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INTD409 Interior Environmental Technology Fall 2016/17

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1 INTD409 Interior Environmental Technology Fall 2016/17
University of Nizwa Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Dept. of Architecture & Interior INTD409 Interior Environmental Technology Fall 2016/17 General Review Dr. Mamdouh I. Zaky

2 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building and Indoor Environmental Quality. 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-1. Introduction of sustainable rating Systems " LEED“ 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable Design 3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions 3-2. Physical Basis of Thermal Comfort 3-3. Heat Flow to/from Human Body 3-4. Measuring Environmental Factors 4- Green Design Controls 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning 4-2. Lighting Design 4-3. Water System design 4-4. Energy management system 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning 1

3 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building and Indoor Environmental Quality. 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-1. Introduction of sustainable rating Systems " LEED“ 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable Design 3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions 3-2. Physical Basis of Thermal Comfort 3-3. Heat Flow to/from Human Body 3-4. Measuring Environmental Factors 4- Green Design Controls 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning 4-2. Lighting Design 4-3. Water System design 4-4. Energy management system 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning

4 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building.
1-a. What is a “Green Building” 1-b. Why go “Green”? 1-c. Is “Green” real or just a theory?

5 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building.
1-a. What is a “Green Building”? “ Green” Buildings are high performance structures that meet certain standards for reducing natural resource consumption

6 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building.

7 General Review The “built environment” accounts for approximately:
1- Introduction to Green Building. 1-b. Why go “Green”? The “built environment” accounts for approximately: 40% of global consumption of raw materials 37% of primary energy consumption (operations) 68% of electricity consumption 12% of potable water consumption 40% of solid waste stream 35% of carbon dioxide emissions

8 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building. 1-b. Why go “Green”?
Increased flexibility to allow for longer building and useful life and reuse of materials Improved building performance Increase the building value (Lower cost )& improved productivity.

9 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building.
1-c. Is “Green” real or just a theory? The fact is the green building achieved… Reducing environmental impact Reducing operating costs Increasing occupant comfort and productivity

10 2 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building.
1-c. Is “Green” real or just a theory? 2

11 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building and Indoor Environmental Quality. 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-1. Introduction of sustainable rating Systems " LEED“ 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable Design 3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions 3-2. Physical Basis of Thermal Comfort 3-3. Heat Flow to/from Human Body 3-4. Measuring Environmental Factors 4- Green Design Controls 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning 4-2. Lighting Design 4-3. Water System design 4-4. Energy management system 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning

12 General Review 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance
2-1. Introduction of sustainable rating Systems " LEED“ Green Building standards include: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Globes Model Green Homebuilding Guidelines BuiltGreen Energy Star Living Building

13 General Review 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance
2-1-a. sustainable rating Systems " LEED“. LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Administered by the U. S. Green Building Council 2-1-b. Why LEED? Reducing environmental impact Reducing operating costs Increasing occupant comfort and productivity

14 General Review 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance
2-1-c. sustainable rating Systems " LEED“. Category Possible points Sustainable Sites (SS) 26 Water Efficiency (WE) 10 Energy & Atmosphere (EA) 35 Materials & Resources (MR) 15 Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) Innovation & Design Process (ID) 5 Regional Priority 4 Totals: 110

15 LEED Certification Levels
General Review 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-1-c. sustainable rating Systems " LEED“. LEED Certification Levels Certified: points Silver: points Gold: points Platinum: 80 points and above

16 General Review 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD)
2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD) 2-2-a. Sustainable Sites (SS) 2-2-b. Water Efficiency (WE) 2-2-c. Energy & Atmosphere (EA) 2-2-d. Materials & Resources (MR) 2-2-e. Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ)

17 General Review 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD)
2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD) 2-2-a. Sustainable Sites (SS) Site Selection Density and Connectivity Brownfield Redevelopment Alternative Transportation Site Development – Habitat/Open Space Storm water Control Reduction of “Heat Island” Effect Light Pollution Reduction

