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Warm Up: At least 2 sentences each

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1 Warm Up: At least 2 sentences each
1. Describe why freedom of speech is essential in a democracy. 2. What are some examples of “symbolic speech?” 3. Is freedom the press absolute? What are some limitations? 4. Why do you think all of these different freedoms (religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition) are packed into the First Amendment?

2 Freedom of Assembly and Petition

3 Assembly and Petition Peaceably gather together to express your views on public matters Bring views to public official (petitions, letters, advertisements, lobbying, parades, marches etc.)

4 Exceptions Cannot incite violence Block public streets Close a school
Endanger life, property, public order Private property

5 Time-Place-Manner Makes noise or causing other diversion near a school if the action disrupts school activity Forbids parades near a courthouse when they are intended to influence court proceedings

6 Limitations on Demonstrations
Obtain a permit Airports, libraries, courthouses, schools, swimming pools, jails

7 Heckler’s Veto Public vetoes the free speech and assembly rights of unpopular groups by claiming that demonstrations will result in violence

8 Picketing Labor dispute Other picketing forbidden in front of business

9 Summary 1. Describe Heckler’s veto
2. What are the exceptions on freedom of assembly and petition? 3. Explain what must be obtained to conduct a demonstration. 4. Explain picketing.

10 Civil Disobedience Unpack the meaning of those words.
If it means what it says, what is happening? Why would someone want to “civilly” disobey the law? What would be the moral basis for doing so?

11 Dr. King’s Basis for Civil Disobedience
There are two types of laws: just and unjust. I…advocate obeying just laws. One has a legal and moral responsibility to follow just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I…agree with St. Augustine that “an unjust law is no law at all.” “A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or law of God… An unjust law is...not rooted in eternal law and natural law.”

12 Four Steps in a Non-violent Campaign according to MLK
1) Collect facts to verify that injustices exist (segregation of blacks and whites; opportunities, etc). 2) Negotiate with political and economic leaders for gains (laws, the way they are enforced, etc.) 3) Self purification (nonviolence workshops: “Are you able to endure jail? Beatings without fighting back?) 4) Direct action (sit ins, marches, and so forth)

13 Walk Out Based on what you know about first amendment rights about free speech, association and petition: 1) Were the walkouts legal? 2) Were they protected by the 1st Amendment? 3) Were they effective?

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