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The Progressive Presidents

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1 The Progressive Presidents
TR, Taft, Wilson (Domestic Policy)



4 “Speak softy and carry a big stick.”
1902, North Carolina

5 1900 Election

6 Complete Chart on TRs Domestic Achievements
…Like all Americans, I like big things; big parades, big forests and mountains, big wheat fields, railroads – and herds of cattle too; big factories, steamboats and everything else. But we must keep steadily in mind that no people were ever yet benefited by riches if their property corrupted their virtue. It is more importance that we should sow ourselves honest, brave, truthful, and intelligent than that we should own all the railways and grain elevators in the world…I am myself at heart as much a westerner as an easterner; I am proud indeed to be considered one of yourselves, and I address you in the rather solemn strain today only because of my pride in you and because your welfare, morale as well as material, is so near my heart. –TR 4th of July 1886 (first public speech) Complete Chart on TRs Domestic Achievements

7 Conservationist and Big GameHunter

8 TR and John Muir in the Sierras
Conservationism Became a national Concern. Why? TR and John Muir in the Sierras


10 To what extent were TR and Taft successful “progressive” presidents
To what extent were TR and Taft successful “progressive” presidents? You need to refer back to (or clarify) your definition of Progressivism first to use as “criteria”. To what extent was Taft a successful “progressive” president?

11 1912 Taft / Roosevelt Rupture
Roosevelt selects Taft as his successor Taft captured by conservative Republican Old Guard and rejects Roosevelt’s policies Taft – poor politician loses public support Taft and pro Roosevelt progressives split Republican party Roosevelt leads a third-party crusade in 1912 election (Bill Moose party)

12 1912 Presidential Campaign
TR’s regulatory New Nationalism Wilson’s more libertarian New Freedom


14 Question 3b. b. Evaluate Wilson’s presidency (domestic policy) using his “New Freedom” slogan as criteria.

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