18 General Review 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD)
2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD) 2-2-b. Water Efficiency (WE) Water Use Reduction Water Efficient Landscaping Innovative Wastewater Technology

19 General Review 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD)
2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD) 2-2-c. Energy & Atmosphere (EA) Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Building Commissioning

20 General Review 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD)
2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD) 2-2-d. Materials & Resources (MR) Building Reuse Construction Waste Management Materials Reuse Recycled Materials Regional Materials Rapidly Renewing Materials Certified Wood

21 3 General Review 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD)
2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable design (SD) 2-2-e. Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) Ventilation Low-Emitting Materials Controllable Systems: Lighting - Thermal Thermal Comfort Daylight & Views 3

22 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building and Indoor Environmental Quality. 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-1. Introduction of sustainable rating Systems " LEED“ 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable Design 3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions 3-2. Physical Basis of Thermal Comfort 3-3. Heat Flow to/from Human Body 3-4. Measuring Environmental Factors 4- Green Design Controls 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning 4-2. Lighting Design 4-3. Water System design 4-4. Energy management system 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning

23 General Review “That condition of mind which expresses
3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions 3-1-a. what is thermal Comfort “That condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment and is assessed by subjective evaluation.”

24 General Review 3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions
3-1-b. what’s the Environmental Comfort Factors Air temperature (dry bulb – deg F) Relative humidity (%) Air speed (ft per min) Radiant conditions Mean radiant temperature [MRT] in deg F or other radiation value in Btuh per sf These factors are controllable through design – a passive system should control all four factors; an active (HVAC) system is expected to control the first three (with “architecture” controlling the fourth)

25 General Review 3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions
3-1-c. Definitions 3-1-C-1. Conduction The flow of heat between two adjacent and touching solids (or from one part to another part within an object) by direct interaction between molecules 3-1-C-2. Convection The flow of heat from the surface of a material to/from a surrounding fluid (usually air); the free motion of molecules of the fluid is very important in promoting heat flow

26 General Review 3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions
3-1-C-3. Radiation The flow of heat between objects that are not in direct contact—but that can “see” each other via electromagnetic radiation; the objects may be a few inches or a million miles apart 3-1-C-4. Evaporation The flow of heat that must be provided as a material changes state (from a liquid to a gas); this heat represents the energy required to break molecular bonds (called the latent heat of vaporization)

27 General Review 3- Thermal comfort
3-2. Physical Basis of Thermal Comfort Physical Context of Thermal Comfort -- dishealth conditions the body’s response

28 General Review 3- Thermal comfort
3-2. Physical Basis of Thermal Comfort

29 General Review Fundamentally, comfort involves a heat balance
3- Thermal comfort 3-2. Physical Basis of Thermal Comfort Fundamentally, comfort involves a heat balance (a thermal equilibrium) … where: heat in ≈ heat out where “heat in” is provided by metabolism, radiation, conduction, convection where “heat out” is via radiation, conduction, convection, evaporation

30 General Review 3- Thermal comfort 3-3. Heat Flow to/from Human Body
Conduction (sensible) Convection (sensible) Radiation (sensible) Evaporation/Condensation (latent)

31 General Review Sensible Heat Latent Heat
3- Thermal comfort 3-3. Heat Flow to/from Human Body Sensible Heat Flows via conduction, radiation, and convection Flow rate is generally related to space temperatures Latent Heat Flows via evaporation Flow rate is generally related to space humidity Total Heat Flow = sensible + latent flows

32 4 General Review 3- Thermal comfort
3-4. Measuring Environmental Factors data logging air temperature, RH, wind speed air speed surface temperature 4

33 General Review 1- Introduction to Green Building and Indoor Environmental Quality. 2- Meaning of Green Standers and High performance 2-1. Introduction of sustainable rating Systems " LEED“ 2-2. The five rolls of sustainable Design 3- Thermal comfort 3-1. Introduction & Definitions 3-2. Physical Basis of Thermal Comfort 3-3. Heat Flow to/from Human Body 3-4. Measuring Environmental Factors 4- Green Design Controls 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning 4-2. Lighting Design 4-3. Water System design 4-4. Energy management system 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning

