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Board of Trustees Retreat STUDENT SUCCESS FRAMEWORK Joe B

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1 Board of Trustees Retreat STUDENT SUCCESS FRAMEWORK Joe B
Board of Trustees Retreat STUDENT SUCCESS FRAMEWORK Joe B. Whitehead, Jr. Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs July 15, 2016

2 Student Success Framework Agenda
What is Student Success? The Student Success Framework Charting a Pathway to Student Success: The Focus Areas Overall Student Success Data Retention & Graduation: A Conversation on Gender & Ethnicity Common themes of Colleges Recognized for Student Success by General Administration

3 Defining Student Success…
Student success is the accomplishment of favorable or desired student outcomes. These outcomes are typically indicated by: Student Retention (Persistence) Educational Attainment Academic Achievement Student Advancement Holistic Development

4 Driving Student Success
Charting a Pathway to Student Success Role of the Center for Academic Excellence Preeminent Advising Roles of the Colleges Communicating Student Success Improve EAS & Academic Monitoring Driving Student Success

Role of the Center for Academic Excellence Preeminent Advising Increased role of the Center for Academic Excellence in driving, coordinating and assessing student success activities at North Carolina A&T State University. FOCUS AREA 2: Enhance and improve academic advising for undergraduate students at North Carolina A&T State University FOCUS AREA 3: Improve EAS & Academic Monitoring Improve the monitoring and managing of student progress

Communicating Student Success Provide a clear and consistent message elevating University-wide promotion of student success throughout the University FOCUS AREA 5: Roles of Colleges Defining the roles of Deans, Department Chairs, Faculty, Staff and Students in promoting student success at NC A&T

7 FOCUS AREA 1: Increased role of the Center for Academic Excellence in driving, coordinating and assessing student success activities at North Carolina A&T State University. Strategies Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Spr 17 1.1 Hub for coordinating best practices in student success and academic support activities 1.1.1 Provide assistance to Colleges during New Student Orientation 1.1.2 Serve as information center for best practices in academic support 1.1.3 Provide data and predictive analytics for proactive advising, services and programming 1.1.4 Provide administration for the early alert system 1.2 Provide training and professional development for faculty advising and academic coaching 1.3 Provide support, coordination and assessment 1.3.1 Provide an Academic Coach as a supplement to Faculty Advisors of First-Year Students. 1.3.2 Support, coordination & assessment for tutorial services 1.3.3 Support, coordination & external assessment of academic support programs 1.3.4 Support, coordination & assessment of supplemental instruction National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) researched the cumulative effects of High Impact Practices (HIPs) AAC&Us Liberal education and America’s Promise (LEAP) supports student access to HIPs CAEs connection between HIPs and Student Success HIPs are engaged learning experiences HIPs ameliorate gaps in first-to-second year retention rates, gains in first-year grade point averages and graduation rates among typically underserved students.

8 Focus Area 1: Center for Academic Excellence
Hub for best practices and academic support activities Assistance to Colleges during New Student Orientation Information center for best practices in academic support Provide data and predictive analytics for proactive advising, services and programming Training and professional development for FA and AC Support, coordination and assessment Provide an Academic Coach as a supplement to Faculty Advisors for 1st year students Support, coordination & assessment for tutorial services Support, coordination & external assessment of academic support programs Support, coordination & assessment for supplemental instruction Communicate accurate information for academic policies Ensure consistent standards for advising

9 FOCUS AREA 2: Enhance and improve academic advising for undergraduate students by ensuring minimal standards are communicated throughout the campus Strategies Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Spr 17 2.1 Develop Faculty/Staff Advising Handbook and Quick Reference Guide  2.2 Provide Link to Advising Web-based Resource Center 2.3 Distribute Advising Syllabus 2.4 Implementation of Preeminent Advising Model 2.4.1 Academic Coaches for First Year & Special Population Students 2.5 Provide professional development for advisors/coaches  2.5.1 Professional Development for Academic Coaches 2.5.2 Professional Development for Faculty Advisors 2.6 Administer the Non-Cognitive Factors Assessment for Student Affairs & Academic Affairs Programming National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) researched the cumulative effects of High Impact Practices (HIPs) AAC&Us Liberal education and America’s Promise (LEAP) supports student access to HIPs CAEs connection between HIPs and Student Success HIPs are engaged learning experiences HIPs ameliorate gaps in first-to-second year retention rates, gains in first-year grade point averages and graduation rates among typically underserved students.

10 Example of Process in Focus Area 2: Advising Work Flow

Enhance and improve academic advising for undergraduate students by ensuring minimal standards are communicated throughout the campus Academic Advising Data Points Number of Advising Contacts Number of Educational Success Plans Created Advisees Academic Standing Number of Advisees Registered for Subsequent Semester Academic Support Programs Data Points Inventory of Campus Tutoring Centers/Services Number of Students Serviced Academic Services Provided Academic Tutoring Requested Number of SI Leaders Trained Number of Tutors Trained Study Hall Usage External Evaluation of Academic Support Services

12 Example of Innovative Program in Focus Area 2.6:
Non-cognitive Assessment Non-cognitive Factors Assessment: The SuccessNavigator® instrument will assist with advising at-risk incoming students to improve retention and completion rates Provides a holistic view of the critical factors that greatly influence incoming student success — academic skills, commitment, self-management and social support — Data collected can be used to develop programs in collaboration with Student Affairs Data is used by Academic Coaches to: Manage their caseload Deliver detailed action plans Improve first-year retention rates

