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Prejudice and Discrimination

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Presentation on theme: "Prejudice and Discrimination"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prejudice and Discrimination
Prejudice: a negative attitude directed toward people because they are members of a specific social group. Discrimination: a negative action toward members of a specific social group.

2 So you don’t have any preconceived notions?
Level of education? Music preferences? Hobbies? Name? Occupation? Can he babysit your child?

3 What is your level of comfort?
Could you fall in love with a member of a different race? How would your friends react if you married a member of a different race? You receive a blood transfusion from a person of a different race. Does it make you uneasy to see a biracial couple?

4 Stereotyping and Prejudice
Outgroup Homogeneity: members of the outgroup are more similar than members of the ingroup. “All Asians look alike.” Negative feelings AND Stereotyping are essential components, but not the ONLYcomponents

5 Illusory Correlation The belief that two variables are associated wit one another when, in fact, there is little or no actual association. …a lot like the availability heuristic Shared distinctiveness

6 Subcategories What groups did you have in high school? Could you change your perceptions of those people?

7 Social Causes Unequal Power and Oppression
Intergroup Competition (Vincent Chin) realistic group conflict theory hostility and ethnocentrism Robber’s Cave Social Identity Authoritarian Personality Religion

8 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

9 Authoritarian Personality
Adorno: submissiveness to authority, rigid adherence to conventional values, and prejudice towards outgroups. F Scale: Short for Fascism Psychological History: severely disciplined as children, learned society was competitive and hierarchical

10 Religious Beliefs Correlation of organized religion and increased prejudice and bigotry. Need to examine reasons for religiousity Intrinsic extrinsic

11 Blatant, aka Old Fashioned Racism
Modern Racism is more subtle and complex. Hatred not as apparent, but more discomfort, uneasiness, and fear

12 Sexism and Heterosexism

13 Combatting Prejudice Robin Fox: Stereotyping is inevitable due to biological makeup Patricia Devine: Stereotyping can be monitored Contact Hypothesis Equal status Close contact over time Intergroup cooperation Social norms

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