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Overview The Basics Terms to Know Degrees in the Bachelor of Science

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1 Declaration of Major Information Session Second Year Bachelor of Science

2 Overview The Basics Terms to Know Degrees in the Bachelor of Science
Declaring your Major General Academic Information Questions Start presentation by introducing myself, the department and what we do. Ask which program everyone is from – HKIN not really form them, AQUA ask questions, can go over degree pattern at the end.

3 It is your responsibility to design your own educational experience.
The Basics StFX Degree = 120 credits Four-Year Degree Pattern = 30 credits per year Degree Patterns – major(s), Science B & C, pairs, approved electives, open electives Declaring Major, Adv. Major(s), or Honours Course Requirements – listed in Academic Calendar Declaring your major does not commit you forever! It is your responsibility to design your own educational experience. -Talk in general about getting a degree. Explain that all students need to earn 120 credits to graduate, with exception of diploma programs and nursing students. -Explain that the four year degree pattern, which many students want to pursue requires students to complete 30 credits each year. -Explain that although the a Bachelor of Arts degree is flexible and provides students with the opportunity to take a wide variety of courses, you cannot just take whatever you want. There is a pattern to your degree and courses requirements that you need to be aware of and fulfilling in order to be eligible to graduate. -All BA and BBA students should declare their major at the end of their second year. Business students have to meet minimum requirements to do a major. We will discuss degree patterns and requirements later. -It is your responsibility to design your own educational experience – this includes understanding degree requirements and making sure those requirements are satisfied for graduation.

4 Terms to Know Encourage students to ask questions at anytime.

5 Pair HIST 100 Definition Examples SOCI 100 SOCI 250
Twelve credits in one subject, with six credits at the 200 level or higher. As exceptions, language pairs in French, Celtic Studies and Classics may be composed of 12 credits at the 100 level. In the BSc, the pair must be in an arts subject. Examples SOCI 250 SOCI 100 HIST 100 HIST 213 HIST 341 ANTH 111 ANTH 112 ANTH 218 ANTH 223 Remind that the definition of a pair can be found in the glossary of the academic calendar. Remind students that professional courses cannot be used as a pair.

6 Approved Elective The term approved elective is defined differently for human kinetics students and Bachelor of Science students. For science students, approved electives are normally science or math. Students for whom psychology is Science A (or Science B in a joint program) may use additional PSYC courses as approved electives. Other courses may be used as approved electives with the approval of the department chair. Psychology courses can only be used as approved electives if your major, adv. major or honours is PSYC. PSYC courses can never be used a science electives. PHYS 171/172 can be used a approved or science elective but cannot be used in a science major, adv. or honours.

7 Degrees in the Bachelor of Science

8 Degrees in the Bachelor of Science
B.Sc. Major B.Sc. Advanced Major B.Sc. Advanced Major in a Science with Business Administration B.Sc. Joint Advanced Major B.Sc. Honours B.Sc. Joint Honours

9 Advancement & Graduation Requirement by Degree
Advancement & Graduation Requirement s by Degree (Chart in the Academic Calendar) Degree Admission End of Second Year Advancement End of Third to Fourth Year Graduation and Fourth Year Requirements B.Sc. Major average 55 B.Sc. Adv. Major average 65 in each of first two years, grade of 65 in each course in Science A average 70; average 70 in Science A B.Sc. Joint Adv. Major average 65 in each of first two years, grade of 65 in each course in Science A and B average 70; average 70 in Science A; average 70 in Science B B.Sc. Honours average 75 in each of first two years; average 75 in Science A courses completed during the first two years; grade of 70 in each course in Science A average 75 ; average 75 in Science A courses; grade of 70 in each course in Science A B.Sc. Joint Honours average 76 in each of first two years; average 75 in Science A courses and average 75 in Science B courses completed during the first two years, grade of 70 in each course in Science A and B average 75; average 75 in Science A courses; average 75 in Science B courses; grade of 70 in each course in Science A and B B.Sc. in Human Kinetics B.Sc. in Human Kinetics with Advanced Major average 65 in each of first two years; grade of 65 in each HKIN course; average 65 in Science A (minor) courses in first two years average 70; average 70 in HKIN courses; average 70 in Science A courses B.Sc in Human Kinetics with Honours average 75 in each of first two years; average 75 in HKIN courses completed during the first two years; grade of 70 in each HKIN course average 75; average 75 in HKIN courses; grade of 70 in each HKIN course B.Sc. in Human Nutrition average 55 in each of first two years; combined average 55 in HNU and science courses in first year; average 60 in HNU courses in first two years average 55; average 60 in HNU courses average 55 in the final year; average 60 in HNU courses B.Sc in Human Nutrition with Adv. Major average 65 in each of first two years; combined average 65 in HNU and science courses in first year; average 65 in HNU courses in first two years average 70; average 70 in HNU courses B.Sc. in Human Nutrition with Honours average 75 in each of first two years; combined average 75 in HNU and science courses in first year; average 75 in HNU courses in first two years; grade of 70 in each HNU course average 75; average 75 in HNU courses; grade of 70 in each HNU course Nursing average 55 in the required first- and second-level nursing and science courses; grade of 60 in each NURS course average 55; grade of 60 in each NURS course average 55 over final three years or levels; grade of 60 in each NURS course B.Sc. in Nursing with Advanced Major average 65 in each of first two years; grade of 65 in each NURS course; no nursing practice alert in second year average 70; grade of 70 in each NURS course; no nursing practice alert B.Sc. in Nursing with Honours average 75 in each of first two years; average 75 in NURS courses completed during the first two years; grade of 70 in each NURS course; no nursing practice alert in second year average 75; average 75 in NURS courses; grade of 70 in each NURS course; no nursing practice alert average 75; average 75 in NURS courses; grade of 70 in each NURS course; no nursing practice alert Diploma in Engineering average 60 to advance to second year average 60 over length of program Advancement & Graduation Requirement by Degree

