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Beginnings of Early America

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1 Beginnings of Early America
The Discovery of a New World

2 Prior to Europeans ?-1492 AD When did first people arrive to the Americas? Most likely around 25,000 years ago Land Bridge Theory What type of life did they live? Archeological evidence shows that tool making societies existed as early as years ago. Early Americans had societies with religions, social structures, economies, political organization, trade They established trade routes across America long before the Europeans ever arrived!

3 Maya – A culturally advanced warlike empire
Maya – A culturally advanced warlike empire. Built ziggurat temples and practiced human sacrifice. Disappeared around 1000 Aztecs – Also culturally advanced, filled the vacuum left by the Mayans. Conquered by Cortez in 1520 Incans – Culturally advanced with an advanced system of mathematics. Conquered by Pizarro in 1532



6 A Shrinking Globe! What happens in Europe during the 1300s that will impact America? Hint: It is a Revival of the Classics. The Renaissance! How does the Renaissance in Europe affect the Americas? Hint: It has to do with trade… New prosperity, increased curiosity, spreading religion, nation-states seeking to increase their power

7 Age of Exploration Begins
New Nation-States (France, England, Spain, Portugal and Holland) enter into a race of discovery. The primary purpose is to increase their power How can exploration increase a nation’s power? New lands for influence, trade, resources Which country reaches the Americas first?

8 Age of Exploration Begins
According to the text book, Christopher Columbus in the name of Spain! It is accepted by modern scholars that Norsemen landed in the 10th century. (Leif Erikson is credited with exploring the northern American coasts, but it was actually his father, Erik the Red who discovered America). The Norsemen never settled permanently west of Greenland. Christopher Columbus sails in 1492 and lands in the Caribbean by accident.

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