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Gibbs measures on trees

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1 Gibbs measures on trees
Elchanan Mossel, U.C. Berkeley 9/22/2018

2 Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018

3 Gibbs Measures P[] = Z-1 £
A Gibbs Measure on a (finite) graph G=(V,E) is given by Node potentials (v : v 2 V) and Edge Potentials (e : e 2 E) The probability of  = ((v) : v 2 V) 2 A|V| is given by P[] = Z £ v 2 V v[(v)] £ e=(v,u) 2 Ee[(v),(u)] G Gibbs measures introduced in Statistical Physics. Essential in Machine Learning. Also known as MRF’s, Graphical Models etc. 9/22/2018

4 Uniqueness and Reconstruction
Let (v,L) := ((w) : d(v,w) = L). Let (v,L)(a) := P[ (v) = a | (v,L)] – P[(v) = a] Let Gn be a family of Gibbs measures: Uniqueness := limL ! 1 sup { |(v,L)|1 : v 2 Gn} = 0 Reconstruction := limL ! 1 sup { |(v,L)|2 : v 2 Gn}  0 Informally: Uniqueness := 8 values of (v,L >> 1), (v) has same dist. Reocn := (v) is typically independent of (v,L >> 1) (v,L) (v) L G 9/22/2018

5 Gibbs measures on trees
On a finite tree, a Gibbs measure P can be written as: Using recursions easy to calculate: P[(v) = . | (v,L)] ) Easy to determine uniqueness when extreme (v,L) are known (Ising, Potts, Independent sets …) Open Problem 1: Given the d-ary tree and a general M, determine uniqueness. Open Problem 2: Convex asymptotic geometry of P[(v) = . | (v,L)] as L ! 1 P[] = [(0)] £ {e = u ! v} Me(u),(v) + + + + - + + + - - + - + + Assume Me are identical. Tree is d-ary tree. 9/22/2018

6 Gibbs measures on trees – a story
Let Mi,j = P[hair(daughter) = j | hair(mother) = i] Suppose we know the tree T of all mothers going back to Eve. “Uniqueness”: Is there any assignment of hair color to current population that will yield information on Eve’s? “Reconstruction”: Do we expect to have information on Eve’s hair color from current population? 9/22/2018

7 Reconstruction: Recursive Reconstruction
= Binary symmetric channel (BSC) = Ising model (no external field) T = 3-ary regular tree with Me = M for all edges. Consider the recursive majority function. Let pn := P[ n-fold rec-maj((0,n)) = (0) ] . Let (p) = (1-) p +  (1-p) and g(p) = 3(p)+32(p)(1-(p)) p0 = 1 and pn+1 = g(pn) ) pn ! ½ if and only if (1-2) > 2/3. ) Reconstruction if  < 1/6. Von-Neumann (56) for reliable noisy-computation. Later: Evans-Schulmann93, Steel94, Mossel98. 9/22/2018

8 Spectral Reconstruction
Let M be the Ising (BSC) model on a b-ary tree T. Let f(n) = Maj(n) = sign({(v) : v 2 Ln}). Theorem (Higuchi 77): limn P[0 = f(n)] > ½ if b(1-2)2 > 1. ) Reconstruction for ternary tree if  < ½ - (1/3)1/2. Let M be any chain and T the b-ary tree Let  be the 2nd eigenvalue of M in absolute value. Claim[Kesten-Stigum66] b |  |2 > 1 ) Reconstruction. b |  |2 =1 is also threshold for census [MosselPeres04] and robust [Janson-Mossel04] reconstruction. 9/22/2018

9 Non Reconstruction - Coupling
Copying rule. For i =+,-: P[i ! i] =  = 1 – 2  P[i ! Uniform] = 1– = 2  Continuing down the tree, non-coupled elements form a branching process with parameter . + / - + / - = = + / - = = = = = = = = = = If 2  · 1, branching process dies ) coupling. ) for  ¸ ¼ no reconstruction (this is not tight!) The threshold for reconstruction is only for Ising (BSC) model is given by 22 = 1. 9/22/2018

