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Belpark Triathlon Club Limerick training camp 2012

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Presentation on theme: "Belpark Triathlon Club Limerick training camp 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Belpark Triathlon Club Limerick training camp 2012
Planning effective programmes Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

2 Science Vs Experience It’s not about working like another team/ player/ athlete, its about working with what you have got. You need to start by asking the right questions Know what you have got, Know what you need, And work with that Moneyball Trailer 2011 HD.mp3 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

3 What am going to get out of this?
Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 What am going to get out of this? Factors involved in decision making Goal setting Building a frame Structuring the framework Laying foundations Monitoring progress Specificity Down time Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

4 First steps to designing your programme
What is your objective? Improve performance, change in Lifestyle, Social vent Work/life balance. What factors may cause challenges? Reassess. Be realistic. What is my physical/ sporting background? Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

5 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012
The Blue Prints Designing a training programme Training an athlete to perform requires principles for training However, the quantity and type of ingredients will vary for each athlete. There is no single recipe that works for everyone. Each plan must be adapted to match the needs, characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each athlete. Principles of training Individuality Overload and progression Adaptation Rest and regeneration Readiness Variability Maintenance Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

6 The Overload Principle
Frequency – Increasing the number of sessions or repetitions of the sport Intensity – Increasing the pace (or resistance) of the activity Volume – Increasing the duration (time) or distance of the activity Progression involves a combo of overload and rest/ regeneration. F I V dependent on strengths, weaknesses, stage of development, response to training, experience level, and requirements of sport. Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

7 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012
Meso cycles Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

8 Planning you week (microcycle)Where, when, what, why?
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun AM PM Energy system Supply Duration Distance Lactate mmol/L HR, bpm Rec Aerobic (Oxidative) 3k+ 0-2 -120 End. 1 (A1) 12min+ 1500-3k 2-4 End. 2-3 (A2-3) Mix Aerobic + Anaerobic 3-12min 4-8 Spd. 1-2 Anaerobic (non ox) 10sec-3min 8+ 175+ Spd. 3 Anaerobic Creat. Phosph. 0-15sec 15-50 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

9 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012
Measures Bike 30min TT, familiar controlled route 10min easy HR<120 , 20mins hard to full effort. Record: Ave HR, Ave Cadence, Time taken over fixed distance, RPE Run 2K Track, full effort, or fixed time ~20min Ave. HR, max. HR, RPE, Time taken Swim 400m TT Time taken, stroke rate, distance per stroke, HR max. HR ave. Strength Core - 2 min/ 8 stage Plank Upper body strength end. - Wide forward grip pull ups Lower body strength end. - 30s VJs, 30s R, 30s Burpees w. jump, Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

10 What to monitor in a training diary?
Lab results – run, bike. Meso/macro cycle Field test – run, bike, swim, strength. Meso cycle Medical/ Physio/ Therapist results, blood tests. Meso/macro cycle HR – Field tests to determine you Max HR RPE – The Borg scale. Subjective. Correlates with HR. Intensity Duration – Session length Training load – Duration x RPE Recovery index- profiling mood state Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

11 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012

12 Monitoring Recovery Index
Date Weight (kg) RHR Motivation Mood Appetite Soreness Sleep Home life College/ School life Sum of recovery 5BT Max 16/03/2011 72 48.5 5 3 4 2 23 11.5 31/03/2011 48 31 11.85 17/10/2011 74.1 49 28 11 24/10/2011 74.8 51 26 31/10/2011 74.7 32 10.6 07/11/2011 74 50 1 14/11/2011 74.9 21/11/2011 73.9 47 30 05/12/2011 73.3 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

13 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012
Sum of recovery index Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

14 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012
Flagging system Green Zone Amber Zone Red Zone No injury Injury Grade 1 Fatigue index score <14 No pain/soreness Fatigue index of <21 RHR increase 10bpm Fatigue index score +21 15cm decrease in bound 20cm decrease bounds Norm RHR RHR increase 5bpm Injury Grade 2-3 Improved bound HR not recovering as expected HR not recovering between training sets Action Race time Check training diary No race gradual change in training load or intensity Revise previous traininig block Question athlete Reduce training load Be cautious Consider rest week or cross-train Consult secondary coaches or specialist Consult parents Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

15 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012
Take home points Keep the bigger picture in mind. All training programmes are flexible and when designed correctly, specific, from the macro to the micro level. Prepare, plan, assess, evaluate. Set realistic goals. Sometimes just switch off; no gadgets, no numbers, no alarms, no rules. Just swim bike run Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

16 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012

17 Stroke analysis measures
Stroke Rate Measured within the 15-25m & 35-45m mark in every 50m or Time (Seconds) For 3 Full Stroke cycles calculated using the following formula: [(3/Time For 3 Strokes) * 60] = SR Stroke Count Measured during each full 50m segment Stroke Length (DPS) Measured Within The 15-25m & 35-45m mark in every 50m. Swim speed = Distance/ Time (m/secs) Calculated Using The Following Formula: (Swim Speed)/(Stroke Rate/60) = SL Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

18 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012
Lynne Algar, BSc, MSc Doctorate Researcher & Tutor Department of PE and Sport Sciences University of Limerick Ireland Physical Therapist Coach and Tutor Triathlon Ireland Mobile: +353 (0) Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 Belpark Triathlon Club 2012 *

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