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Gibbs measures on trees
Elchanan Mossel, U.C. Berkeley 9/22/2018
Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018
Gibbs Measures P[] = Z-1 £
A Gibbs Measure on a (finite) graph G=(V,E) is given by Node potentials (v : v 2 V) and Edge Potentials (e : e 2 E) The probability of = ((v) : v 2 V) 2 A|V| is given by P[] = Z £ v 2 V v[(v)] £ e=(v,u) 2 Ee[(v),(u)] G Gibbs measures introduced in Statistical Physics. Essential in Machine Learning. Also known as MRF’s, Graphical Models etc. 9/22/2018
Uniqueness and Reconstruction
Let (v,L) := ((w) : d(v,w) = L). Let (v,L)(a) := P[ (v) = a | (v,L)] – P[(v) = a] Let Gn be a family of Gibbs measures: Uniqueness := limL ! 1 sup { |(v,L)|1 : v 2 Gn} = 0 Reconstruction := limL ! 1 sup { |(v,L)|2 : v 2 Gn} 0 Informally: Uniqueness := 8 values of (v,L >> 1), (v) has same dist. Reocn := (v) is typically independent of (v,L >> 1) (v,L) (v) L G 9/22/2018
Gibbs measures on trees
On a finite tree, a Gibbs measure P can be written as: Using recursions easy to calculate: P[(v) = . | (v,L)] ) Easy to determine uniqueness when extreme (v,L) are known (Ising, Potts, Independent sets …) Open Problem 1: Given the d-ary tree and a general M, determine uniqueness. Open Problem 2: Convex asymptotic geometry of P[(v) = . | (v,L)] as L ! 1 P[] = [(0)] £ {e = u ! v} Me(u),(v) + + + + - + + + - - + - + + Assume Me are identical. Tree is d-ary tree. 9/22/2018
Gibbs measures on trees – a story
Let Mi,j = P[hair(daughter) = j | hair(mother) = i] Suppose we know the tree T of all mothers going back to Eve. “Uniqueness”: Is there any assignment of hair color to current population that will yield information on Eve’s? “Reconstruction”: Do we expect to have information on Eve’s hair color from current population? 9/22/2018
Reconstruction: Recursive Reconstruction
= Binary symmetric channel (BSC) = Ising model (no external field) T = 3-ary regular tree with Me = M for all edges. Consider the recursive majority function. Let pn := P[ n-fold rec-maj((0,n)) = (0) ] . Let (p) = (1-) p + (1-p) and g(p) = 3(p)+32(p)(1-(p)) p0 = 1 and pn+1 = g(pn) ) pn ! ½ if and only if (1-2) > 2/3. ) Reconstruction if < 1/6. Von-Neumann (56) for reliable noisy-computation. Later: Evans-Schulmann93, Steel94, Mossel98. 9/22/2018
Spectral Reconstruction
Let M be the Ising (BSC) model on a b-ary tree T. Let f(n) = Maj(n) = sign({(v) : v 2 Ln}). Theorem (Higuchi 77): limn P[0 = f(n)] > ½ if b(1-2)2 > 1. ) Reconstruction for ternary tree if < ½ - (1/3)1/2. Let M be any chain and T the b-ary tree Let be the 2nd eigenvalue of M in absolute value. Claim[Kesten-Stigum66] b | |2 > 1 ) Reconstruction. b | |2 =1 is also threshold for census [MosselPeres04] and robust [Janson-Mossel04] reconstruction. 9/22/2018
Non Reconstruction - Coupling
Copying rule. For i =+,-: P[i ! i] = = 1 – 2 P[i ! Uniform] = 1– = 2 Continuing down the tree, non-coupled elements form a branching process with parameter . + / - + / - = = + / - = = = = = = = = = = If 2 · 1, branching process dies ) coupling. ) for ¸ ¼ no reconstruction (this is not tight!) The threshold for reconstruction is only for Ising (BSC) model is given by 22 = 1. 9/22/2018
Ising Model on Binary Trees
low interm. high bias bias no bias “+” boundary “+” boundary bias no bias “typical” boundary 2 2 > 1 “typical” boundary 2 > 1 22 < 1 2 < 1 Unique Gibbs measure The transition at 2 2 = 1 was proved by: Bleher-Ruiz-Zagrebnov95,Evans-Kenyon-Peres-Schulman2000,Ioffe99, Kenyon-Mossel-Peres-2001,Martinelli-Sinclair-Weitz2004.
