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INTERTANKO 国际油轮船东协会 Asian Panel Meeting

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1 INTERTANKO 国际油轮船东协会 Asian Panel Meeting
Shanghai 27th April 2009

2 Anti-Trust/Competition Law Compliance Statement
INTERTANKO’s policy is to be firmly committed to maintaining a fair and competitive environment in the world tanker trade, and to adhering to all applicable laws which regulate INTERTANKO’s and its members’ activities in these markets. These laws include the anti-trust/competition laws which the United States, the European Union and many nations of the world have adopted to preserve the free enterprise system, promote competition and protect the public from monopolistic and other restrictive trade practices. INTERTANKO’s activities will be conducted in compliance with its Anti-trust/Competition Law Guidelines.

3 Asian Member’s Seminar
Seminar Overview Welcome and Introduction Asian Panel Regional Meetings and Events Cooperative Mechanism Council Agenda Overview Piracy Regional Update International Perspective Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hebei Spirit Update Tanker Incidents Overview of trends Regional developments Presentation by Simon Stonehouse, Brit Insurance Any other business

4 1. Welcome and Introduction
Asian Panel Regional Meetings and Events April INTERTANKO Members Seminar, Singapore INTERTANKO Crisis and Media Workshop, Singapore 27 INTERTANKO Asian Panel Meetings, Shanghai OCIMF Seminar, Shanghai 28 TradeWinds China Energy Conference, Shanghai 29 ShippingTech China Conference, Shanghai May 5-6 Informal Tanker Operators Safety Forum, Nanjing 11-15 IMO Diplomatic Conference to adopt Ship Recycling Convention, Hong Kong 12 INTERTANKO Chartering Seminar, Tokyo 13-16 INTERTANKO Tanker Event 18 International Piracy Conference, Kuala Lumpur 19 INTERTANKO Vetting Committee Meeting, Singapore 20 INTERTANKO Vetting Seminar, Singapore 25-26 Asian Shipowner’s Forum AGM, Tainan June 6 Dalian Maritime University 100th Anniversary, Dalian 9-10 High-Level Meeting on Piracy off Coast of Somalia, Seoul Chemical Tanker Committee, Oslo 9 Norshipping: Boat Cruise and BBQ, Oslo

5 1. Welcome and Introduction
Asian Panel Regional Meetings and Events Tokyo AGM and Tanker Event

6 1. Welcome and Introduction
Tokyo AGM and Tanker Event

7 1. Welcome and Introduction
Tokyo AGM and Tanker Event

8 1. Welcome and Introduction
Cooperative Mechanism Co-operative Mechanism for the Straits of Malacca and Singapore Littoral state – Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore Safety of Navigation and Environmental protection 5 projects identified Aids to Navigation Fund a separate initiative Buy-in from Industry at the end of State agreement on projects INTERTANKO requested greater industry involvement and proposed establishment of Technical Panels Navigational Panel Environmental Panel Lead by industry Industry to bring project ideas Industry to contribute resources in the projects INTERTANKO informal dialogue with Singapore MPA to develop the Panels

9 1. Welcome and Introduction
Cooperative Mechanism Navigational Panel INTETANKO handed opportunity to steer this work, but... Requires significantly more issues – Straits focused not just Singapore! Agenda Item Issue Summary Small Vessel Traffic It is recognized that industries other than the international shipping use the waters, from smaller coastal trading vessels to fishing vessels, barges and tugs. Traffic Separation Schemes The Straits are a prime example of the successful implementation of a TSS in a busy, international waterway. However, comments have been received relating to the possibility of further improving the TSS taking into account small vessel traffic, crossing traffic, entry and exit points for example.

