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A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. -During math we will continue working on making a group of 10.

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Presentation on theme: "A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. -During math we will continue working on making a group of 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. -During math we will continue working on making a group of 10 when adding two digits together. Students will work on making a 10 with the numbers 9, 8, and 7 by breaking apart the other digit. Students will continue their work on addition and subtraction during center time. -This week during writing time we will be working on telling more within our writing. Students will be writing a silly animal story. We will focus on adjectives to describe shape, color, size, etc. -During our Core Knowledge time will wrap up our science unit on States of Matter by enjoying a root beer float (Which has all 3 states of matter inside it!). We will finish up the week discussing the 3 World Religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Homework Ideas -Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - reading homework -Tuesdays and Thursdays - math homework Reminders As the weather gets colder don’t forget to send your kiddo to school with the appropriate winter attire. Coats, gloves, hats, scarfs, etc… December 12th: 1st grade Music Program (5pm-6pm) - December 15th: Mismatch Day - December 18th: Fit-n-Fun (3:10-3:45 in the gym) Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News December 11th 2017 Looking Ahead Extra News -If you are wanting to help with our Holiday Party don’t forget to look for a Sign Up Genius in regards to volunteers. Specials this Week Monday- Computers Tuesday- Music Wednesday – Music Thursday- P.E. Friday- Computers **We will be having an extra music day this week to prepare for our music program on the 12th**

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