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UAV Aerial Imagery & Autopilot Integration

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1 UAV Aerial Imagery & Autopilot Integration
Aaron Arick Reed Abraham-ME Spencer Hanson - ME  Tim Fratangelo - CE Alex Klymkow - EE Aaron Wilbee - EE

2 Agenda Project Background Desired State Obstacles Project Plan Aaron

3 Team Team Name Role Picture Arick Reed Abraham ME / Coordinator
Spencer Hanson ME Tim Fratangelo CE Alex Klymkow EE Aaron Wilbee Team Everyone In Order OMG

4 Project Background Imaging Science Department needs to take aerial Images Currently done with full-scale aircraft High cost, infrequent flights UAVs significantly reduce operational costs and pilot risk Proper configuration for successful operation by less- experienced users Easy to source replacement parts Spencer This project began about 5 years and ~12 teams ago, working toward a UAV for the Imaging Science Department. Then and now, Imaging Science hires aircraft to fly them and their camera equipment so they can test it and take photos from the air. The cost for this is prohibitive, somewhere around $1000/day, and they do a lot of tests, so the costs add up fast. Also, chartering an aircraft and pilot isn’t something that can be done on a spur-of-the-moment basis - it has to be planned ahead of time, and you have to work with the pilot’s schedule. So you end up with high cost, infrequent tests, which isn’t ideal. A UAV platform is designed as a partial solution to this problem. Obviously a small UAV does not have the same cargo capacity as a Cessna, and typically with these flights Imaging Science would take a lot of equipment - in excess of 200 lbs - so we can’t match that kind of load, but we can still carry a useful amount, around 20 lbs. UAVs offer several advantages for small scale tests: First, with a properly configured autopilot, a UAV can be operated by less experienced users - you don’t need to be a pilot to fly it. Because you don’t need to charter a pilot, you can work around your own schedule and fly when you want. Secondly, it reduces pilot and passenger risk significantly, by removing both from the aircraft entirely. Third, normal operational costs of a UAV of this design are essentially zero. There is marginal cost associated with charging batteries. Repair of the aircraft is also fairly inexpensive, since the aircraft is composed of mostly common materials - wood, fiberglass, etc. Utilizing off-the-shelf electronics, servos and motors common to RC hobbyists means that any part of the aircraft can be replaced easily and quickly.

5 Previous Projects P13231 UAV Wireless Communication and Control P10231
Modular Imaging System Frame and Stabilization P11232 UAV Airframe C.1 P11231 UAV Image Integration and Performance P10661 Image Calibration Device P10236 Configurable control platform P10232 UAV Airframe C P10231 UAV Telemetry P09561 Visible Spectrum Imaging System P09233 Airframe Measurement and Aircraft Controls P09232 UAV Airframe B P09231 UAV Airframe A Spencer The history behind this project gives you an idea of the project progression - we’ve had several airframe configurations, at least two different telemetry and autopilot systems, and several projects focused entirely on the imaging package. So we’re not at the point where we have all this knowledge and hardware, and its time to put it all together into one seamless package.

6 Current State Imaging Science still using hired aircraft for aerial photography. Previous efforts have produced discrete systems. Airborne imaging system previously developed, likely antiquated. Existing payload-bearing aircraft requires more testing. Spencer As I touched on before, Imaging science continues to use full scale aircraft for all their tests - a final product has not been delivered to them, so they’re still incurring those costs. The previous teams have all produced systems capable of completing their individual tasks - we have aircraft, we have cameras, we have camera mounts and we have autopilots. While many of these systems have been tested individually, or even two together, in the case of the autopilot, no team has ever completely integrated all the systems. So we have a lot of discrete hardware and software that, while it is designed to work together, has never actually worked together in flight. Our team will look into replacement of the imaging system, since the teams tasked with selecting an imaging system did so a couple years ago, and the technology has progressed since then, Changes to immediately affected systems like the camera mount will probably be necessary to accommodate a new imaging system. With respect to the physical ability to fly a prototype aircraft, the good news is we have several aircraft at our disposal for testing, all in repairable condition. The bad news is, the aircraft we intend to use for full integration of all the systems in the final prototype suffered a fatal crash at the end of its development phase. It was rebuilt, but has never been flight tested, and since the construction was rushed, it is possible there are structural defects. So at this time, we do not have a fully integrated UAV imaging platform capable of fulfilling mission requirements. No fully integrated UAV imaging platform exists

7 Desired State Full integration between airframe, autopilot, and imaging systems. A UAV capable of autonomous waypoint-directed flight. Integrated imaging system capable of taking and saving photos Real-time control through the ground station. On-demand transfer of control to a human pilot. Reed

8 Stakeholders Dr. Jason Kolodziej RIT Imaging Science Department
MSD Team Innocent Bystanders Reed

9 House of Quality Captain Picard Says: 1 - ME
Priority Maximum Energy Output Aircraft Powerplant Sufficient Stability Functional Autopilot Functional Communication Link Camera Module 1 Autopilot follow Dynamically updating Waypoints 9 x 2 FAA Compliance 3 Meaningful Mission Time 4 GPS Triggered Image Capture 5 Functional Aircraft 6 Ground Station Update Waypoints 7 Receive Telemetry and display 8 Ground Station Image Capture Record Inertial Position 10 Modular Camera Mount Measure KWH KW BFT Captain Picard Says: 1 - ME Spencer: Powerplant: The main function of the aircraft’s powerplant, in this case an electric motor and batteries, is to provide enough thrust to keep the aircraft moving forward and allow it to maneuver. 2 - CE 3 - EE

10 Objectives Stable reusable aircraft Control strategy/algorithms
Interchangeable camera equipment Accurate information recording Alex

11 Deliverables Functional autonomous small (test) aircraft
Functional payload bearing (X-4) aircraft with: Integrated autopilot Integrated imaging hardware payload Ground station software Autopilot software Image capture software Aaron

12 Assumptions The team has adequate ability to complete the project.
Previous projects are functional but require testing Budget $1000 Replacement of camera equipment Tim

13 Risks Any flight failure will probably require at least some aircraft repair, taking multiple days. Pilot availability: There are no pilots on the team skilled enough to fly the large aircraft for testing. Communication failure for manual control Safety of fragile parts (camera, micro controller) Part replacement lead time. Aaron

14 Benchmarking Precedence with ArduPilot™, popular with amateurs
Previous Senior Design team successes/failures Existing technology and expertise from model aviation Comparison to professional technology neither practical nor possible. Alex

15 Next Steps Prepare the small (test) airframe
Confirm the state of the imaging equipment Determine specifications for next iteration of imaging equipment Validate design of the UAV X-4’s control surfaces against theoretical models Tim

16 Questions

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