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The Learning With Errors Problem

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1 The Learning With Errors Problem
Oded Regev Tel Aviv University (for more details, see the survey paper in the proceedings) Cambridge, 2010/6/11

2 Overview

3 Learning With Errors (LWE) Problem
A secret vector s in 174 We are given an arbitrary number of equations, each correct up to 1 Can you find s?

4 LWE’s Claim to Fame Known to be as hard as worst-case lattice problems, which are believed to be exponentially hard (even against quantum computers) Extremely versatile Basis for provably secure and efficient cryptographic constructions

5 LWE’s Origins The problem was first defined in [R05]
Already (very) implicit in the first work on lattice-based public key cryptography [AjtaiDwork97] (and slightly more explicit in [R03])

6 LWE – More Precisely There is a secret vector s in qn
An oracle (who knows s) generates a uniform vector a in qn and noise e distributed normally with standard deviation q. The oracle outputs (a, b=a,s+e mod q) This procedure is repeated with the same s and fresh a and e Our task is to find s 2 13 7 3 8 1 13 + = 3 4 7 9 1 -1 12 12 6 14 5 11 2 3 5

7 LWE – Parameters: n, q,  The main parameter is n, the dimension
The modulus q is typically poly(n) Choosing exponential q increases size of input and makes applications much less efficient (but hardness is somewhat better understood) (The case q=2 is known as Learning Parity with Noise (LPN)) The noise element e is chosen from a normal distribution with standard deviation q (rounded to the nearest integer): The security proof requires q>n The noise parameter  is typically 1/poly(n) The number of equations does not really matter q=113 =0.05

8 Algorithms solving LWE

9 Algorithm 1: More Luck Than Sense
Ask for equations until seeing several “s1…”. E.g., This allows us to deduce s1 and we can do the same for the other coordinates Running time and number of equations is 2O(nlogn)

10 Algorithm 2: Maximum Likelihood
Easy to show: After about O(n) equations, the secret s is the only assignment that approximately satisfies the equations (hence LWE is well defined) We can therefore find s by trying all possible qn assignments We obtain an algorithm with running time qn=2O(nlogn) using only O(n) equations

11 Algorithm 3: [BlumKalaiWasserman’03]
Running time and number of equations is 2O(n) Best known algorithm for LWE (with usual setting of parameters)

12 Algorithm 4: [AroraGe’10]
Running time and number of equations is 2O((q)2) So for q<n, this gives a sub-exponential algorithm Interestingly, the LWE hardness proof [R05] requires q>n; only now we ‘know’ why! Idea: apply a polynomial that zeroes the noise, and solve by linearization

13 Simple Cryptosystem

14 Public Key Encryption Based on LWE
Secret Key: s in qn Public Key: A in qmn , b=As+e (where m=2n·logq) A s e b + = To encrypt a single bit z{0,1}: Pick r in {0,1}m and send (rA, r·b+z·q/2) r A r b + q/2 ,

15 Proof of Semantic Security
b r A r b + z + = A b r A b 2. If A,b is truly random, then the distribution of (rA, r·b) (over r chosen from {0,1}m) is statistically extremely close to uniform so decryption is impossible 1. The public key is pseudo-random: based on LWE

16 Lattices For vectors v1,…,vn in Rn we define the lattice generated by them as ={a1v1+…+anvn | ai integers} We call v1,…,vn a basis of  v1+v2 2v2 2v1 2v2-v1 v1 v2 2v2-2v1

17 Computational Problems on Lattices
‘Algebraic’ lattice problems are easy; ‘geometric’ problems are hard Shortest Vector Problem (GapSVP): given a lattice , approximate length of shortest (nonzero) vector1() to within  Another lattice problem: SIVP. Asks to find n short linearly independent lattice vectors. v2 v1 3v2-4v1

18 Lattice Problems Are Hard
Conjecture: for any =poly(n), GapSVP is hard Best known algorithms run in time 2n [AjtaiKumarSivakumar01, MicciancioVoulgaris10] Quantum computation doesn’t seem to help

19 LWE over Rings

20 Some Inefficiencies of LWE-Based Schemes
+ A s e b r A r b z + = public key is O(n2) encryption of 1 bit requires O(n2) (or O(n)) operations

21 Polynomial ring Polynomials
Example: x3+2x2+1, we don’t care about x, but the coefficients Operations Addition: (x3+2x2+1) + (x+1) = x3+2x2+x + 2 Multiplication (x3+2x2+1)*(x+1) = x4+2x3+x + x3+2x2+1 = x4+3x3+2x3 +x + 1 Polynomial ring over finite field q[x]/xn+1 xn+1 is the quotient (like the modulus in mod operation), so that no polynomial has rank higher than n in the field q : also apply mod operation on the coefficients

22 Polynomial ring Example: 2[x]/xn+1 equivalent to n bit binary representation Addition of polynomials result in the same result as binary addition Multiplication also applies Important to homomorphic addition/multiplication

23 The Ring-LWE Problem Let R be the ring q[x]/xn+1
The secret s is now an element in R The elements a are chosen uniformly from R The coefficients of the noise polynomial e are chosen as small independent normal vars a s e b 2 8 1 8 13 3 -1 1 * + = 7 12 2 16 3 5 -1 6 (a1, b1 = a1s+e1) (a2, b2= a2s+e2) (ak, bk = aks+ek) Ring-LWE Solver s

24 Ring-LWE – Known Results
[LyubashevskyPeikertR10] show that Ring-LWE is as hard as (quantumly) solving the standard lattice problem SIVP (on ideal lattices) The proof is by adapting [R05]‘s proof to rings; only the classical part needs to be changed A qualitatively weaker result was independently shown by [Stehlé SteinfeldTanakaXagawa09] using different techniques of independent interest. [LPR10] also show that decision Ring-LWE is as hard as (search) Ring-LWE Proof is quite non-trivial! Finally [LPR10] show how this can be used to construct very efficient cryptographic applications Many more details in the survey paper!

25 Ring-LWE public-key Let R be the ring q[x]/xn+1
n = 2^m, related to security level, q is poly(n) Random sample a1, s 2 R e 2 R, coefficients are randomly from discrete normal distribution Secret key: s Public key (a0 = -(a*s + te), a1), t is prime to q, e.g., t=2, representing the message space t[x]/xn+1 Encryption: sample u, g, h from discrete normal distribution polynomials ciphertext: (c0, c1) = (a0*u + t*g + m, a1*u+t*h), m in t[x]/xn+1 Decryption: m’ = c0+c1*s = a0*u + t*g + m + (a1*u+t*h)*s = m + t(g+h*s-e*u) m = m’ mod t



28 Decryption:

29 Homomorphic operation
c = (c0, c1), c’ = (c0’, c1’) Addition: (c0+c0’, c1 + c1’) = (a0*(u+u’) + t*(g+g’) + m+m’, a1*(u+u’) + t*(h+h’))

30 Homomorphic operation
c = (c0, c1), c’ = (c0’, c1’) multiplication: (c0+c1*X)*(c0’ + c1’*X) = c0*c0’ + (c1*c0’+c0*c1’)X + c1*c1’ *X2 Represented as (c0*c0’, c1*c0’+c0*c1’, c1*c1’)

31 Decrypting multiplication result (c0, c1, c2): c2. s2 + c1. s + c0 = t
Decrypting multiplication result (c0, c1, c2): c2*s2 + c1*s + c0 = t*emul + m*m’

32 relinearization Converting the 3-tuple (c0, c1, c2) back to the 2-tuple (c0, c1) representation, with relinearization Error increases dramatically with each multiplication

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