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Introduction to Tabular Data Models

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1 Introduction to Tabular Data Models
Julie Koesmarno | Consultant, MsSQLGirl Patrick LeBlanc | Senior Technical Specialist, Microsoft

2 04 | Querying with DAX Julie Koesmarno | Consultant, MsSQLGirl
Patrick LeBlanc | Senior Technical Specialist, Microsoft

3 Module Overview Introduction To DAX Syntax
Writing DAX Queries Outside SSMS Using DAX Queries In Practical World

4 Introduction To DAX Syntax

5 Querying With DAX Usage Syntax / Functions EVALUATE SUMMARIZE TopN
Many others to look into, e.g. ADDCOLUMN GENERATEALL CALCULATETABLE Tools to use DAX Editor DAX Studio When this would be useful Actions SSRS Report

6 DAX in SSMS: Evaluate DAX in DAX Editor: Summarize

7 EVALUATE [DEFINE {MEASURE <tableName>[<name>] = <expression>} EVALUATE <table> [ORDER BY {<expression> [{ASC | DESC}]}[, …] [START AT {<value>|<parameter>} [, …]]] Retrieve data from table expression. T-SQL Equivalent SELECT * FROM <table> Note Formatting configured in Tabular Model is lost

8 EVALUATE is similar to EVALUATE 'InternetSales'
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales] EVALUATE 'InternetSales'


10 SUMMARIZE SUMMARIZE(<table>, <groupBy_columnName>[, <groupBy_columnName>]…[, <name>, <expression>]…) Returns requested aggregated values over a set of groups T-SQL Equivalent SELECT <columns>, <aggregated columns> FROM <table> GROUP BY <columns> Type Statistical Function

11 SUMMARIZE is similar to …
EVALUATE SUMMARIZE (     'InternetSales',     'Product'[Product Name],     "Sales", SUM ( 'InternetSales'[Sales Amount] ),     "Revenue", 'InternetSales'[Revenue] )

12 SUMMARIZE SELECT p.[EnglishProductName],
SUM(f.[SalesAmount]) AS Sales, SUM(f.[SalesAmount] - f.[ProductStandardCost] - f.[Freight] - f.[TaxAmt]) AS Revenue FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales] f INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimProduct] p ON p.[ProductKey] = f.[ProductKey] GROUP BY p.[EnglishProductName];



15 TopN TOPN(<n_value>, <table>, <orderBy_expression>, [<order>[, <orderBy_expression>, [<order>]]…]) Returns a table with the Cartesian product between each row in table1 and the table that results from evaluating table2 in the context of the current row from table1. T-SQL Equivalent SELECT <columns> FROM <table1> LEFT OUTER JOIN <table2> Type Filter Function

16 TopN EVALUATE FILTER (     GENERATE (         VALUES ( 'Date'[Calendar Year] ),         ADDCOLUMNS (             TOPN (                 10,                 VALUES ( 'Product'[Product Name] ),                 'InternetSales'[Sum of Sales],                 0             ),             "Sales", 'InternetSales'[Sum of Sales]         )     ),     'InternetSales'[Sum of Sales] > 0 ) ORDER BY 'Date'[Calendar Year], "Sales" DESC

17 TopN – SQL Equivalent SELECT DISTINCT d.[CalendarYear],
s.[EnglishProductName], s.[Sales] FROM [dbo].[DimDate] d OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 10 p.[EnglishProductName], SUM(sx.[SalesAmount]) Sales FROM [dbo].[FactInternetSales] sx INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimDate] dx ON dx.[DateKey] = sx.[OrderDateKey] INNER JOIN [dbo].[DimProduct] p ON p.[ProductKey] = sx.[ProductKey] WHERE d.[CalendarYear] = dx.[CalendarYear] GROUP BY dx.[CalendarYear], p.[EnglishProductName] ORDER BY SUM(sx.[SalesAmount]) DESC ) s WHERE s.[Sales] > 0 d.[CalendarYear] ASC, s.[Sales] DESC

18 Writing DAX Queries Outside SSMS

19 DAX in DAX Studio: TopN

20 Tools To Use Add-In To Excel Add-In To VS 2010, 2012 DAX Editor

21 Using DAX Queries In Practical World

22 Creating custom DAX query for Action

23 DAX in Reporting Tools Create a Report Project
Change Command Type to DMX to write a DAX query Can also write MDX query as per normal SSAS

24 Alternative for SSRS If using In-Memory model, can use MDX on SSRS

25 Querying with DAX Session Takeaways Ability to write simple DAX Query
Know what tools to use to write DAX Query Using DAX Queries to inspect data in DAX Studio Embedding DAX Queries into Action Using DAX Query in SSRS


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