34 General Review 4- Green Design Controls 4-a. Process Recommendations
Select experienced and innovative design team Develop quantifiable goals Hire a Commissioning Agent prior to design Use an integrated design approach Plan for preventive maintenance (PM) Train facility operators and occupants Cooperative environment for decision makers

35 General Review 4- Green Design Controls 4-a. Process Recommendations
Intense effort to identify and address issues in a short time Listen and understand needs and limitations Envision realistic and creative solutions Record ideas as they are introduced Effectively express ideas in a plan to serve as a vehicle to move the process forward Owner well-defined goals (OPR)

36 General Review 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning
4- Green Design Controls 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning 4-1-a. Orientation 4-1-b. Thermal mass 4-1-c. Surface to volume ratio 4-1-d. Positioning of windows , shading 4-1-e. Selection of materials for wall , roof, windows, including insulation 4-1-f. Landscaping

37 General Review 4-1-1. Architectural design 4- Green Design Controls
4-1-1-a. Effect of orientation on cooling load North – south orientation would reduce cooling loads by 1.5% 4-1-1-b. Effect of efficient materials Roof and wall insulation reduced cooling load by 23 Insulated windows reduced cooling load by 9% (window to wall ratio 7%)‏

38 General Review 4-1-1. Architectural design 4- Green Design Controls
4-1-1-c. Use onsite sources and sinks Day lighting Earth cooling Natural Ventilation (night cooling) 4-1-1-d. Earth cooling Earth cooling has helped do away with conventional space cooling and heating techniques for about 8 months a year


40 General Review 4-1-2. Site planning 4- Green Design Controls
4-1-2-a. Sustainability at Site Replace asphalt with concrete where possible Plant trees in vegetation strips around parking lots or sidewalks. Consolidate parking into a parking garage Bio swales Filtration basins (filters)

41 General Review 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning
4- Green Design Controls 4-1. Architectural design/Site planning 4-1-2-a. Sustainability at Site Detention Ponds / Retention Ponds Vegetated filter strips Pervious paving Vegetated/Garden Roofs Energy Star rated roofing systems High reflectivity coatings

42 General Review 4-2. Lighting Design 4- Green Design Controls
The passive solar practice of placing windows, or other transparent media, and reflective surfaces so that, during the day, natural sunlight provides effective internal illumination.

43 General Review 4-2. Lighting Design 4- Green Design Controls
Use of effective solar control strategies (overhangs) and high performance glazing limit associated solar gains. Achieving this daylight credit will likely increase energy savings in the Energy and Atmosphere credits. This is largely due to savings in the electric lighting that results from well daylight spaces. Day lighting strategies can have synergies with other energy efficiency strategies such as displacement ventilation

44 General Review 4-2. Lighting Design 4- Green Design Controls
Minimize site lighting where possible Full cut-off luminaries Low-reflectance surfaces Low-angle spotlights

45 General Review 4-3. Water System design 4- Green Design Controls
4-3-a. Successful Strategies for Water Use Reduction, 20% - 30%. Dual flush water closets Ultra low-flow water closets and urinals Waterless Urinals Sensor-operated, Low-flow lavatories Rainwater collection reuse systems Gray water reuse systems

46 General Review 4-3. Water System design 4- Green Design Controls
4-3-b. Successful Strategies for Reduce potable water consumption for landscape by 50% over Drought tolerant plants Drip irrigation, moisture-sensing irrigation technologies Recycled rainwater system Municipally-provided non-potable water source use

47 General Review 4-4. Energy management system 4- Green Design Controls
4-4-a. Whole building energy optimization 4-4-b. Photovoltaic