10 Degree Patterns Students are required to complete 120 credits to earn a BSc degree. Typically, students will take 30 credits per year for four years. Declaration forms Explain that students declare their major at the end of the second year. Explain the difference between patterns (i.e. Major, Adv. Major, Honours) Explain what approved electives are in the HKIN degree pattern Explain the difference between streams in Human Kinetics. Explain what open electives are. Lighter Course loads

11 Possible Majors Aquatic Resources (only in combination) Biology
Chemistry Computer Science Economics * Environmental Sciences * Earth Sciences Mathematics Physics Psychology Concentrations are available in some degree programs in the following subjects: BIOL, ENSC, ESCI, MATH * Available in advanced major or honours programs only

12 Faculty of Arts – Department List
Art (Studio Art & Art History) Catholic Studies Celtic Studies Classical Studies English French German History Music Philosophy Religious Studies Spanish Anthropology Development Studies Economics Political Science Psychology Sociology Women’s & Gender Studies Remind students these are defined in the glossary of the academic calendar.

13 Declaring Your Major Second year students are required to declare their majors by March 31st, To declare your major you are required to complete the declaration of major form, which can be found online. Science: Edwin’s Moodle site – join by ing Edwin ..all students enrolled in second year BIOL should have ben automatically registered.

14 Steps to Declare your Major
Attend an information session - the Academic Advising Office provides valuable information on degree patterns and requirements. Decide which degree to pursue (depending on average)– Major, Advanced Major, Advanced Major with Business, Joint Advanced Major, Honours, Joint Honours. Print off the declaration form and grade report in mesAMIS – forms can be found on the website of the Office of the Dean of Science. Read the calendar – the section for the subject you have chosen as your Science A (major) is very important because it will list all of the course requirements, including required courses from other departments. Fill out the declaration/application form – you have to include the courses you have already completed as well as the courses you plan to complete. Make an appointment with the department chair/faculty advisor – to review your declaration form with the academic department and have your declaration form signed. Submit the declaration form - Signed declaration forms are submitted to the Office of the Dean of Science. *You must be prepared and have the declaration form completed prior to meeting with the department chair or faculty advisor.

15 Academic Information

16 Dean’s List At the end of each academic year, students who have carried at least 24 credits and have earned an average of at least 75% will be named to the Dean’s List if they rank in the top: 20 % in the first year 25% in the sophomore year 33 1/3% in the junior or senior year

17 Academic Penalties To remain in satisfactory academic standing at the end of the academic year, students are required to earn: A year-end average of 55 or better Earn credits as indicated in the chart below: Credits Attempted 30 or 30 + 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 Earned, at least 6

18 Academic Penalties Continued…
Previous Penalty Requirement(s) not met Penalty at end of Year None One Probation Two Suspension One Probation Dismissal One Suspension More than one Discuss chart and what probation, suspensions and dismissals are.

19 Advising Office Make an appointment if you have questions or concerns about… Program patterns/degree requirements Interpreting Academic Calendar Regulations Degree Compliance Dropping Courses Dealing with Academic Difficulty Appealing an Academic Penalty Taking a course at another institution Withdrawing from the University To book an appointment please use the online booking system at To contact us for any other reason please We are located in Nicholson Tower, Room 207 Website: There are three people on the academic advising team to help you (Suzanne, Kara, Jennie) The department chairs are there to help as well. You should make arrangements to meet with your department chair if you have specific questions

20 Questions

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