13 FOCUS AREA 3: Improve the monitoring and managing of student progress
Strategies Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Spr17 3.1 Reimplementation of Early Alert System 3.2 Research and analyze curricular benchmarks indicating critical steps toward degree completion 3.3 Distribute Advising Syllabus 3.4 Develop Degree Works Audit Tool 3.5 Enhance monitoring and effectiveness of Academic Plans of Action (APAs) for Probation and Readmitted Students 3.6 Central Monitoring and Coordination of Tutorial Programs on Campus 3.6.1 Inventory of Tutoring Labs and Services 3.6.2 Development of Assessment Plan 3.6.3 Implementation of Assessment Plan 3.7 Review and Improve Developmental Math

14 Example of Process in Focus Area 3: Early Alert Work Flow

15 Early Alert System Data Points:
FOCUS AREA 3: Improve the monitoring and managing of student progress Early Alert System Data Points: Number of Academic Progress Reports Number of “At Risk” Reports Resolved Number and Type of Intervention Referrals Number of Intervention Follow-up (Resolved) Number of Advising Contacts Number of Faculty Participants in EAS

16 FOCUS AREA 4: Provide a clear and consistent message elevating University-wide promotion of student success throughout the University Strategies Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Spr 17 4.1 Communicate with stakeholders 4.1.1 Strategic meetings with stakeholders (Cabinet, Deans, Chairs) 4.1.1a Share Student Success Plan and integrate appropriate feedback 4.2 Meet with Office of University Relations, Phase I, informational & educational awareness of Student Success Plan 4.2.1 Determine strategic terminology, student success branding marks for University website, University communications, WNAA, Chancellor’s Radio Show, Plasma TVs, Campus , Pre-registration signage, CAE web portal, brochures, postcards 4.2.2 Provide literature to campus media and marketing for distribution and announcement through campus technology communication channels 4.3 Chancellor announces at Faculty/Staff Institute 4.4 Present Student Success Plan at each College meeting at the beginning of Fall Semester 4.4.1 Communicate Student Success Plan at each Instructor and Faculty Advisor training session (goals and purpose) 4.4.2 Present at individual departmental meetings throughout the semester. Implement strategy for “Identity-Building” with students; faculty & staff National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) researched the cumulative effects of High Impact Practices (HIPs) AAC&Us Liberal education and America’s Promise (LEAP) supports student access to HIPs CAEs connection between HIPs and Student Success HIPs are engaged learning experiences HIPs ameliorate gaps in first-to-second year retention rates, gains in first-year grade point averages and graduation rates among typically underserved students.

17 Focus Area 4: Communication Plan Flow
Chancellor Announces Student Success Plan at Faculty/Staff Institute Meet with Office of University Relations (Phase I) University website University communication WNAA Plasma TVs Campus Pre-registration signage CAE web portal brochures postcards Communicate With Stakeholders Strategic Meetings Share student success plan Asst. Provost for Student Success attends College Meetings Student Success Plan is Presented Throughout Campus Community Instructor and Faculty Advisor Trainings Sessions Individual Departmental Meetings within every College

18 FOCUS AREA 5: Defining the roles of Deans, Department Chairs, Faculty & Staff in promoting students success at NC A&T Strategies Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Spr 17 5.1.1 Deans ensure department chairs assess and evaluate advising activities 5.1.2 Deans and department chairs are informed of Advising Reports and Early Alerts for First-Year Students and Special Populations 5.1.3 Deans ensure department chairs require interim degree audits are standard during advising process 5.1.4 Deans or designee collaborate with CAE for academic support, intervention strategies, advising reports 5.1.5 Deans and department chairs require instructors to maintain accurate attendance and grading information for Early Alert Reporting purposes 5.2.1 Department chair ensures each student is assigned a faculty advisor who provides accurate academic information on departmental and academic policies  * 5.2.2 Chairs ensure updated digital file is maintained for each student in their department 5.3.1 Instructors are required to participate in Early Alert Campaigns and send manual alerts when appropriate 5.3.2 Instructors are required to maintain their course grades in the LMS (i.e., Blackboard) 5.3.3 Instructors are required to reserve office hours for student engagement

19 Department Roles and Responsibilities
Faculty and Staff Required to participate in early alert campaigns and create manual alerts when appropriate Required to maintain their course grades in the LMS (i.e. Blackboard) Required to reserve office hours for student engagement Department Chairs Ensure updated digital file is maintained for each student in their department Informed of Advising Reports &Early Alerts for 1st year students and special populations Ensure students are assigned a faculty advisor who provide accurate academic information Require instructors to maintain accurate attendance and grading Dean Deans set strategy for Student Success in Colleges for ALL students. Ensure department chairs evaluate advising activities Informed of Advising Reports and Early Alerts regarding 1st year students and special populations Ensure department chairs require interim degree audits are standard during the advising process Collaborate with CAE for academic support, intervention strategies, and advising reports (Designee can be appointed) shared Dean sets strategy for student success in college and is held accountable. This is true for non-freshmen students. shared

20 Overall Student Success Data
Examples of Data to Share with the Campus Community to Drive Student Success Overall Student Success Data

21 1st-year Retention of First-time New Students, NCAT, UNC Peers and National Peers

22 4-Year Graduation Rate, NCAT, UNC Peers and National Peers

23 6-Year Graduation Rate, NCAT, UNC Peers and National Peers

24 NCA&T Data: Graduation by Race/Ethnicity

25 NCA&T Data: Graduation by Sex and Residency

26 NCA&T Data: Retention Rates by Race/Ethnicity

27 NCA&T Data: Retention Rates by Sex and Residency

28 Common themes of colleges that have marked improvements in student success rates and/or capacity:
Data and predictive analytics, proactive advising and services, remediation reform, addressing high failure courses with supplemental instruction Georgia State University, Austin Peay, University of Central Florida These institutions were hailed by General Administration at Student Competency Based Education Summit in Student Success Plans

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