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Severe Weather.

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Presentation on theme: "Severe Weather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Severe Weather

2 Thunderstorm time lapse
Storm that generates lightning and thunder; often produces gusty winds, heavy rain, hail From cumulonimbus cloud(s) along a cold front Occurs all over the earth (most in the tropics) when warm, humid air rises in an unstable environment Thunderstorm time lapse

3 Stages in the Development of a Thunderstorm
1: 2: 3: Mature stage: Simultaneous updraft and downdraft create strong winds Raindrops merge and get bigger as they fall long distance through cloud

4 Hail formation Balls of ice that fall from a cumulonimbus cloud
Ice gets swept up and down in updrafts inside cloud Grow larger as water refreezes each time they rise

5 Largest Recorded Hailstone
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6 Lightning During mature storm stage
Updrafts and downdrafts rub against each other, building up static electricity Bottom becomes negatively charged; ground is positively charged May occur within a cloud, between clouds, or from cloud to ground How Stuff Works: Lightning

7 Tornado Violently rotating column of air touching earth and cumulonimbus cloud Most form during severe thunderstorms

8 Tornadoes

9 Video: Tornado Crosses Kansas Highway

10 Tornado Intensity Fujita Scale: rates storm by damage caused
Tornado safety Watch: conditions are right for a tornado Warning: tornado has been sighted BBC Tornado Animation

11 Other names: Typhoon (Pacific Ocean), Willy-willy (Australia)
Hurricane Large areas of low pressure rotating counter clockwise Central eye is an area of high pressure Season starts in June, peaks in Sept Favorable conditions: Unstable atmosphere Warm ocean temps Other names: Typhoon (Pacific Ocean), Willy-willy (Australia) BBC Hurricane Animation

12 Photograph courtesy NASA/GSFC

13 Where Hurricanes Form  7 Basins
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14 New Orleans Strong Side Weak Side

15 Cross Section of a Hurricane
Makes no sense without caption in book Eye = high-pressure center Eyewall = circle of strong thunderstorms surrounding eye Rainbands = arms formed by curved lines of storm clouds

16 Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
Makes no sense without caption in book Category Animation

17 Hurricane Hazards Flying debris Tornadoes
A storm surge is water pushed toward the shore by the force of the winds swirling around the storm Severe flooding Beach erosion Causes more damage than winds

18 Write your summary A few sentences to summarize this set of notes

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