10 1. Welcome and Introduction
Cooperative Mechanism 2. Environmental Panel Agenda Item Issue Summary Port Reception Facilities Marine pollution in the form of oily waste and garbage remains a persistent problem in the region. International shipping is frequently mentioned as a key source of marine pollution in the region. Oil and Chemical Spill Response Environmental Awareness The international shipping industry ha taken steps to improve awareness of environmental issues aboard and ashore. This improves understanding of the significance of environmental issues and improves the development of an environmentally aware culture. This in turn improves awareness of environmental legislation and motivation to implement voluntary measures to improve environmental protection. Ballast Water Management Invasive species through ships’ ballast water is a global problem with regional and national consequences. The current global problem surrounds the shipping industry’s ability to find equipment to meet the standards prescribed in the IMO’s Convention. Biofouling Management Invasive specie carried on the hull’s of ships can contribute as much of a risk as those species carried in ballast water tanks. The industry has been increasing its management practices to reduce invasive species transfer and improve emissions from shipping. Problems arise in finding suitable locations to undertake such management options. Note the IMO is currently developing guidelines on biofouling management. Information Sharing This would be a stand-alone item on the agenda of both Panels and would allow sufficient time for both users and littoral states to share information on developments of importance. Anti-fouling Coatings Air Pollution (MARPOL Annex VI) ... Air Emissions (GHG)

11 Asian Member’s Seminar
Seminar Overview Welcome and Introduction Asian Panel Regional Meetings and Events Cooperative Mechanism Council Agenda Overview Piracy Regional Update International Perspective Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hebei Spirit Update Tanker Incidents Overview of trends Regional developments Presentation by Simon Stonehouse, Brit Insurance Any other business

12 2. Council Agenda Overview
Council Agenda – 13 May 2009, Tokyo Corporate Affairs Piracy status report * Greenhouse Gas Emissions * Report items - Chemical items - Load Line Zones – Off South Africa - Criminalisation of Seafarers – update * - Paris MoU – New Inspection Regime * - Human Element – Roll out of TOTS - EU and US Issues – EU Sulphur Directive, EU Mutual Recognition of Certificates by ROs

13 New Inspection Regime – Paris MoU
Better targeting !!! “ Every ship eligible for a periodic inspection as follows: High Risk Ship (HRS) every 5-6 months Standard Risk Ship (SRS) every months Low Risk Ship (LRS) every months ”

14 Asian Member’s Seminar
Seminar Overview Welcome and Introduction Asian Panel Regional Meetings and Events Cooperative Mechanism Council Agenda Overview Piracy Regional Update International Perspective Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hebei Spirit Update Tanker Incidents Overview of trends Regional developments Presentation by Simon Stonehouse, Brit Insurance Any other business

15 Nigeria / Gulf of Guinea Somalia – Gulf of Aden / W Indian Ocean
Piracy Malacca Straits Nigeria / Gulf of Guinea Somalia – Gulf of Aden / W Indian Ocean

16 3. Piracy 1. Regional Update RECAAP Statistics
Increase in successful incidents between 2007 and 2008 (77 to 83) Increase generally around Straits of Malacca and Singapore, South China Sea and off Malaysia Reductions seen at the anchorages of Indonesia and around the port of Chittagong, Bangladesh Tankers appeared to have been targeted on more occasions than other ship types Significant proportion of attacks continues to take place at anchor and in hours of darkness Use of guns reducing Possible escalations? Market downturn International coverage – new models developing

17 Piracy – Somalia

18 Piracy – Somalia

19 EUNAVFOR (EU Naval Forces)
Piracy - Somalia The International Response EUNAVFOR (EU Naval Forces) MSCHOA (Maritime Security Centre (Horn of Africa) INTERTANKO providing Merchant Navy Liaison Officer (Howard Snaith)

20 2009 GoA + EC Somalia statistics (first quarter):
Piracy - Somalia 2009 GoA + EC Somalia statistics (first quarter): 50 approaches/attacks (4 a week) 8 hijackings (0.7 a week) (Feb/Mar down to 0.5 a week) April hijackings up again (figures tbc) Confirmed attacks on vessels using GT: 2 Hijackings of vessels following GT: 1 8 captive vessels (as of 3.09) 94 captive crew 2008 GoA + EC Somalia statistics (full year): 111 approaches/attacks (2 a week) 42 hijackings (0.8 a week) 14 captive vessels (as of end Nov) 680+ taken hostage over the year.