10 Ising Model on Binary Trees
low interm. high bias bias no bias “+” boundary “+” boundary bias no bias “typical” boundary 2 2 > 1 “typical” boundary 2  > 1 22 < 1 2  < 1 Unique Gibbs measure The transition at 2 2 = 1 was proved by: Bleher-Ruiz-Zagrebnov95,Evans-Kenyon-Peres-Schulman2000,Ioffe99, Kenyon-Mossel-Peres-2001,Martinelli-Sinclair-Weitz2004.

11 Reconstruction for Markov models
So the threshold b  2 = 1 is important. But [M-2000] it is not the threshold for extemality Not even for 2 £ 2 markov chains. Open: What is the threshold for q=3 Potts on binary tree? Very Recent[Borgs-Chayes-M-Roch]: b  2 =1 for slightly asymmetric channels. 9/22/2018

12 Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018

13 Glauber dynamics: sampling Gibbs measures
Consider the following dynamics on configuration  of Gibbs measure G. At rate 1: Pick a vertex v uniformly at random, and update σ(v) according to the conditional probability given {σ(w): w ~ v}. Easy: Converges to Gibbs distribution. Hard: How quickly? Measure convergence in terms of Markov Operator. G 9/22/2018

14 Ising Model on Binary Trees
low interm. high bias bias no bias bias no bias “typical” boundary 2 2 > 1 “typical” boundary 2  > 1 22 < 1 2  < 1 Unique Gibbs measure 2 = (n1 + 2 log2  ) Reconstruction No-Reconstruction, 2 =O(1) 9/22/2018 In Berger-Kenyon-M-Peres05

15 Relaxation time for the binary tree
On Trees: Fast mixing  No-Reconstruction. Vs. Common wisdom: Fast mixing  Uniqueness. Martinelli-Sinclair-Weitz05: Log-Sob behaves in the same way as Spectral-Gap. Study external-fields and boundary conditions … 9/22/2018

16 Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018

17 Phylogeny “Phylogeny is the true evolutionary relationships between groups of living things” Noah Shem Japheth Ham Cush Kannan Mizraim 9/22/2018

18 Pyhlogenetic Inference
In “phylogenetic inference” The tree is unknown. Given a sequence of collections of random variables at the leaves (“species”). Collections are i.i.d. Want to reconstruct the tree (un-rooted). 9/22/2018

19 Pyhlogenetic Reconstruction

20 Markov Model of Evolution
… … Simplest evolution model: binary symmetric channel CFN Model: Tree: T = (V,E) Node states: Mutation probabilities: s(r) pra s(a) prc pab pa3 s(b) 1 s(c) pc4 pc5 pb1 pb2 1 1 0: Purines (A,G) 1: Pyrimidines (C,T) s(1) s(2) s(3) s(4) s(5) 9/22/2018

21 Phylogenetic Inference Problem
Given: i.i.d. samples at the leaves Task: Reconstruct the model, i.e. find tree and do so efficiently Efficiency: 1) Computational: Running time of reconstruction algorithm 2) Information-theoretic: Sequence length required for successful reconstruction Let n = # leaves (species) k = length of sequences needed. s(1) s(2) s(3) s(4) s(5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pb2 prc + pra pa3 pc5 9/22/2018

22 Phylogeny: Conjectures and Results
Reconstruction Phylogeny Reconstruction conj k = O(log n) No Reconstruction conj k = poly(n) Percolation critical  = 1/2 Random Cluster MS03 Ising model critical : 22 = 1 CFN Mo04 DMR05 9/22/2018