48 General Review 4-4. Energy management system 4- Green Design Controls
4-4-a. Whole building energy optimization

49 Lighting requirements
General Review High Efficiency Pumps AHUs, FCUs Cooling Towers Chillers Reduced HVAC requirements Energy Water Heating Lighting requirements Building Envelope design Sensors, Controls Daylighting High Performance Glazing Insulation Passive Systems Lamps, Ballasts, Luminaires Controls: Enthalpy control, Economizer, Reheat by Steam Occupancy Load, Equipment Schedule Whole building energy optimization

50 General Review 4-4. Energy management system 4- Green Design Controls
4-4-b. Photovoltaic Photovoltaic (Solar electric) is a device which produce free electrons when exposed to light resulting in power generation. Photovoltaic does not release any of the green house gases when in use. Photovoltaic uses a non-conventional, renewable source of energy which has no adverse effects on the environment. 23 kW solar photovoltaic system 55% energy savings over base building

51 General Review 4-4. Energy management system 4- Green Design Controls
4-4-b-1. Photovoltaic Applications 4-4-b-1-a. Flat Roofs

52 General Review 4-4. Energy management system 4- Green Design Controls
Photovoltaic Applications 4-4-b-1-b. Facades

53 General Review 4-4. Energy management system 4- Green Design Controls
Photovoltaic Applications 4-4-b-1-c. Shading Elements

54 General Review 4-4. Energy management system 4- Green Design Controls
Photovoltaic Applications 4-4-b-1-d. Atria & Skylight

55 General Review 4-4. Energy management system 4- Green Design Controls
Photovoltaic Applications 4-4-b-1-e. Roof Top

56 General Review 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning
4- Green Design Controls 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning The main purpose of commercial HVAC (Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning) systems is to provide the people working inside the building with “conditioned “ air .

57 General Review 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning
4- Green Design Controls 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has established standards which outline air quality for indoor comfort conditions that are acceptable to 80% or more of a commercial building's occupants. Generally, these indoor comfort conditions, sometimes called the "comfort zone,"

58 General Review 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning
4- Green Design Controls 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning Standers Systems may be clustered at a central location and serve an entire campus of buildings Locate system away from acoustically sensitive areas of the building Selecting efficient air conditioning based on your climate.

59 General Review 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning
4- Green Design Controls 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning Standers Selecting the proper type of and efficient heating system for your climate Designing and sealing air distribution systems properly Replace CFC-based refrigerant. Consider non-refrigerant based cooling such as evaporative cooling in dryer climates. Consider photovoltaic, solar thermal, geothermal, wind, biomass, and bio-gas energy technologies

60 General Review 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning
4- Green Design Controls 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning Standers Sophisticated Electrical Management Systems, Building Automation Systems or Direct Digital Control systems inherently include most of the required monitoring points. Combine carbon dioxide monitors with demand based ventilation.

61 General Review 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning
4- Green Design Controls 4-5. Heat, Ventilation & Air conditioning Standers Include carbon dioxide sensor points in BAS/DDC for system design automation. Consider adjustable under floor air diffusers, or thermostat controlled VAV boxes. Operable windows can be used in lieu of comfort controls for occupants of areas that are 20 feet inside of and 10 feet to either side of the operable part of the window

62 General Review 4- Green Design Controls 4-b. Conclusion
Optimize day lighting to full possible extent Building orientation, photocell controls with dimmable ballasts Reduces lighting and cooling loads Daylight glass and view glass are not the same Efficient lighting design Lighting Power Density < 1 W/ft2 Pendant direct/indirect Occupancy sensors, auto night shut-off Dedicated outdoor air treatment Energy Recovery Ventilator or Demand-Controlled Ventilation Centralize exhaust zones for energy recovery

63 General Review 4-b. Conclusion 4- Green Design Controls
Efficient, tight envelope Appropriate, well-installed insulation Low-e, low- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) windows (esp. east/west facing) Shading for south facing windows Light colored roof High efficiency HVAC with optimized control system Balance with maintenance concerns Size properly, incorporate strategies for variable loads Energy star appliances and office equipment Use energy modeling iteratively to identify and reduce loads, and optimize efficiency of design

64 General Review QUESTIONS?

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