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MLA Formatting.

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Presentation on theme: "MLA Formatting."— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA Formatting

2 Learning Targets I can identify the MLA format within a paper.
I can use MLA effectively in my research paper. I can use MLA effectively in my works cited.

3 Before We Begin… On a blank sheet of paper, create three columns.
In the first column, write what you know about MLA. In the second column, write what you want to know about MLA. Leave the third column blank.

4 Basic Formatting Heading Guidelines Double spaced
12 point font (including the title) Times New Roman Font 1 inch margins all the way around Don’t worry about page numbers in the upper left corner Your Name Ms. Kernan 7th Grade English 22 February 2015

5 MLA In-Text Citations Website Citation
When citing a website that has no author or page reference provide a shortened version of the title (“MLA Format”). Punctuation comes after the parentheses.

6 MLA In-Text Citations Single Author Citation
When citing a source in your paper always use the authors last name and the page number in parentheses (Kernan 11). If the author is cited in the text, only the page number is required (11). According to Smith, the new campus will be the largest in the country (50).

7 MLA In-Text Citations Short Quote Citation
When citing a quote “make sure to enclose it in quotation marks” (Kernan 11). There is no comma needed to introduce the quotation, unlike dialog. If you are cutting out part of the original quote use three periods in the middle or four at the end to complete the sentence

8 MLA In-Text Citations--SKIP
Long Quote Citation When citing a quote that is more than four typed lines introduce it with a colon: And then include the entire quote. Each line needs to be a hanging indent. (Kernan 11) The punctuation should appear before the citation.


10 Works Cited Heading centered Hanging indent after the first line
List alphabetically LAST NAMES Double Spaced 12 point font and Times New Roman Entire web address is NOT needed

11 Basic Resources Short Work from a Website with Unknown Author
“Title of Short Work”. Name of Website. Publisher or Sponsor. 16 Oct Web. 31 May 2013. Book with One Author Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Print.

12 What if I forget all this information?
OWL Purdue Writing Lab 747/01/ This website is extremely helpful because it is always update. It also EXPLAINS everything instead of doing it for you. There are examples of citing every source imaginable!

13 Exit Task In your own words, summarize what you learned about MLA and why you think it is important to cite correctly.

14 Peer-Editing: Introduction
You will not have your friend’s paper. You need to highlight: Blue: Highlight the hook in blue. Is it engaging? Does it need revising? Orange: Background information. Is it relevant? Yellow: Citations. Is there anything that is not cited? Is it cited correctly? Pink: Argument/Thesis. Is it in the correct format of: “Physical Education should not be required because reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3.”

15 If you do not have all four colors…
You must edit! Do this first before moving on to your body paragraphs. Turn in when you are finished.

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