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Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids - Lehninger Chapter8

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1 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids - Lehninger Chapter8
8.1 Basics 8.2 Structure 8.3 Chemistry 8.4 Nucleotide Function

2 8.1 Basics Building Blocks Canonical and Minor Bases Phosphodiester bonds Naming and Drawing Base Stacking and Pairing

3 Building Blocks Nucleotides = Base + Sugar + Phosphate
Nucleosides = Base + Sugar Nitrogen Bases Purines (5 + 6 membered rings) – numbering Adenine Guanine Pyrimidines (6 membered ring) – numbering Thymine Cytosine Uracil Pentose Sugars (numbering) – Ribose – Deoxy Ribose



6 Ribose

7 Canonical and Minor Bases
DNA A, G, C, T RNA A, G, C, U Modified bases Methylation in DNA Lots of Mods in RNA

8 Purines

9 Pyrimidines



12 Phosphodiester bonds Formed by Polymerase and Ligase activities
C-5' OH carries the phosphate in nucleotides C5' - O - P - O - C3' Phosphate pKa ~ 0 Natural Oligonucleotides have 5' P and 3' 0H Base hydrolysis due to ionizaiton of 2' OH in RNA



15 Oligonucleotide naming / drawing conventions
5’ - Left to Right - 3’ pACGTOH ACGT

16 Base Stacking and Base Pairing
Bases are very nearly planar Aromaticity => large absorbance at 260nm Epsilon 260 ≈ 10,000 (M-1 cm-1 ) The A260 ≈ 50 μg /ml for DS DNA The A260 ≈ 40 μg /ml for SS DNA or RNA Flat surfaces are hydrophobic Dipole-Dipole and Van Der Waals interactions also stabilize stacked structures Bases have hydrogen bond donors and acceptors H-bonding potential satisfied in paired structures


18 8.2 Structure DNA contains genetic Information
Distinctive base composition foretells base pairing patterns Double helical structures Local structures mRNAs - little structure Stable RNAs - complex structures

19 DNA contains genetic Information
Purified DNA can "transform" Bacteria Avery, MacLeod & McCarty transferred the virulence trait to pneumococci The genetic material contains 32P (DNA) and not 35S (protein – C, M) Hershey and Chase grew bacteriophage on either 32P or 35S Bacteriophage infection resulted in transfer of 32 P and not 35S



22 Distinctive Base composition foretell base pairing patterns
Hydrolysis of DNA and analysis of base composition Same for different individuals of a given species Same over time Same in different tissues %A = %T and %G = %C (Chargaff's Rules) Amino acid compositions vary under all three conditions No quantitative relationships in AA composition

23 Structural Basis of Chargaff’s Rules
Two Strands have complementary sequences 2 logical operations to obtain complementary strand 5' to 3' 1. Reverse: Rewrite the sequence, back to front 2. Complement: Swap A with T, C with G

24 Double helical structures
Potentially Right or Left Handed Actually Mostly Right Handed Potentially Parallel or Anti-parallel Actually anti-parallel Sugar Pucker + 6 rotatable bonds gives 3 families A, B, Z structures KING 3D display software:

25 B-DNA

26 Semi-conservative Replication

27 A, B and Z DNA A form – favored by RNA
B form – Standard DNA double helix under physiological conditions Z form – laboratory anomaly, Left Handed Requires Alt. GC High Salt/ Charge neutralization A, B & Z DNA Kinemages

28 Local structures Palindromes – Inverted repeats Direct Repeats
Not quite the same as (Madam I’m Adam) Symmetrical Sequence Elements Match Symmetry of Protein Homo-Oligomers Symmetry often incomplete/imperfect Direct Repeats Hairpin and Cruciform Structures




32 Messenger RNAs Contain protein coding information
ATG start codon to UAA, UAG, UGA Stop Codon A cistron is the unit of RNA that encodes one polypeptide chain Prokaryotic mRNAs are poly-cistronic Eukaryotic mRNAs are mono-cistronic Base pairing/3D structure is the exception Can be used to regulate RNA stability termination, RNA editng, RNA splicing

33 The Genetic Code G A C U GG[GACU] code for Glycine
arg ser trp cys glu asp lys asn gln his tyr ala thr pro val met ile leu phe GG[GACU] code for Glycine UGG codes for Tryptophan UGA, UAG, UAA are stop codons AG[CU] and UC[GACU] code for Serine

34 mRNA coding patterns

35 Stable RNAs with complex structures

36 RNA Helices are short, bulges, loops

37 tRNA-Phe 2° Structure

38 8.3 Chemistry Denaturation and reannealing Hybridization
Spontaneous Chemical Reactions Methylation Sequencing Chemical Synthesis

39 Denaturation and reannealing

40 Tm (transition midpoint) as a function of base composition
Salt dependence is more dramatic

41 Hybridization DNA sequences can spontaneously re-anneal and form helices Basis for many of molecular biology techniques. PCR, DNA sequencing

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