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Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.

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Presentation on theme: "Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.
9/22/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 4/23/07 Objectives: . Class Topics Atherosclerosis article Notes – hemostasis Test Review Dissection Metabolism Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters. Nathaniel Emmons Saturday, September 22, :35 AM

2 Class Assignments Atherosclerosis article W.S. 4/23/07
9/22/2018 Class Assignments What By When Atherosclerosis article W.S. 4/23/07 Cardiovascular System Test 4/27/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

3 9/22/2018 Blood movement Trace the blood from the heart to the right ulna and back to the heart. Trace the blood from the heart to the heart muscle back to the heart. Trace the blood from the heart to the stomach and back to the heart.

4 Hemostasis Stopping blood flow Three step process
9/22/2018 Hemostasis Stopping blood flow usually occurs when damage is done to blood vessel wall Three step process 1. Blood vessel spasm 2. Platelet plug 3. Coagulation Useful in smaller vessels

5 Hemostasis Stopping blood flow Three step process
9/22/2018 Hemostasis Alex Zanardi Stopping blood flow usually occurs when damage is done to blood vessel wall Three step process 1. Blood vessel spasm 2. Platelet plug 3. Coagulation Useful in smaller vessels

6 1. Blood vessel spasm Damage to the vessel wall
9/22/2018 1. Blood vessel spasm Damage to the vessel wall stimulates smooth muscle to contract Can last for 30 minutes in some cases this can complete close a blood vessel Spasm can be prolonged by the release of serotonin by thrombocytes

7 From
9/22/2018 From 2. Platelet plug Arrive on the scene increase in size and change shape surface become sticky allows them to adhere to collagen in blood vessel walls also allows them to adhere to each other Eventually forms a large clump platelet plug (fig 12-11)

8 9/22/2018 From:

9 Blood Coagulation Fibrinogen converts into fibrin
9/22/2018 Blood Coagulation Fibrinogen converts into fibrin stimulated by release of thromboplastin from damaged vessels and thrombocytes Fibrin form a netting over platelets and other formed elements blood clot blood leakage is stopped Repair begins

10 From:
9/22/2018 From: /popmed/clinpath/CPmodules/coags/primim.htm

11 9/22/2018

12 9/22/2018 Test Review All notes in red are fair game for the test next class period.

13 Heart coverings figure 13-2
9/22/2018 Heart coverings figure 13-2 Pericardium parietal pericardium - outer layer visceral pericardium - inner layer, AKA epicardium Fluid in between - pericardial cavity acts as a lubricant very serious problems if not present

14 Heart Wall Three layers epicardium - same as the visceral pericardium
9/22/2018 Heart Wall Three layers epicardium - same as the visceral pericardium can contain fat deposits myocardium - muscle of the heart cardiac muscle endocardium - squamous cells over connective tissue

15 Ventricles Muscular chambers thick layer of myocardium
9/22/2018 Ventricles Muscular chambers thick layer of myocardium left wall is thickest trabeculae carnea connect to papillary muscles attach to valves

16 Valves Tricuspid valve Pulmonary semilunar valve
9/22/2018 Valves Tricuspid valve between rt. atrium & ventricle Pulmonary semilunar valve between rt. ventricle & pulmonary trunk Mitral valve (bicuspid) between left atrium & ventricle Aortic semilunar valve between left ventricle & aorta

17 9/22/2018 Blood flow Deoxygenated blood enters the heart from the inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, and the coronary sinus From rt atrium to rt ventricle through the tricuspid valve From rt ventricle to pulmonary trunk through the pulmonary semilunar valve

18 9/22/2018 Blood flow From the pulmonary trunk to the rt and left pulmonary arteries to the lungs Oxygenated blood returns from the lungs in the pulmonary veins to the left atrium From the left atrium to the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve

19 9/22/2018 Blood flow From the left ventricle to the aorta through the aortic semilunar valve From the aorta to the rest of the body Back to the right atrium through the inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, and coronary sinus

20 Fetal Heart Differs from newborn (and adult) heart
9/22/2018 Handout: Heart and Fetal Heart Fetal Heart Differs from newborn (and adult) heart Fetus receives oxygen from umbilical cord Oxygenated blood enters heart from inferior vena cava. Lungs can be bypassed

21 Fetal Heart Foramen ovale Ductus arteriosus
9/22/2018 Fetal Heart Foramen ovale hole between the right and left atrium Ductus arteriosus blood vessel between the pulmonary trunk and aorta Both of the above close when the first breath is taken change of pressure

