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Panel On Understanding and Accommodating Identity on Campus

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1 Panel On Understanding and Accommodating Identity on Campus

2 CPE Credits To receive CPE credits for this session (if eligible), complete the CPE Attendance Form on the PABUG Annual Conference website For additional questions please contact Lora Harper CPE - Coordinator

3 Martin Warner, Registrar
Swarthmore College Small liberal arts college 1550 enrollment

4 Joseph Salomone PhD, University Registrar
Private Research University Founded in 1891 in Philadelphia Over 24,000 Graduate and Undergraduate Students Medical School and Law School Quarter and Semesters

5 Rose Ann Jubinski, Business Applications Analyst
The University of Scranton Founded in 1888 Catholic and Jesuit University 5000+ students enrolled: 3800 undergrad grad

6 Agenda Understanding Gender and Identity Changing the vocabulary Name Changes: Legal, Preferred or Chosen Designated Pronouns Gender Marker and Gender Stratifications: Beyond Male & Female designations Gender Identity & Developing an Inclusive Campus Culture AACRAO Initiatives Questions

7 Understanding Gender and Identity
Dimensions of Gender
 While our gender may begin with the assignment of our sex, it doesn’t end there. A person’s gender is the complex interrelationship between three dimensions: Body: our body, our experience of our own body, how society genders bodies, and how others interact with us based on our body. Identity: our deeply held, internal sense of self as male, female, a blend of both, or neither; who we internally know ourselves to be. Expression: how we present our gender in the world and how society, culture, community, and family perceive, interact with, and try to shape our gender. Gender expression is also related to gender roles and how society uses those roles to try to enforce conformity to current gender norms. Each of these dimensions can vary greatly across a range of possibilities. A person’s comfort in their gender is related to the degree to which these three dimensions feel in harmony. Let’s explore each of these dimensions in a little more detail. Gender Spectrum (2017) Dimensions of Gender. Retrieved from: https: //

8 Changing the Vocabulary
Is it preferred, chosen, or designated? The difference between what I choose to call myself versus what I was named at birth Pronouns How would I like people to refer to me in the third person Gender, sex, sexual orientation Gender relates to identity; how do I see myself Gender expression relates to the outward appearance of my identity Sex (in the recordkeeping context) may refer to my anatomical structures Sexual orientation is about my immutable attraction to other people Markers are the words I use to describe the above AACRAO (2017). Best Practices for Recording Gender Identity/Expression, Designated Pronouns, & Preferred Names in Enrollment Services

9 Name Changes: Legal and Preferred or Chosen How is this accomplished
Name Changes: Legal and Preferred or Chosen How is this accomplished?- Policies, Procedures & Systems and changing the climate. Why is this important?- It is about student success and the student experience. In addition it is about creating that culture of inclusion. We have a name change policy already, so we are ok, right? It probably is a legal name change policy and if you are not thinking about preferred names, you should. Do I need to start thinking about it, I haven’t had any issues….yet? Yes everyone needs to think about the implications.

10 Name Changes: Legal and Preferred or Chosen Official requires formal documentation, evidencing the change Preferred or Chosen are name accommodations that still preserve the legal name in the ERP but allow for the preferred name (stored in the ERP) to appear on front facing interfaces and documents, such as: course and grade rosters, online directory listings, identification cards, and other institutional records and documents. Stakeholders in this process: Everyone Students (all), faculty and staff

11 Name Changes: Legal and Preferred or Chosen Discuss Best Practices amongst Schools

12 Designated Pronouns Discuss Best Practices amongst Schools

13 Gender Marker and Gender Stratifications: Beyond Male & Female
Discuss Best Practices amongst Schools

14 Gender Identity & Developing an Inclusive Campus Culture

15 LGBT Roadmap (Shane Windmeyer-Campus Pride)
Create a more inclusive campus and look to policies with a holistic process of inclusion. You have to start somewhere, ideas lead to baby steps which then can become major accomplishments. Seek Institutional commitment: Diversity offices and Offices of Equality and Diversity LGBT Roadmap (Shane Windmeyer-Campus Pride) Campus Pride’s National College Climate Survey A National Study by the Q Research Institute for Higher Education Written by Sue Rankin, Ph.D., Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld, Ed.D., Genevieve N. Weber, Ph.D., LMHC & Somjen Frazer, MS, Ed.

16 5 Critical Strategies Improve Access & Retention Efforts
Offer Comprehensive Counseling & Healthcare Considerations for On Campus Housing Respond Appropriately to Anti-LGBTQ Incidents/Bias Integrate LGBTQ Issues and Concerns in Curricular and Co-Curricular Education Demonstrate Institutional Commitment Develop Inclusive Policies Rankin, S., Weber, G., Blumenfeld, W., and Frazer, M.S (2010) State of Higher Education for LGBT People Charlotte, NC: Campus Pride

17 AACRAO Initiatives

18 AACRAO Outreach and Resources
Webinars Best Practices: Gender Identity/Expression in Admissions and Campus Life Best Practices for Recording Gender Identity/Expression, Designated Pronouns, & Preferred Names in Enrollment Services Student Identity Work Group Resources


20 Focus Data collection (gender identity and sex) Policies and Procedures Gender marker updates Legal name changes Preferred names Designated pronouns SIS Implications Best practices and recommendations Process Gather feedback from member organizations Gather feedback from advocacy agencies and content experts Presentations Vendor Roundtable White paper and recommendations Timeline Appointments early December 2016 Recommendations December 2017

21 Open to the Floor Questions Comments

22 Thank You Your input matters! Please submit a session evaluation. PABUG Mobile App Session Browser

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