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You are sitting below decks in a ship

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1 You are sitting below decks in a ship
You are sitting below decks in a ship It is far smaller than you had imagined. Oh well, too late to turn back now. You look out the porthole on the starboard side. Draw what you think you would see. Bellwork

2 Culture Shock: Pirates

3 “You are a pirate” video from Youtube

4 “How to talk like a Pirate” video from Youtube.

5 Out at Sea No crew can sail the sea without proper rules. Ye be sailin’ with the roughest bunch o’ scalawags this side of Davey Jones’ locker and ye can’t be trustin’ them without rules. As a crew make a charter of 5 rules that will govern your adventure. A proper charter must include -Fate of deserters -Responsibilities on ship -How the crew fires the Captain -How the treasure is decided. -Rules of behavior while on board -How to deal with people who break the rules. Have students as a class suggest rules for the ship. Have them vote as each rule is proposed until you get 10 (or the in the case of a particularly disagreeable lot, 5 will do.)

6 Swabbin’ the Desk Now that ye be havin’ some rules it be time to get to work. Ye need to be swabbin’ that there desk o’ yers. If ye be lettin’ that salty sea water sit on yer desk it will rot the board and be sinkin yer ship matey! Get yer mop and start swabbin! I use Dixie cups with water as buckets and Q-tips as mops. Each student must clean their desk with these tools before we move on with the lab. Advance to the next slide to give a feel of being at sea as they swab. Playing a nice sea chanty along with showing the next slide would also be good while they work. 7


8 Port Royal, Jamaica Tortuga Isle of Jolie Rouge Isle of Yap
Either select a destination of your own or have your class vote. Click on the flag they wish to go to to get the ship to move to that area, a skull will then appear which you click on to move to that activity. Mythbusters Bay Cuba 9

9 The Island of Jolie Rouge
Well, ahoy there mateys. I didn’t even see ya comin’ up with that raggy ship of yours. Ye seem to have a cabinboy for a cap’n says I! Ya see no good ship can be sailing without a standard. Where’s yer flag mateys? Yer flag is the first sign an enemy will see of ya. Ye want them running to their mommas crying at the very sight of it! So, before ye be leavin’ this island ye need to be makin’ a flag. Think of something that would leave a middle-schooler screaming “Shiver me timbers!” Design a full page flag that would strike fear into the hearts of other students. Think about what middle schoolers are afraid of! Have each student quickly sketch a design for a flag. Out to Sea

10 The Island of Tortuga So, ye finally reach the greatest pirate party in the Spanish Main and ye come dressed like that? We ought to keel haul ye just fer thinkin’ it! Well if yer gonna be stayin’ on Tortuga ye best look right. Follow the directions to make yerself a fine pirate hat! Provide students with newspaper and directions to make a pirate hat (Try Google.) Out to Sea

11 Mythbusters Bay Ah, so ye been told pirates didn’t wear eyepatches? I’m sure ye were told that they be a ridiculous piece of kit that would only make it harder to see. Well matey, here’s yer chance to find out! Cover one of yer eyes and watch these landlubbers test it out! I show a clip from the mythbusters pirate special here. You might find it on youtube but there is a DVD out there for sure. Out to Sea

12 The Island of… Wait, where are we?
ARR! Our fool of a shipmate has got us lost at sea! I’d keelhaul that scalawag if we had someone else who knew how to be readin’ the charts! If we follow his directions we should make it back. Give students, in pairs, a compass and a print out of the map on slide 12. use the directions on slide 11 to reach the proper destination. Out to Sea

13 The Island of… Wait, where are we?
Travel 7 leagues North. Travel 3 leagues East. Travel 1 league North-east. Travel 2 leagues east. Travel 1 league South-East. Travel 4 leagues South. Travel 5 leagues East Travel 6 leagues South. Travel 5 leagues South-West Travel 2 leagues West Travel 2 leagues Northwest. Out to Sea 14

14 The Island of… Ahhh we hit a rock!
Seems ye made a poor choice of cap’n! That fool just ran yer ship right into a rock! Yer ship be a sinkin’ matey and it be sinkin’ quick. As any good pirate knows they only way to keep from ending up in Davey Jones’ locker is to run to the opposite side of the ship as it’s tiltin’. Listen carefully to the chief helmsman as he tries to save yer lives! I hope ye learned yer nautical terms because we’ve no time to waste on any land lubbers! Here we play a game called Shipwreck. Students all stand in a line. I yell out ship directions (starboard, aft, etc.) and they must step in that direction. Basically simon says with nautical terms. I provide the term list the night before to be learned as homework. Out to Sea

15 Port Royal, Jamaica Ah, alas good sir you have arrived at the glorious town of Port Royal. Your timing is impeccable as we have just lunched at the bay and have settled in for a night of classical music and poetry. It would make us oh-so-happy if you could take the poems below and rewrite them into your delightful pirate language! Using their pirate term list students rewrite the poems on the next two slides.

16 Port Royal, Jamaica Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and whey; Along came a spider, Who sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away. 19

17 Port Royal, Jamaica Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Out to Sea 20

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