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Welcome West Yadkin Elementary School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome West Yadkin Elementary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome West Yadkin Elementary School
Jona M. Atkins, Principal Amy Rankin, Assistant Principal

2 Start Time: 7:45 AM Tardy: 8:00 AM Carline Drop-off 7:35 AM Behind Cafeteria Safety Concerns – No Adults? Carline takes 3-4 weeks to settle down. 400 students in carline prior to riding buses Buses – Pick-up and Drop-off Affected by carline issues

3 Attendance is SO IMPORTANT!!!
Students tardy repeatedly are missing the same subject each day. Our data shows that students missing more than 15 days or with more than 25 tardies are 80% more likely to be retained They can’t learn, if they are not here…. You can make-up the work, but not the instruction!

4 Changes in How Your Child is Picked UP #1 – Send a note in planner or folder #2 – Call before 1:30 PM Massive calls after 1:30 1 person answering the phone Buses Load at 2:50 & Carline Avoidance Classes begin moving to buses at 2:45 Arrive after 2:45 go to Front Office, show ID, they will call buses to remove your child from the bus Safety Issue – Match adult with child

5 1st Three Weeks Welcome to walk in your child Be aware 3rd-6th report straight to breakfast After 1st Three Weeks Front Parking PreK Parents Only! PreK Parents – older children can walk in with you Students need to be on buses or in carline Lunch Room 1st Three Weeks Please give our teachers these three weeks to teach our children the lunch routine. After that please feel free to join them for lunch. No parents at lunch days are in your Handbook Addendum pages.

6 Dress Code No Flip-Flops; Only Tennis Shoes or Sandals Dress Code is on p. 75 of Handbook All Medications (Tylenol to Inhalers) Not allowed on campus unless… Medical Form with doctor’s signature on file No meds in book bags or Ziplocs

7 Bullying Most students are not self-reporting but… will tell their parents or siblings Please report to teacher or principals the moment you hear of something 1st report: Warning to student; parent called 2nd report: Bullying charge following the Code of Conduct on p. 65 of Handbook Must have the 1st report to advance to the 2nd!

8 Last But Not Least…. Teachers are here to give your child the best education possible Please call them first with any issue you might be experiencing If you need further assistance, please feel free to call the Principal or Assistant Principal. We are all here to benefit your child!

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