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ECEN 1500 Sustainable Energy

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1 ECEN 1500 Sustainable Energy
Profs. Tim Brown and Zoya Popovic What is this class about? 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

2 Who are your instructors?
Prof. Tim Brown Director of Prof. Zoya Popovic Hudson Moore Endowed Chair Will join us Wednesday 30+ years teaching experience 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation 3

3 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation
Logistics (Syllabus) Class Goals Course Objectives CULearn/Clickers Textbook Grading Schedule Honor Code Class Etiquette 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

4 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation
Clicker Question How did you get to school today? Walk Car Bus Bike Other 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

5 Focus on the United Kingdom
North Sea Atlantic, U.S.A. Russia What is the rectangle? Colorado 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

6 Why is this class in engineering?
Energy problems need engineering Physics 3070 Numbers Physics 3070: you can learn in physics what the optical spectrum is and why there is 1.34kW/m^2 incident power density from the Sun. You will also learn why solar cells work. In this class, you will learn how to best convert solar energy into electrical power (e.g. you need DC-AC converters), and also what it would take to improve the total PV system efficiency. To make meaningful decisions related to energy policy, we need numbers Example: it is not useful to say: “we have a lot of wind energy” – instead we need to say how many Joules of energy we use and how many Joules we can get out of wind at any given place. Then we can conclude what percentage of needed energy we can get from wind. 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

7 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation
Clicker Question In 2008, total utility green power sales exceeded 5 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh), about a 20% increase over NREL Highlights Utility Green Power Leaders, National Renewable Energy Lab Press Release, April 14, 2009 Is this a lot of energy? Yes No How much electricity does your home use every month? How many home months can 5BkWh support? Note the quote goes on to say “More than 600,000 customers are participating in utility programs nationwide.” There are about 100M homes so again less than 1%. Also says Xcel is 4rth largest in terms of green energy sales. Also says most utility green energy is wind today. 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

8 Why are we discussing energy policy?
North Sea oil production Afghanistan Supply Convoy 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

9 The Energy Opportunity
Closing of Old Power Stations Support for green New technologies We need people who understand Energy 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

10 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation
Clicker Question By how much is the coal production in the UK predicted to decrease from year 2015 to year 2016? 10% or less 10-40% 40% or more This is a sample suggested format for clicker questions. 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

11 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation
Summary This is a new and exciting class We will take engineering perspective Energy debate needs meaningful numbers Energy policy is important Fossil Fuels finite Energy supply is not secure Fossil fuels produce CO2 (next class). Take Quiz 0 on CU Learn before next class. 9/22/2018 Lecture 1: Introduction and Motivation

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