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Aggression Leads To War

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1 Aggression Leads To War
24-1 Aggression Leads To War

2 Vocabulary & People Vocabulary People
superior-of greater importance or value,of higher quality Inferior-of lower rank or value, of lower quality totalitarian state- nation in which a single party controls the government and every aspect of people's lives Fascism-political system based on militarism, extreme nationalism, and blind loyalty to the state and its leader Aggression-war like act by one county against another without cause Appeasement-policy of giving into aggression in order to avoid war People Joseph Stalin-1929 sole dictator of the Soviet Union, turned Soviet Union into totalitarian state Benito Mussolini-prime minister of Italy, turned Italy into world’s first Fascist state Adolf Hitler- Leader of Natzi Party Winston Churchill- British prime minister

3 The Rise of Dictators Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler Winston Churchill
Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler Winston Churchill

4 Soviet Communism In the 1920’s and 1930’s people in several nations believed that democratic governments were to weak, so they turned to communism By Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet Union He turned the SU into a totalitarian state He took brutal measures to control and modernize industry and agriculture Ordered peasants to give crops, animals, and land to government run-farms Millions resisted, were killed or sent to labor camps 4million Soviets, including many of his Communists Party rivals had false charges of disloyalty to the state

5 Fascism in Italy After WW1 economic problems in Italy led to unrest
Benito Mussolini promised to restore through strong leadership In October 1922 threatened to overthrow the government with his followers King appointed him prime minister Turned Italy into world’s first Fascist state Said Italy had a great destiny, spoke of reviving the days when the Roman Empire dominated, argued that superior nations had right to conquer inferior nations Stopped freedom of press, banned all political parties but his own, jailed or killed critics, and made school children recite the motto “Mussolini is always right”

6 Natzi Germany Many were mad they lost the war and had pay reparations forced on them by the Allies Adolf Hitler, an extreme nationalist,was the maddest of all By 1921 became leader of Natzi Party Natzi beliefs= racist Told Germans they were “master race” and deserved to rule over Salvs, Gypsies, and other inferior people Most known for anti-Semitism or hatred for Jews Claimed had not lost war but were betrayed by jews and “traitors” This idea made Germans happy, they needed ascapegoat-someone to blame

7 Natzi Geramny (Continued)
Great Depression increased Hitler’s popularity 1933-named chancellor,or leader of German parliament Quickly created totalitarian state, all other parties were outlawed Secret police enforced strict loyalty Passed laws against Jews Banned from public schools, medicine, law, communities were attacked 1938- Jews sent to labor camps better known as concentration camps

8 Militarism in Japan Great Depression undetermined faith in democratic rule Military leaders pressured cicilan government to take control of nearby countries Argued needed more land and raw materials By 1936 militaries were in complete control of Japan Preached racism Said were superior to other Asians and non-Asians

9 Military Aggression

10 Japan Attacks China 1931- without the approval of the government the army seized Manchuria in northern China The League of Nations protested but took no action 1937- Stepped up aggression on China Treated Chinese brutally pillaged Nanjing In the assaults more that ¼ million of prisoners and civilians were killed

11 Italy invades Ethiopia
Mussolini's army invaded the country of Ethiopia in 1935 The Ethiopians were no match for Italy’s modern tanks and airplanes Haile Selassie , Ethiopia’s emperor, appealed to the League of Nations for aid The League of Nations responded weakly Britain and France didn’t want war because they were caught up in their own economic crisis Ethiopia fell to invaders without help

12 German Aggression Hitler said he would create an empire uniting all German people Rebuild German armed forces 1938- Germany occupied Austria and nothing was done to stop them France and Britain protested when threatened to have Czechoslovakia invaded September Europe leader met to ease crisis in Munich, hoping to make Hitler happy Munich Pact= Germany has Sudetenland, portion of Czechoslovakia, in which people mostly spoke German Hitler promised he would take no more land

13 American neutrality

14 Neutrality Act Passed in 1935 First of several laws to keep peace
Forbade president from selling arms, making loans, or any help to other nations in war

15 Good Neighbor Policy 1930- Hoover rejected Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine Claimed no longer had right to but into Latin American affairs Withdrew troops from Nicaragua and Haiti and canceled Platt Amendment-limited independence for Cuba

16 War Begins in Europe

17 Invasion of Poland September 1, 1939- Natzis invaded
17 days later SU seized eastern Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania also invaded 2 days later Britain and France declared war on Germany=WW2 At first Hitler seemed unstoppable April, 1940 Denmark and Norway invaded Netherland, Luxembourg, and Belgium, then made way to France

18 Fall of France Britain sent troops to help, but both were overpowered
By May forced to retreat to Dunkirk- French port on English Channel British sent every ship and boat available to rescue trapped soldiers Entered Paris 6 weeks later- June 22, France surrenders

19 Battle of Britain Left alone to fight Natzi Few thought stood a chance
Day after day German planes attacked British cities because of Hitler Took 10 of thousands of lives but never gave up Slept in subway stations at night Cleaned up the mess, buried the dead, and tried to live life and move on Air Force fought invading planes Continued all summer and into fall, by then Hitler stopped trying to invade

20 Invasion of the Soviet Union
June 33,1941 Hitler broke his pact with Stalin German forces entered Fought with British Although Churchill and Stalin hated each other they had to work together to take down SU and Britain

21 By Otajia & Kira

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