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New EVAAS Teacher Value-Added Reports for

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1 New EVAAS Teacher Value-Added Reports for 2011-12
WCPSS Principals’ Meeting October 24, 2012 In the past, EVAAS Teacher Value Added Reports have been distributed as .PDF files through Quickr. One page per teacher per subject. Beginning with the release of the reports, however, these reports will now be available online directly through the EVAAS website ( For , the format of the reports has changed to include summary information for school administrators, as well as drill-down capability. In addition, teachers will now have direct access to their own reports by logging into the EVAAS website and entering their personnel ID numbers.



4 Principals and teachers are the only staff who will have access to the teacher reports and will be required to enter their WCPSS Employee ID in order to see the report. Principals can still share their username and password with other staff (e.g., Asst. Principals) in order for them to view the school level reports. Access to the Teacher Reports cannot be obtained without an authorized employee ID.



7 Principals will have access to all teachers in his/her building and has the option of selecting an individual teacher. Teachers will only have access to their specific report. Each teacher will be assigned an effectiveness level based on the amount of progress his or her students made in comparison to the state average. The Rules of Effectiveness Level Determination are determined based on the following: Exceeds Expected Growth: Teachers whose students are making substantially more progress than the state average (the teacher’s index is 2 or greater). Meets Expected Growth: Teachers whose students are making the same amount of progress as the state average (the teacher’s index is equal to or greater than -2 but less than 2). Does Not Meet Expected Growth: Teachers whose students are making substantially less progress than the state average (the teacher’s index is less than -2).

8 Teacher estimates are from a SAS EVAAS multivariate, longitudinal analysis using all available data for each student (up to 5 years). The Level column will be defined as Exceeds Expected Growth, Meets Expected Growth, Does Not Meet Expected Growth. (This example is from Tennessee, and they have a different classification system). Remember, North Carolina’s levels are based on the following: Exceeds Expected Growth: Teachers whose students are making substantially more progress than the state average (the teacher’s index is 2 or greater). Meets Expected Growth: Teachers whose students are making the same amount of progress as the state average (the teacher’s index is equal to or greater than -2 but less than 2). Does Not Meet Expected Growth: Teachers whose students are making substantially less progress than the state average (the teacher’s index is less than -2). This report allows teachers to compare his or her students’ progress with the state growth standard, stage average, and district average.

9 Teachers can see a list of the students that were included in their analysis for the most recently tested year by clicking the “View List of Students” link.

10 This list allows teachers to see what students were included in the analysis. Teachers can view a student’s test history by clicking on the student’s name.

11 This report provides teachers with a 3yr average of the distribution of teachers statewide.
Remember the levels for NC will be listed as: Exceeds Expected Growth Meets Expected Growth Does Not Meet Expected Growth

12 The diagnostic report will look much like the one that used to be on the .PDF reports in previous years.

13 The EVAAS Teacher Diagnostic Report is used to help teachers identify trends and/or patterns of progress among students at different achievement levels and should not be used for evaluation purposes. Students are assigned to groups based on whether they are predicted to score in the lowest, middle, or highest third in the state, among all students tested in the grade/subject within the given year. The gains reflect the progress of the students the teacher taught, who were expected to score within each category. Reference Line in green on the chart represents the amount of progress students in each Prior-Achievement Subgroup must make in order to maintain their level of achievement from year to year. Blue bars show the gain in the most recent year. Gold bars show the gain for up to three previous cohorts, when data are available. No bar is presented for subgroups with fewer than five students.

14 To view additional reports you can click on the underlined numbers or words. For example if a teacher wanted to see what students make up the lowest group, he/she would just need to click the number 9 in this example.

15 This is a list of students in group 1 (lowest)
This is a list of students in group 1 (lowest). It provides the State NCE scores and the performance level. Remember for our state, the performance levels would be level 1, 2, 3 or 4. The State NCE scores are a new metric that is being reported this year and are based on a range of 1 to 100. The NCE scores should be interpreted in the same way you would interpret percentile scores. It is an indication of the student’s position in the state distribution of scores.

16 Teachers can also view additional information about a student by clicking on the content area (e.g., Reading/Language) which will take them to the Student Pattern Report.

17 The Student Pattern Report disaggregates progress for specific students of a teacher’s choosing. It provides teacher with the opportunity to see how effective he/she was with the lowest, middle, and highest achieving students in the group selected. A minimum of fifteen students with both current and previous year NCEs must be chosen in order to generate a report.

18 The gains shown on the Student Pattern Report differ from those reported on the EVAAS Teacher Diagnostic Report because the student grouping is different. In the Teacher Student Pattern Report, the students chosen from the Student Pattern List for the report are divided into three as close to equal groups as possible, depending upon whether they were predicted to score in the highest, middle, or lowest third among the students you selected. Remember on the EVAAS Teacher Diagnostic Report, students are assigned to groups based on whether they are predicted to score in the lowest, middle, or highest third in the state, among all students tested in the grade/subject within the given year. The gains reflect the progress of the students the teacher taught, who were expected to score within each category. So this version here (labeled “Teacher Student Pattern Report”) the low-middle-high groupings are relative to the class as whole, whereas the Teacher Diagnostic Report we looked at earlier grouped students relative to the entire state.

19 What to expect in the near future…
Reports available in the very near future (we hope!) School administrators will have access first, with teacher access to follow later on Login and password instructions will be sent out by SAS to all teachers These measurements will eventually be the source for Standard 6 evaluation ratings (for teachers) and Standard 8 for principals 3-year average, with as “Year 1” for everyone D&A will offer training for teachers throughout the year (face-to-face as well as through Blackboard); SAS will likely have some online training as well

20 For more information… Sonya Stephens (
Brad McMillen

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