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Pastoraat aan die verslaafde Pastorate to the addict

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Presentation on theme: "Pastoraat aan die verslaafde Pastorate to the addict"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pastoraat aan die verslaafde Pastorate to the addict

2 Mat 9: En toe die Fariseërs dit sien, sê hulle vir sy dissipels: Waarom eet julle Meester saam met tollenaars en sondaars? 12 Maar toe Jesus dit hoor, sê Hy vir hulle: Die wat gesond is, het die geneesheer nie nodig nie, maar die wat ongesteld is. 13 Maar gaan leer wat dit beteken: Ek wil barmhartigheid hê en nie offerande nie; want Ek het nie gekom om regverdiges te roep nie, maar sondaars tot bekering.

3 Johannes 8:32 En julle sal die waarheid ken, en die waarheid sal julle vrymaak.
33 Hulle antwoord Hom: Ons is die geslag van Abraham en het nog nooit vir iemand slawediens verrig nie; hoe sê U dan: Julle sal vry word? 34 Jesus antwoord hulle: Voorwaar, voorwaar Ek sê vir julle dat elkeen wat die sonde doen, ‘n slaaf van die sonde is.

4 Wye verskeidenheid verslawings
Dobbel Alkohol Dwelms Pornografie Sukses Sport Eet ……… Christene?

5 Die oorsprong van verslawing
Pyn, leegheid Verbreekte verhoudings God Medemens Skepping plaasvervangende oplossing Skuld en skaamte/ ontrek verslawing Gewoonte/afgod


7 Sirkelgang van verslawing
Bekering Vasbyt Desperaat Sirkelgang van verslawing Snellers : val Skuld en skaamte – dieper val

8 Red Flag/Trigger Triggers Hungry Emotions Angry Beginning Lonely Tired
Warnings! Aloneness, fear, anxiety, self hatred, worthlessness, inadequacy, shame, stress, fatique, boredom etc

9 Conditioned response to emotional pain
Truth/Lie In the mind Red Flag Reflex Conditioned response to emotional pain Faulty belief system Impaired thinking

10 Need to detach from pain
Red Flag Reflex Reaction Need to detach from pain

11 Reflex Despair Despair Reaction
Red Flag Reflex Despair Despair Reaction Preocupation Give mind over to obsessive thoughts of escape Detach from pain by attaching to another emotion You can live in this stage!!

12 The Sin cycle White knuckle Red Flag Reflex Despair Sin Cycle
Habitual routines leading to comfort behavior. Think about what you have done and are going to do Preoccupation Punish Deserve to be punished Ritualization commitment Acting out: Taking hold of lesser desire; Remove pain? Empower?; Feel better than to face reality? Am I better able to love God?

13 Never addresses the triggers Simply leaves one still in pain
The Law cycle Red Flag Reflex Despair Reaction Law Cycle Saying "No!" Preoccupation Never addresses the triggers Simply leaves one still in pain Therefore leads back to preoccupation

14 Red Flag Despair Formalistic Despair Reflex Law Cycle Saying "No!" Sin Cycle Preoccupation Habitual routines leading to comfort behavior. Think about what you have done and are going to do Punish Deserve to be punished Ritualization commitment Acting out: Taking hold of lesser desire; Remove pain? Empower?; Feel better than to face reality? Am I better able to love God?

15 Action Saying "Yes" Ritualization Red Flag
Conscious choice in response to reflex Red Flag Despair Despair Reflex Saying "No!" Law Cycle Preoccupation Punish Saying "Yes" To being known by God and Christ's body Ritualization commitment Confess Be known Choose forgiveness Choose love/worthiness Ritualization

16 The Grace cycle Red Flag Action Hope Saying "Yes" Commitment
Conscious choice in response to reflex Hope Saying "Yes" To being known by God and Christ's body Commitment Confess Be known Choose forgiveness Choose love/worthiness Leef as oorwinnaar, vervuld met die Gees Ritualization


18 Sirkelgang van verslawing
Bekering Vasbyt Desperaat Sirkelgang van verslawing Snellers : val Skuld en skaamte – dieper val

19 Die liefde van God en gelowiges
Bekering Verbly Vader, Seun en Heilige Gees Desperaat Accountability partner Snellers : val Skuld en skaamte Identifiseer - voorsorg Accountability partner lei jou na die drie-enige God

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