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Social Services Union County

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1 Social Services Union County
Department Report Social Services Union County ©2015 WorkplaceDynamics, LLC

2 Peer Department Comparison
This chart shows Social Services’ overall workplace survey score compared to peer department scores and the average score of all respondents at Union County (shown in red). Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 2

3 We use employee opinions to measure two parts of the workplace...
Introduction We use employee opinions to measure two parts of the workplace... OrgHealth™ My Job OrgHealth™ evaluates whether your company is likely to succeed in the long term: having a clear sense of direction, executing brilliantly, innovating and making employees feel valued. We see that employees, above everything else, want to work at companies with high levels of OrgHealth™. My Job measures how employees feel about their day-to-day job: their managers, compensation, work/life balance and opportunities for career development. These are important to provide but are not areas that make people feel passionate about the organization. Alignment Execution Connection My Work My Manager My Pay & Benefits Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 3

4 Survey Factor and Statement Summary
Below are the workplace statements asked on the survey grouped into 6 factors. Your highest rated factor in comparison to the Union County average is in green, and your lowest is in red. OrgHealth™ My Job Alignment I believe Union County is going in the right direction I have confidence in the leader of Union County Union County operates by strong values and ethics My Work This job has met or exceeded the expectations I had when I started I get the formal training I want for my career I have the flexibility I need to balance my work and personal life There is not a lot of negativity at my workplace Execution Senior managers understand what is really happening at Union County At Union County, we do things efficiently and well New ideas are encouraged at Union County There is good inter-departmental cooporation at Union County My Manager My manager cares about my concerns My manager makes it easier to do my job well My manager helps me learn and grow Connection I feel genuinely appreciated at Union County My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful Union County enables me to work at my full potential I feel well-informed about important decisions concerning Union County My Pay & Benefits My pay is fair for the work I do My benefits package is good compared with others in this industry Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 4

5 Alignment This chart shows Social Services’ score for each statement (in blue) compared to the average score for Union County (in red). Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 5

6 Execution This chart shows Social Services’ score for each statement (in blue) compared to the average score for Union County (in red). Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 6

7 Connection This chart shows Social Services’ score for each statement (in blue) compared to the average score for Union County (in red). Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 7

8 My Work This chart shows Social Services’ score for each statement (in blue) compared to the average score for Union County (in red). Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 8

9 My Manager This chart shows Social Services’ score for each statement (in blue) compared to the average score for Union County (in red). Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 9

10 My Pay & Benefits This chart shows Social Services’ score for each statement (in blue) compared to the average score for Union County (in red). Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 10

11 Results by Demographic
Union County | Social Services | Department Report Results by Demographic Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 11

12 Job Grades This chart shows Social Services’ score for each Job Grade compared to Union County's average for each Job Grade. Job Grades with fewer than six responders are excluded. Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 12

13 Tenure This chart shows Social Services’ score for each Tenure Band compared to Union County's average for each Tenure Band. Tenure Bands with fewer than six responders are excluded. Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 13

14 Salary Band This chart shows Social Services’ score for each Salary Band compared to Union County's average for each Salary Band. Salary Bands with fewer than six responders are excluded. Union County | Social Services | Department Report 2015 Page 14

15 Find out more about WorkplaceDynamics: Find out more about OrgHealth™:
Further Reading Find out more about WorkplaceDynamics: Find out more about OrgHealth™:

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