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Catholic Reformation World Studies October 1.

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1 Catholic Reformation World Studies October 1

2 I. Pope Paul III Became pope in 1534
Was the first to address the corruption within the Church Appointed able men to key positions

3 II. The Council of Trent Beginning in 1545 a group met to begin reforms Confirmed Catholic doctrine Salvation comes through faith AND good works God continues to speak through the pope as he did through prophets

4 Took steps to end corruption
Established penalties for secular behavior and corruption Established schools to better educate clergy

5 III. Continuation of the Inquisition
A religious court set up during the Middle Ages Tortured and executed heretics, or those with beliefs against the Church Made a list of forbidden books Included those by Luther and Calvin

6 IV. Ignatius Loyola In 1540 Loyola created the Jesuits
He had been a soldier, demanded his monks be disciplined Had 3 primary goals: Establish schools Prevent the spread of Protestantism Conduct missionary work to convert new believers


8 V. Results of the Reformations
Education and religious study increased Religious toleration decreased Bad feelings remained between different religions Witch hunts began as people sought scapegoats to blame their problems on Many European governments placed restrictions on Jews

9 VI. Looking Ahead The Reformations proved that it was possible, even beneficial, to question ideas every one assumed were true Will lead to exploration and scientific discovery

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