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Olympics Social Issues

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1 Olympics Social Issues
Doping/Performance Enhancing Drugs Zika Virus Equal pay for male and female athletes Security threats

2 Olympics Social Issues
Day One – Research Each group member should find a different source focused on your chosen topic to gather information Total of at least 3 sources (people working solo or in pairs should still use 3 sources) NO Wikipedia & at least one news article Compile the following information: Who/What/When/Where/Why/How type info Statistics/Quantitative Data (2-3) Why topic is relevant to the 2016 Olympics in Rio Specific examples (cases, athletes, etc.) What is being done about this issue? (Legislation, banning athletes, treatments) Put your research in your notebook on page 18

3 Olympics Social Issues
Day Two - Poster Each group will be creating 2 posters Poster 1 – Informational Text based Include highlights from Day 1 Research Poster 2 – Public Awareness Poster Image based

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