23 Polynomial Lower Bound at High Mutations
Proof: ? Known * k X=T L q-L 9/22/2018

24 Logarithmic Reconstruction
Th2 [M 2004]: If T is an tree on n leaves s.t. For all e, min < (e)< max and 22min > 1, max < 1. Then k = O(log n – log ) characters suffice to infer the topology with probability 1- . Caveat: Need a balanced tree – all leaves at the same distance from a root. Th3 [Daskalakis-M-Roch 2005] Above result holds for general trees. + Cameron,Hill,Rao [2006]: Experimental performence. 9/22/2018

25 Two-Step Algorithm [M 2004]:
Balanced Trees Two-Step Algorithm [M 2004]: 1) Reconstruct one (or a few) level(s) – using distance estimation. 2) Infer sequences at roots using recursive majority. 3) Start over 9/22/2018

26 General Trees [Daskalakis, M, Roch, 2005]

27 Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018

28 Main analytical problems
How to analyze recursions of the random measures (,L)? No general techniques are known (some easy methods follow). Needed for General boundary conditions: Worst case (uniqueness) Average case (Reconstruction) Other. non-regular trees (strong spatial mixing) and for families of random trees (optimal error correcting codes). 9/22/2018

29 Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstrution Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018

30 Conjecture: Uniqueness on tree / graphs
Consider Gibbs measures where All edge potentials are identical: e =  for all e All node potentials are trivial : v = 1 for all v. Graph is regular of degree d. Conjecture: Gibbs measure unique on d-regular tree ) Gibbs measure unique on any family of d regular graphs. Recently proved by Weitz for anti-ferromagnet Ising models. Trivial for random graphs. G 9/22/2018 T

31 Conjecture: Uniqueness on tree / graphs
Very Recently [M-Weitz-Wormald-06]: For the hard-core model: Non-uniqueness of Gibbs measure on 3-regular tree ) Exp. Slow mixing on random 3-regular graphs. Reconstruction on random 3-regular graphs. Moral: Slow/Rapid mixing on “typical” graphs is determined by uniqueness on trees. Still don’t really know how to prove for 4-regular graphs Other models. 9/22/2018

32 Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018

33 Belief Propagation in AI
Belief Propagation (BP) is a popular method in AI/Coding for estimating marginal probabilities P[(0) = a] for a Gibbs measure G. It is equivalent [TatikondaJordan02] to calculating marginal probabilities P[(0) = a] on the computation tree,T(G). In particular, uniqueness on infinite computation tree ) convergence of BP. Uniqueness + High girth ) Convergence to correct marginals Open “problem”: Is uniqueness needed? Why BP works also when girth is small? G T 9/22/2018

34 Belief Propagation in Coding
BP is used to decode Low Density Parity Check Codes [Gallager62] Proved to be efficient without “uniqueness”[LMSS,RSU] Recursive Analysis – up to girth of graph. Open Problem: Is BP efficient beyond girth? Open Problem: Can LDPC codes achieve Channel Capacity? 9/22/2018

35 Replica Symmetry Breaking in Physics
Replicas are recursive distributional equations used to calculate probabilities for spinglasses (random codes, random SAT problems). Symmetric Replicas “” Belief Propogation. Symmetry Breaking Replicas “” Survey Propogation. [MezardMontanari06] Claim: Symmetry Breaks exactly when reconstruction emerges. Open problem/Conjecture: Is the reconstruction threshold on d-ary tree the “right” threshold for spin-glasses on random d-regular graphs? 9/22/2018

36 Gibbs Measures on Trees:
Lecture Plan Gibbs Measures on Trees: Uniqueness Reconstruction Mixing times on trees Building Trees (Phylogeny) Some analytical problems. Gibbs Measures on Trees and Other Graphs Mixing Times. Belief Propagation. The Replica Method. 9/22/2018

37 9/22/2018

38 A reminder: Markov Chains
A Markov Chain on a (finite) set S is given by an initial distribution  and transition probabilities  ti,j. The probability of ((t))t=0T 2 AT+1 is given by [(0)] £ t=0T-1  t(t),(t+1) 0 1 2 time 1 2 3 9/22/2018

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