

8 Specialization Next year, you decide you do not need to farm so much. What will people do who are not farming? (10 min Conference) These people take other jobs: potters, weavers, shamans (spiritual leaders). Specialization: a skill in one kind of work , so only three continue to farm

9 Potter

10 Weavers

11 Shaman

12 Barter Economy Now the potters have lots of pottery and the farmers have lots of food. What should they do? (10 min conference) They traded. BARTER: people trade goods for other goods and do not use money. BARTER ECONOMY: An economy that does not use money, where people trade one good for another without using money.

13 Barter Economy

14 Effects of the Agricultural Revolution
Barter Economy Specialization Surplus Agriculture

15 Comic Strips! Make cartoons that explains the effects of the Agricultural Revolution. Use your colored pencils! Once you’re done you can show Ms. Landy!

16 Exit Ticket On a blank sheet of paper….
Describe what the Agricultural Revolution was in 6 (or more) sentences. You must include the following words: Surplus Specialization Barter

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