22 9/22/2018 Heart Physiology Each beat is stimulated by an area in the right atrium near the superior vena cava called the Sinoatrial Node (SA Node). SA Node is innervated by the autonomic nervous system Pacemaker of the heart Stimulates both atria to contract

23 9/22/2018 Heart Physiology SA Nodes sends impulse to the AV (atrioventricular) Node. Located in the interatrial septum Holds impulse for a short time (milliseconds) and passes electical impulse to AV Bundle (Bundles of His) AV Bundles passes impulse to Purkinje fibers which stimulates the ventricles to contract

24 Branches of the Aorta Ascending aorta Arch of the Aorta
9/22/2018 Branches of the Aorta Ascending aorta Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart blockage can lead to myocardial infarction Arch of the Aorta Brachiocephalic artery left common carotid artery Left subclavian artery

25 Branches of the Aorta Descending Aorta intercostal arteries
9/22/2018 Branches of the Aorta Descending Aorta intercostal arteries celiac artery superior mesenteric artery suprarenal arteries renal arteries gonadal arteries inferior mesenteric artery common iliac arteries

26 Celiac Artery Branches into Gastric artery Hepatic artery
9/22/2018 Celiac Artery Branches into Gastric artery Hepatic artery Splenic artery Pancreatic artery

27 Brachiocephalic Right common carotid artery Right subclavian artery
9/22/2018 Brachiocephalic Right common carotid artery External carotid artery - scalp, face, jaw internal carotid artery - brain Right subclavian artery Vertebral artery (branch) Axillary artery Brachial artery Radial artery Ulnar artery

28 Left Common Carotid and Left Subclavian
9/22/2018 Left Common Carotid and Left Subclavian Same branching as right side No brachiocephalic

29 Superior vena cava Right and left brachiocephalic veins
9/22/2018 Superior vena cava Right and left brachiocephalic veins subclavian veins Axillary veins Brachial veins Ulnar veins Radial veins jugular veins interior jugular vein exterior jugular vein

30 Inferior vena cava Hepatic vein Renal veins Common Iliac veins
9/22/2018 Inferior vena cava Hepatic vein Renal veins Common Iliac veins Gonadal veins (rt enters the CI, but left enters the renal vein) Internal iliac veins

31 9/22/2018 Hepatic Portal System Blood from the small intestines, large intestines, stomach all enter the portal system inferior mesenteric vein and superior mesenteric vein and gastric vein enter the hepatic portal vein to the liver

32 9/22/2018 Blood movement Trace the blood from the heart to the right ulna and back to the heart. Trace the blood from the heart to the heart muscle and back to the heart. Trace the blood from the heart to the stomach and back to the heart.

33 Plasma Proteins Albumins - Globulins Fibrinogen - precursor to fibrin
9/22/2018 Plasma Proteins Albumins - thicken the blood, used to maintain osmotic pressure Globulins gamma globulins antibodies Fibrinogen - precursor to fibrin major role in blood clotting

34 9/22/2018 Erythrocytes Production stimulated by erythropoetin (hormone regulated by kidneys and liver) Negative feedback (fig 12-8) Recycling hemoglobin is broken into biliverdin and bilirubin in the liver and used in bile Iron in hemoglobin is recycled to be used again

35 Leukocytes 1 % of blood volume Contain a nucleus
9/22/2018 Leukocytes 1 % of blood volume Contain a nucleus Ability to leave cardiovascular system Diapedesis Function protect the body from disease phagocytic collection of leukocytes - pus

36 1. Blood vessel spasm Damage to the vessel wall
9/22/2018 1. Blood vessel spasm Damage to the vessel wall stimulates smooth muscle to contract Can last for 30 minutes in some cases this can complete close a blood vessel Spasm can be prolonged by the release of serotonin by thrombocytes

37 From
9/22/2018 From 2. Platelet plug Arrive on the scene increase in size and change shape surface become sticky allows them to adhere to collagen in blood vessel walls also allows them to adhere to each other Eventually forms a large clump platelet plug (fig 12-11)

38 Blood Coagulation Fibrinogen converts into fibrin
9/22/2018 Blood Coagulation Fibrinogen converts into fibrin stimulated by release of thromboplastin from damaged vessels and thrombocytes Fibrin form a netting over platelets and other formed elements blood clot blood leakage is stopped Repair begins

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