Reconstruction for Markov models
So the threshold b 2 = 1 is important. But [M-2000] it is not the threshold for extemality Not even for 2 £ 2 markov chains. Open: What is the threshold for q=3 Potts on binary tree? Very Recent[Borgs-Chayes-M-Roch]: b 2 =1 for slightly asymmetric channels. 9/22/2018
Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018
Glauber dynamics: sampling Gibbs measures
Consider the following dynamics on configuration of Gibbs measure G. At rate 1: Pick a vertex v uniformly at random, and update σ(v) according to the conditional probability given {σ(w): w ~ v}. Easy: Converges to Gibbs distribution. Hard: How quickly? Measure convergence in terms of Markov Operator. G 9/22/2018
Ising Model on Binary Trees
low interm. high bias bias no bias bias no bias “typical” boundary 2 2 > 1 “typical” boundary 2 > 1 22 < 1 2 < 1 Unique Gibbs measure 2 = (n1 + 2 log2 ) Reconstruction No-Reconstruction, 2 =O(1) 9/22/2018 In Berger-Kenyon-M-Peres05
Relaxation time for the binary tree
On Trees: Fast mixing No-Reconstruction. Vs. Common wisdom: Fast mixing Uniqueness. Martinelli-Sinclair-Weitz05: Log-Sob behaves in the same way as Spectral-Gap. Study external-fields and boundary conditions … 9/22/2018
Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018
Phylogeny “Phylogeny is the true evolutionary relationships between groups of living things” Noah Shem Japheth Ham Cush Kannan Mizraim 9/22/2018
Pyhlogenetic Inference
In “phylogenetic inference” The tree is unknown. Given a sequence of collections of random variables at the leaves (“species”). Collections are i.i.d. Want to reconstruct the tree (un-rooted). 9/22/2018
Pyhlogenetic Reconstruction
Markov Model of Evolution
… … Simplest evolution model: binary symmetric channel CFN Model: Tree: T = (V,E) Node states: Mutation probabilities: s(r) pra s(a) prc pab pa3 s(b) 1 s(c) pc4 pc5 pb1 pb2 1 1 0: Purines (A,G) 1: Pyrimidines (C,T) s(1) s(2) s(3) s(4) s(5) 9/22/2018
Phylogenetic Inference Problem
Given: i.i.d. samples at the leaves Task: Reconstruct the model, i.e. find tree and do so efficiently Efficiency: 1) Computational: Running time of reconstruction algorithm 2) Information-theoretic: Sequence length required for successful reconstruction Let n = # leaves (species) k = length of sequences needed. s(1) s(2) s(3) s(4) s(5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pb2 prc + pra pa3 pc5 9/22/2018
Phylogeny: Conjectures and Results
Reconstruction Phylogeny Reconstruction conj k = O(log n) No Reconstruction conj k = poly(n) Percolation critical = 1/2 Random Cluster MS03 Ising model critical : 22 = 1 CFN Mo04 DMR05 9/22/2018
Polynomial Lower Bound at High Mutations
Proof: ? Known * k X=T L q-L 9/22/2018
Logarithmic Reconstruction
Th2 [M 2004]: If T is an tree on n leaves s.t. For all e, min < (e)< max and 22min > 1, max < 1. Then k = O(log n – log ) characters suffice to infer the topology with probability 1- . Caveat: Need a balanced tree – all leaves at the same distance from a root. Th3 [Daskalakis-M-Roch 2005] Above result holds for general trees. + Cameron,Hill,Rao [2006]: Experimental performence. 9/22/2018
Two-Step Algorithm [M 2004]:
Balanced Trees Two-Step Algorithm [M 2004]: 1) Reconstruct one (or a few) level(s) – using distance estimation. 2) Infer sequences at roots using recursive majority. 3) Start over 9/22/2018
General Trees [Daskalakis, M, Roch, 2005]
Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018
Main analytical problems
How to analyze recursions of the random measures (,L)? No general techniques are known (some easy methods follow). Needed for General boundary conditions: Worst case (uniqueness) Average case (Reconstruction) Other. non-regular trees (strong spatial mixing) and for families of random trees (optimal error correcting codes). 9/22/2018
Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstrution Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018
Conjecture: Uniqueness on tree / graphs
Consider Gibbs measures where All edge potentials are identical: e = for all e All node potentials are trivial : v = 1 for all v. Graph is regular of degree d. Conjecture: Gibbs measure unique on d-regular tree ) Gibbs measure unique on any family of d regular graphs. Recently proved by Weitz for anti-ferromagnet Ising models. Trivial for random graphs. G 9/22/2018 T
Conjecture: Uniqueness on tree / graphs
Very Recently [M-Weitz-Wormald-06]: For the hard-core model: Non-uniqueness of Gibbs measure on 3-regular tree ) Exp. Slow mixing on random 3-regular graphs. Reconstruction on random 3-regular graphs. Moral: Slow/Rapid mixing on “typical” graphs is determined by uniqueness on trees. Still don’t really know how to prove for 4-regular graphs Other models. 9/22/2018
Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018
Belief Propagation in AI
Belief Propagation (BP) is a popular method in AI/Coding for estimating marginal probabilities P[(0) = a] for a Gibbs measure G. It is equivalent [TatikondaJordan02] to calculating marginal probabilities P[(0) = a] on the computation tree,T(G). In particular, uniqueness on infinite computation tree ) convergence of BP. Uniqueness + High girth ) Convergence to correct marginals Open “problem”: Is uniqueness needed? Why BP works also when girth is small? G T 9/22/2018
Belief Propagation in Coding
BP is used to decode Low Density Parity Check Codes [Gallager62] Proved to be efficient without “uniqueness”[LMSS,RSU] Recursive Analysis – up to girth of graph. Open Problem: Is BP efficient beyond girth? Open Problem: Can LDPC codes achieve Channel Capacity? 9/22/2018
Replica Symmetry Breaking in Physics
Replicas are recursive distributional equations used to calculate probabilities for spinglasses (random codes, random SAT problems). Symmetric Replicas “” Belief Propogation. Symmetry Breaking Replicas “” Survey Propogation. [MezardMontanari06] Claim: Symmetry Breaks exactly when reconstruction emerges. Open problem/Conjecture: Is the reconstruction threshold on d-ary tree the “right” threshold for spin-glasses on random d-regular graphs? 9/22/2018
Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018
A reminder: Markov Chains
A Markov Chain on a (finite) set S is given by an initial distribution and transition probabilities ti,j. The probability of ((t))t=0T 2 AT+1 is given by [(0)] £ t=0T-1 t(t),(t+1) 0 1 2 time 1 2 3 9/22/2018
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