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ADIwg Update to AOOS project Making ISO metadata accessible

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1 ADIwg Update to AOOS 2013-14 project Making ISO metadata accessible
September 25, 2014 Stan Smith, USGS

2 Project Background Mission Phase II – support for DATA metadata
Adoption of ISO as standard Agreed to share high investment cost of understanding and implementation Implementation must support diversity of needs and technical requirements across ADIwg membership Replace Phase I project standard based on FGDC Work has been accelerated by … Sharing workload among ADIwg membership FY13 funding from National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC - USGS) FY14 and FY15 funding from Community for Data Integration (CDI – USGS) Work via ADIwg is largely on a “volunteer” basis, grants help accelerated the process since staff resource can be allocated directly. 9/22/2018

3 Project Objectives (ISO)
Eliminate necessity to learn ISO family of standards Make it easier for organizations to become ISO compliant Integrate ISO support into local applications and services Implement custom web services with integrated ISO metadata capability Host a public web service for generation of ISO metadata records Host a public web app for PIs to enter and edit metadata Support both project and data metadata in ISO Most important was to design an architecture that would allow all our organizations with their greatly varying requirements and technical abilities to benefit from the end products. 9/22/2018

4 Current Project Scope In scope
Support creation of original metadata records Use portable, open source code library Create a user-friendly metadata preparation tool Accommodate diverse needs and technical abilities Extensible: Accept input in multiple standards Create metadata in multiple standards Not in scope Metadata clearinghouse (store & search metadata records) Translation between XML metadata standards (e.g. FGDC->ISO) Provide metadata snippets to other metadata tools 9/22/2018

5 Main Toolkit Components
ADIwg mdJSON mdTranslator mdEditor 9/22/2018

6 Toolkit in Practice 1. Hosted Web Service ISO XML World Wide Web ADIwg
mdTranslator Metadata Writer JSON Reader Internal Format Other* ISO FGDC* Reader* ISO* Writer* Hosted Web Service ADIwg ISO XML World Wide Web This now implemented in our demo site. When documentation is complete we will release the public version of this service. 9/22/2018

7 Toolkit in Practice 2. Integrated System Component ADIwg JSON
mdTranslator Metadata Writer JSON Reader Internal Format Other* ISO FGDC* Reader* ISO* Writer* Database ADIwg JSON ISO XML Agency System This is our next development step We just reorganized our GitHub repositories to support the mdTranslator and ADIwg JSON schema as independent projects (think back to Primer slide) Ruby Gem Agency Server 9/22/2018

8 Toolkit in Practice 3. Hosted Metadata Editor/Translator
ISO XML World Wide Web mdTranslator Metadata Writer JSON Reader Internal Format Other* ISO FGDC* Reader* ISO* Writer* ADIwg JSON Third scenario is to host a web site to gather metadata on a web form. Likely to imbed web form in a Rails 4 project. Remember open-source: We want to be able to provide developers with a web form they can modify to keep pace with changes they make to the translator. Hope to start work fall 2014. Hosted Web Form Hosted Web Service 9/22/2018

9 Development Milestones
Support ADIwg Project Metadata standard Refactor and Package mdTranslator as Ruby Gem Complete Developer and User Documentation Open REST endpoint to public Provide web form access and code Support ISO Funded by CDI 2014/2015 Work In Progress Determine Supported ISO Classes & Attributes Build Example ISO XML Verify Supported Fields List support for other standards Design Translator Architecture Draft ISO JSON Standard Build JSON validator components Build reader and writer components (JSON->ISO XML) Host Demo for mdTranslator Development will continue with or without CDI funding – just will proceed faster with funding ADIwg needs to complete to satisfy requirement from ACCER Also from IARPC (attached to OSTP) and the 2013 OSTP and OMB Memorandums Funded by NCCWSC 2013 *Blue Milestones Reached 9/22/2018

10 ADIwg Participant List
Federal Participants Arctic LCC, BLM, BOEM, NPS, USFS, USFWS, USGS State Participants DOT, GINA, IARC, UAS Other Participants AOOS, CH2MHill, Colorado U, NPRB, Nunatech, UTEP 9/22/2018

11 Other Interested Parties
SAON – Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks ADCN – Arctic Data Coordination Network PGC – Polar Geospatial Center HDF Group ACADIS – Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Services IARC – International Arctic Research Center BAID – Barrow Area Information Database IASOA – International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere IARPC – Interagency Arctic Research Policy Council Terrestrial Ecosystems Implementation Team (TEIT) Arctic Data Implementation Team (ADIT) SEARCH – Study of Environmental Arctic Change NCCWSC – National Climate Change & Wildlife Science Centers 9/22/2018

12 Questions? Discussion? 9/22/2018

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