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Skeletal System CS: 8.

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1 Skeletal System CS: 8

2 What is the Skeletal System?
System made up of bones 206 bones in the adult skeleton Functions: Framework Protection Levers Production of blood cells storage

3 1. Framework What would our body look like without bones? Could we walk? Could we move? The bones provide a framework to support the body’s muscles, fat and skin

4 How do bones offer protection? What exactly needs to be protected?
Vital organs are surrounded by bone; brain-cranium, heart and lungs- rib cage, spinal cord- vertebral column, reproductive organs- pelvis

5 Muscles attach to bones to help provide movement
3. Levers Could we move our body without bones? Can a muscle move if not attached to a bone? Muscles attach to bones to help provide movement

6 4. Production of blood cells
How do our bones produce blood cells??? The production of blood cells is called hemopoiesis or hematopoiesis (Hem-/hemat- = blood). Bones assist in the production of RBC (red blood cells), WBC (white blood cells), and PLT (platelets)

7 5. storage What do our bones store? Most of the body’s calcium supply is stored by the bones, along with phosphorous and fats

8 Long Bone Bones come in all shapes and sizes
Bones of the arms and legs (extremities) are called long bones

9 Parts of a long bone Diaphysis- long part of long bone
Epiphysis- each end of long bone (end= epiphysis) Medullary Canal- cavity in diaphysis (med- = middle) (pool) Yellow Marrow- fills medullary canal (pool water) Endosteum- lines med canal to keep yellow marrow intact; produces some bone growth (pool liner) Red Marrow- found in proximal end of humerus and femur, Vertebrae, ribs, sternum, and cranium; produces RBC, PLT, and some WBC Periosteum- tough membrane which covers the outside of bone RBC= erythrocyte (erythro- = red), WBC= leukocytes (leuko- = white), PLT= thrombocytes (thromb- = clot), -cyt = cell, ost- = bone

10 Osteoporosis & Osteomyelitis
Bones become porous, soft and brittle, leading to increased fractures Caused by hormone deficiency (such as estrogen), prolonged lack of dietary calcium, and sedentary lifestyle Increase calcium and vit d intake, increase bone mass with Fosamax or citracel, estrogen replacement Osteomyelitis Bone inflammation secondary to pathogenic organism Abscess with pus accumulation form in the medullary canal Pain, swelling, fever, chills Antibiotics

11 Divisions of skeletal system
Axial Main trunk of body Skull Spinal column Ribs Breast bone Appendicular Composed of the extremities Shoulder girdle Arm bones Pelvic girdle Leg bones

12 The cranium (made of 8 bones) surrounds and protects the brain
skull Cranial bones The cranium (made of 8 bones) surrounds and protects the brain 1 frontal 2 parietal 2 temporal 1 occipital 1 ethmoid 1 sphenoid Facial bones (14) 1 mandible (lower jaw) 2 maxilla (upper jaw) 2 zygomatic (cheek) 2 lacrimal (inner aspect of eye) 5 nasal 2 palatine (roof of mouth)

13 Fontanels and sutures Fontanels- “soft spots” allows for enlargement of skull as brain development occurs (closes at around 18 months old) Sutures- areas where the cranial bones have joined together

14 Sinuses- airspaces in skull that provide resonance of the voice
Sinuses and foramina Sinuses- airspaces in skull that provide resonance of the voice Foramina- opening in bone to provide passage of nerves and vessels

15 Vertebrae The spinal column is composed of
26 vertebrae which protect the spinal cord and support the head and trunk. Intervertebral Disks separate the vertebrae and act as shock absorbers and allow bending and twisting of the vertebral column. Cerv- = neck Thorac- = chest Lumbar= waist Coccyx= tail bone What is a ruptured disk? Why do EMTs and Paramedics hold “c-spine”? Where is an epidural or lumbar puncture administered?

16 Ribs (12 pair of ribs & 12 thoracic vertebrae)
True ribs 7 pair Attach directly to sternum False ribs 5 pair 2 of the 5 pair are “floating” and only attach to dorsal vertebrae 3 pair attach to the superior rib Ribs= costae Ribs attach to the sternum via costal cartilage to form a cage which protects the heart and lungs

17 sternum Sternum (“breastbone”) has (3) sections: Manubrium Gladiolus
Xyphoid Process During CPR, compressions are given on the sternum

18 Pectoral Girdle & Arm Bones
Bones of the Arm 1 humerus 1 ulna (olecranon process) 1 radius (thumb side) (radial pulse site) 8 carpals 5 metacarpals 14 phalanges (why not 15??) What is carpal tunnel? What is the landmark to give IM inj in deltoid?

19 Pelvic girdle & Leg bones
Largest tarsal = heel= calcaneous . Soccer players wear “ tibia guards”

20 What is inflammation of a joint called? What is Bursitis?
Joints Diarthrosis (synovial) = freely movable Ball & Socket (shoulder & hip) Hinge (elbow & Knee) Amphiarthrosis = slightly movable (think of an amphibian) (ribs attaching to thoracic vertebrae; pubis) synarthrosis = immovable (Sutures of the skull) Arthr- = joint What is inflammation of a joint called? What is Bursitis?

21 Arthritis Osteoarthritis = “Old Age” Occurs as a result of aging
Joint pain, stiffness, aching, limited ROM Rest, heat/cold application, ASA (aspirin), Anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen), steroid inj Rheumatoid Arthritis = “Really Young” Occurs in mostly women years old Scar tissue formation, bone & muscle atrophy, permanent deformity & immobility Rest, exercise as prescribed, anti- inflammatory drugs, ASA, steroids, surgery, arthroplasty

22 Which fx has a higher risk
fractures Colles Fx= fracture Which fx has a higher risk Of infection? Spiral Depressed

23 Reduction Open reduction Closed reduction Which reduction
has a higher risk of infection? How is a dislocation treated?

24 compression, elevation
Sprain Tx = treatment Tx = RICE RICE= rest, ice, compression, elevation

25 Spinal Curvatures Types Scoliosis= s-shaped; side to side
Kyphosis= “hunchback”; thoracic Lordosis= Lower Back; lumbar; “swayback” Cause Poor posture, congenital birth) defect, malnutrition, degeneration of the vertebrae Treatment Therapeutic exercise, firm mattress, brace, surgical repair

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