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Northwestern College Defensive Plays

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1 Northwestern College Defensive Plays
Defensive Playbook Northwestern College Defensive Plays

2 Defensive Numbering System
Where do we throw the ball once it has been hit Look to keep the double play in place when possible We want to be prepared for all situations as to what we are going to do when the ball is hit to us We want to define our defense by understanding where we will throw the ball in case of: Fly Ball Base Hit Extra Base Hit

3 Legend Direction to where the ball is hit Path of the thrown ball
Direction of where the fielders move

4 Base Hit to Right – Throw going to 2nd Base

5 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw coming from right Catcher Back up 1st base 1st Base Move to 1st base 2nd Base Take the cutoff from right field 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to 2nd base Left Field Back up 3rd base Center Field Back up the right fielder Right Field Catch the ball and throw to 2nd base

6 Base Hit to Right – Throw going to 3rd Base

7 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw coming from right Catcher Stay at home 1st Base Move to 1st base 2nd Base Move to 2nd base 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Take the cutoff from right field Left Field Back up 3rd base Center Field Back up the right fielder Right Field Catch the ball and throw to 3rd base

8 Base Hit to Right – Throw going to Home Plate

9 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw coming from right Catcher Stay at home 1st Base Take the cutoff from right field 2nd Base Move to 1st base and if the ball gets by the right fielder, hustle out to be a cutoff man 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to 2nd base Left Field Back up 3rd base Center Field Back up the right fielder Right Field Catch the ball and throw to Home Plate

10 Base Hit to Center – Throw going to 2nd Base

11 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw coming from center Catcher Back up 1st base 1st Base Move to 1st base 2nd Base Move to 2nd base 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Take the cutoff from center field Left Field Back up 3rd base unless ball is hit to left center, then back up center fielder Center Field Catch the ball and throw to 2nd base Right Field Back up center fielder unless ball is hit to left center, then back up 1st base

12 Base Hit to Center – Throw going to 3rd Base

13 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw coming from Center Catcher Stay at home 1st Base Move to 1st base 2nd Base Move to 2nd base 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Take the cutoff from center fielder Left Field Back up 3rd base, unless the ball is hit to left center, then back up center fielder Center Field Catch the ball and throw to 3rd Right Field Back up the center fielder, unless the ball is hit to left center, then back up 1st base

14 Base Hit to Center – Throw going to Home Plate

15 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw coming from Center Catcher Stay at home 1st Base Take the cutoff from center fielder 2nd Base Move to 1st base 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Take the cutoff from center fielder if the ball gets by the center fielder Left Field Back up 3rd base, unless the ball is hit to left center, then back up center fielder Center Field Catch the ball and throw home Right Field Back up the center fielder, unless the ball is hit to left center

16 Base Hit to Left – Throw going to 2nd Base

17 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from left field Catcher Back up 1st base 1st Base Move to 1st base 2nd Base Move to 2nd base 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Take the cutoff from left fielder Left Field Catch the ball and throw to 2nd base Center Field Back up left fielder Right Field

18 Base Hit to Left – Throw going to 3rd Base

19 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from left field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Move to 1st base 2nd Base Move to 2nd base 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Take the cutoff from left fielder Left Field Catch the ball and throw to 3rd base Center Field Back up left fielder Right Field Back up 1st and 2nd base

20 Base Hit to Left – Throw going to Home Plate

21 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from left field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Move to 1st base 2nd Base Move to 2nd base 3rd Base Take the cutoff from left fielder Shortstop Move to 3rd base Left Field Catch the ball and throw to home Center Field Back up left fielder Right Field Back up 1st and 2nd base

22 Extra Base Hit to Right Field Line – Throw going to 3rd

23 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from Right Field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Trail the runner to 2nd base 2nd Base Move to Right Field to be the first cutoff 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to back up 2nd baseman to be the second cutoff Left Field Back up 2nd and/or 3rd base Center Field Move to right field to get the ball if right fielder does not Right Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff

24 Extra Base Hit to Right Center – Throw going to 3rd

25 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from Right-Center Field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Trail the runner to 2nd base 2nd Base Move to Right-Center Field to be the first cutoff 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to back up 2nd baseman to be the second cutoff Left Field Back up 3rd base Center Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up right fielder Right Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up center fielder

26 Extra Base Hit to Left Center – Throw going to 3rd base

27 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from Left-Center Field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Trail the runner to 2nd base 2nd Base Move to back up shortstop to be the second cutoff 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to left-center field to be the first cutoff Left Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up center fielder Center Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up left fielder Right Field Back up 1st base

