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Enriching Lives through Learning Margaret Meijers Manager ICT Learning Taroona High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Enriching Lives through Learning Margaret Meijers Manager ICT Learning Taroona High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enriching Lives through Learning Margaret Meijers Manager ICT Learning Taroona High School

2 Enriching Lives through Learning

3 Enriching Lives through Learning Kids want to be Connected

4 Enriching Lives through Learning Why Take this on in Schools? Social media is here to stay Whose responsibility is it to teach students safe & responsible use? Who is supporting the child behind the closed bedroom door?

5 Enriching Lives through Learning Dangers Cyberbullying Inappropriate pictures, posts or messages - damage to reputation Privacy – marketers Safety – location based information Predators

6 Enriching Lives through Learning Other Concerns Kids need to be older than 13 to have a profile, but younger kids set up accounts anyway. Despite privacy controls, no guarantees of privacy -- anything can be cut, pasted, and sent. Kids can tag their friends; this can violate their friends' privacy.

7 Enriching Lives through Learning Options for Schools

8 Enriching Lives through Learning Ignore it

9 Enriching Lives through Learning Manage the Risk

10 Enriching Lives through Learning Educating Kids for the Future Think before you post Use privacy settings Dont post unless you would say it face to face Block and tell

11 Enriching Lives through Learning The Power of Social Media Orrie Anotan

12 Enriching Lives through Learning

13 Enriching Lives through Learning

14 Enriching Lives through Learning Welcoming Party

15 Enriching Lives through Learning Orrie

16 Enriching Lives through Learning

17 Enriching Lives through Learning

18 Enriching Lives through Learning

19 Enriching Lives through Learning Grade 9/10 English Writing





24 Enriching Lives through Learning Creative Media

25 Enriching Lives through Learning Communication Pages Ms Smiths Year 9 Science Class School Events Sports Teams Groups IT Leaders Classes

26 Enriching Lives through Learning Safety


28 Enriching Lives through Learning Should teachers friend students?


30 Enriching Lives through Learning Preview My Profile

31 Enriching Lives through Learning Wont Kids get Distracted?

32 Enriching Lives through Learning Are There Risks?

33 Enriching Lives through Learning Advice to Parents & Teachers Get yourself an account!

34 Enriching Lives through Learning Contact

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