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Immigration and Moving West in Antebellum America

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1 Immigration and Moving West in Antebellum America
Chapter 15.1 AP US November 2, 2011

2 Americans Move West “Europe stretches to the Alleghenies; America lies beyond” Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1844 Young Republic - in 1850, half of Americans were under 30 By 1840, the population center had crossed the Alleghenies and by 1860, it had crossed the Ohio River

3 “Raw” Frontier of the West
Most frontier families were poorly housed, fed, and cared for Loneliness, disease, depression, and insanity were frequent rewards for carving out the new frontier Most frontier people were rugged individuals But they did ask their neighbors for help with barn raising and their government for help with internal improvements

4 Ecological Imperialism
Tobacco farmers kept moving west again and again after exhausting their land Kentucky was burned in order to plant bluegrass for grazing Fur Trading became a huge business, leading to the endangerment of the beaver, buffalo, and sea otter

5 Preservation of Natural Wonder
Some began to worry about the destruction of America’s pristine West George Catlin, a painter and student of Native American life, suggested the creation of national parks Yellowstone was the first of these in 1872

6 Demographic Changes By 1860, 33 states in the Union.
Population still doubling every 25 years Natural birthrate accounted for most of population increase until 1840 Immigration added hundreds of thousands more per year. U.S. 4th most populous western country behind Russia, France, & Austria. By 1860, 43 cities above 20,000; In 1790, only 2 Urbanization resulted in slums, crime, filthy living conditions

7 American Population Centers in 1820

8 American Population Centers in 1860

9 Why did Immigrants move to America? (Push and Pull Factors)
Population of the Old World doubled in the 1800’s Too many people, not enough jobs or land Letters from previous immigrants spoke of prosperity in America Though it turned out to be not necessarily more prosperity than you had before Steamships shortened the journey from weeks to days Still perilous and disease ridden

10 National Origin of Immigrants: 1820 - 1860
Why now?

11 The Potato Famine 2 million people died from the Irish potato famine in the mid-1840s and thousands of others immigrated to America to escape. Became largest group of immigrants to U.S. between 1830 and the Civil War. 2 million arrived between 1830 and 1860; more Irish in U.S. than in Ireland!

12 The Potato Famine Irish came to larger cities: couldn't afford to move out west Boston & NY contained more Irish than any other city in the world

13 Discrimination and the Irish
Irish were targets for discrimination: Catholic and often poor Hated by native Protestants as they took over jobs for very low pay. Irish, in turn, hated blacks whom they competed with for low-wage jobs. Race riots between black & Irish dock workers occurred in certain port cities. Irish did not support abolitionism.

14 Irish and Politics Irish began to climb up the social ladder by buying property. Rather than going to school, children often worked to help family buy a home. Irish were politically involved; came to control political machines in cities. For example, New York's Tammany Hall Dominated police departments in many big cities Politicians courted the Irish vote by criticizing Britain, whom the Irish hated. Became a major force in the Democratic Party in the North.

15 Germans Arrive in America
Over 1.5 million came to America between Became largest group of immigrants by the 20th century. Today as many as 25% of all Americans have German ancestry

16 Germans Arrive in America
Most were uprooted farmers; many were displaced by crop failures Some were political refugees from the Democratic Revolutions of 1848 (that failed) Most moved to the Midwest (Wisconsin) where they built successful farms

17 German Culture and Influence
Formed an influential body of voters, but were less politically influential than the Irish since they were scattered demographically. Better educated than frontier Americans; supported public schools including Kindergarten Strongly supported abolitionism prior to the Civil War. Protestants concerned that German culture might alter American culture Germans often lived in own towns and remained separate from other towns. Beer was important to German culture and that spurred on the temperance movement

18 Religious Fears Irish and German immigration offended many Protestant nativists who feared immigrants would overpopulate and unduly influence politics. Irish and large minority of Germans were Catholic; viewed as "foreign" church controlled by the Pope. Catholics eventually constructed a separate parochial educational system. By 1850, Catholics became the largest religious group in America; outnumbered Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists.

19 Nativism Nativism A form of discrimination
Nativists gave preference to those who were born in America, “natives” Additional preference was given for those of Protestant and Anglo-Saxon descent Nativists created the Order of the Star-Spangled banner, which then became the Know-Nothing Party Main issues were controlling immigration Called Know-Nothing because they were so secretive

20 Know Nothing Party

21 Why So Much Immigration?
If there was violence and racist tendencies against immigrants, why was there so much immigration? The violence was not as much as it could have been. Industrialization needed workers and the recent immigrants were those poorly paid workers

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