28 Extra Base Hit to Left Field – Throw going to 3rd base

29 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from Left Field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Trail the runner to 2nd base 2nd Base Move to back up shortstop to be the second cutoff 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to left-center field to be the first cutoff Left Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff Center Field Move to left field to get the ball if left fielder does not Right Field Back up 1st base

30 Extra Base Hit to Right Field Line – Throw goes to Home Plate

31 Pitcher Back up the throw from Right Field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Move to back up the 2nd baseman to be the second cutoff 2nd Base Move to right field to be the first cutoff 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to 2nd base Left Field Move to back up 2nd base and possibly 3rd base Center Field Move to right field to get the ball if right fielder does not Right Field Catch the ball and throw the ball to the first and/or second cutoff

32 Extra Base Hit to Right Center – Throw goes to Home Plate

33 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from Right-Center Field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Move to the mound as a decoy cut 2nd Base Move to Right-Center Field to be the first relay 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to Right-Center Field to be the second cutoff Left Field Move to 2nd Base Center Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up right fielder Right Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up center fielder

34 Extra Base Hit to Left Center – Throw goes to Home Plate

35 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from Left-Center Field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Move to the mound to be a decoy or cutoff 2nd Base Move to back up shortstop to be the second relay 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to left-center field to be the first relay Left Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up center fielder Center Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up left fielder Right Field Move to 2nd base

36 Extra Base Hit to Left Field Line – Throw goes to Home Plate

37 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Back up the throw from Left-Center Field Catcher Stay at Home 1st Base Trail the base runner and move to 2nd base 2nd Base Move to back up shortstop to be the second relay 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to left-center field to be the first relay Left Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up center fielder Center Field Catch the ball and throw to 1st and/or 2nd cutoff or back up left fielder Right Field Move to back up 2nd base

38 Eagle Defenses

39 Change the looks for the offense – 3rd Base substitutes cuts for 1st base Decoy Plays Hit and Run Defensive Changes

40 Eagle Defense Cut to Home from Right Field

41 Eagle Defense Cut to Home from Center Field

42 Double Play Decoy – Runner at 1st
“Sure Double”

43 Pitcher Move to back up play at 3rd base Catcher Cover Home 1st Base Holds runner at 1st and yells “Runner” 2nd Base On a ball hit to the gap, the 2nd baseman says, “mine-mine-mine” after which, he moves to a cutoff position 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Moves toward 2nd base with both hands up looking at the 2nd baseman as if to take a throw from 2nd baseman saying, “chest-chest-chest”. As the runner get’s close to 2nd base, the shortstop reaches both hands out to the 2nd baseman as if to take a throw and makes sure his eyes are as wide open as possible. Left Field Get the ball or back up 3rd Center Field Go get the ball in either gap Right Field Go get the ball or back up 2nd base

44 Eagle Defense: Base Hit to Left (Same play can be run to centerfield and right field)

45 Pitcher Catcher 1st Base 2nd Base 3rd Base Shortstop Left Field
Be prepared to back up the throw from Left Field Catcher Round in foul territory to take a back door throw from 2nd base 1st Base Moves to an area in front of the base runner to back up the throw going into 2nd base 2nd Base Take the throw into 2nd base, look to throw to catcher covering 1st 3rd Base Move to 3rd base Shortstop Move to left field to be the cutoff Left Field Catch the ball and throw to 2nd base Center Field Move to left field to get the ball if left fielder does not Right Field Back up 1st base

46 Eagle Defense: Plays at the Plate

47 Defensive Responsibilities on plays to the plate
Pitcher Back up the throw from the outfield Catcher Take throws from the outfield 1st Base Cover 1st base 2nd Base Cover 2nd base 3rd Base Take the cutoff from the outfielders Shortstop Cover 3rd base Left Field Throw Home / Back up Center fielder Center Field Throw Home / Back up Left or Right Right Field Throw Home / Back up Center Fielder

48 Eagle Defense: Hit and Run Situation

49 Defensive Responsibilities on Hit and Run Situation
Pitcher Back up the throw going to 3rd Catcher Stays at the plate 1st Base Cover 1st base 2nd Base Attempts to get the ball and circles back to cover 2nd base 3rd Base Cover 3rd base Shortstop Take deep cut from outfielder to induce the base runner at 1st to take 2nd base Left Field Back up 3rd Center Field Back up Right Fielder Right Field Throw through to 3rd base

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