21 2. Council Agenda Overview
United Nations Contact Group WG 1 : measures to improve the coordination of, and information sharing between, the various naval forces present in the region and their interfacing with civilian shipping WG 2 : programmes to facilitate the prosecution of those caught and suspected of piracy WG 3: facilitates development of industry “Best Management Practices” to counter piracy and their application within the international shipping community WG 4 : communications and outreach strategies for use within Somalia and to the wider international community as part of capacity building programmes - this latter to be in conjunction with other UN programmes already on the ground within the region

22 Approaches/attacks UP Hijackings DOWN BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY
3. Piracy Summary of 1q09 versus 2008 Approaches/attacks UP Hijackings DOWN BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY Only 2 attacks in 3 months on ships Staying more than 600 miles from the coast Making use of Group Transit Following industry guidelines

23 Recent developments Piracy - Somalia
significant hijackings in waters in April EAST of Somalia Nipayia 450 miles E Bow Asir 250 miles E

24 INTERTANKO activities
Piracy – Somalia INTERTANKO activities Documentary Committee: Developed Piracy Model Clauses (VC, TC) Information: Piracy information alerts and security bulletins Joint industry booklet "Practical Measures to Avoid, Deter, and Delay Piracy Attacks” IMO: Member of Correspondence Group revising MSC Guidance Circular Industry spokesperson at Djibouti meeting finalising regional code UN: Member of Best Practices Working Group; observer at UN Contact Group EU Naval Coordination: Part-time secondee as Merchant Navy Liaison Officer US Congress: Testimony on International Piracy

25 U.S. Congress hearing on international piracy
Piracy – Somalia U.S. Congress hearing on international piracy INTERTANKO emphasised that governments must take appropriate action to - provide/maintain sufficient military assets ensure coordinated approach among military assets for effective protection and response ensure single/compatible rules of engagement develop legal authority to prosecute captive pirates develop long-term solution on land - solve problem at root not just fight symptoms

26 Piracy - The East Africa/Somalia Situation
Piracy - Somalia Guidance to Industry Generic: IMO Circular 623 (Rev 3) Region Specific: UN Contact Group: Best Management Practices OCIMF/INTERTANKO/Industry Guide: Piracy - The East Africa/Somalia Situation Practical Measures to Avoid, Deter or Delay Piracy Attacks

27 Guidance for Gulf of Aden / Somalia
Piracy - Somalia Guidance for Gulf of Aden / Somalia Pre-transit: Assess Risk Plan self-defensive measures Register with MSCHOA IF appropriate, join Group Transit During transit: Stay alert Report to UKMTO Follow “best practices”

28 6. Tanker Incidents ICOPCE 2009 1000 ts spilt Billion tonne-miles 1000
Record low pollution in 2008 Number incidents Tanker incidents 2008 by type Source: INTERTANKO/ITOPF/Fearnleys/LMIU/Others

29 6. Tanker Incidents ICOPCE 2009 Tanker groundings
Tanker hull & machinery Tanker Engine incidents Year <10 years 10-24 years >25 years Total Average age 2002 4 15 3 22 17.5 2003 8 14 18.4 2004 2 7 12 18.8 2005 9 20 5 34 17.6 2006 17 32 14.3 2007 25 48 13.2 2008 24 10 59 15.6 2009 9.7 79 119 30 228 Tanker Engine incidents Based on data from LMIU, ITOPF + others

30 Asian Member’s Seminar
Seminar Overview Welcome and Introduction Asian Panel Regional Meetings and Events Cooperative Mechanism Council Agenda Overview Piracy Regional Update International Perspective Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hebei Spirit Update Tanker Incidents Overview of trends Regional developments Presentation by Simon Stonehouse, Brit Insurance Any other business

31 [ Initiatives to Reduce ] Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Shipping has a head start as the most energy efficient means of transport

32 CO2 Emissions per Unit Load by Transport Mode
4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions CO2 Emissions per Unit Load by Transport Mode Large Tanker Large Containership Railway Coastal Carrier Small-size Commercial Truck Airplane Standard-size 100 200 300 400 398 226 49 11 6 3 1 Units Relative Shipping energy efficient Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Japan): The Survey on Transport Energy 2001/2002 MOL (Japan): Environmental and Social Report 2004 32 32

4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions TANKER SHIPPING A GOOD NEWS STORY Shipping’s GREEN Credentials This car, weighing one tonne, uses 1 litre of fuel to move 20 kms This oil tanker uses 1 litre of fuel to move one tonne of cargo 2,500 kms more than twice as far as 20 years ago

34 4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
One particular challenge for the shipping industry - i.e. seaborne trade will continue to grow strongly Trends – Population, Energy Use, Seaborne trade & CO2 emissions Index In general the CO2 emission has developed in line with energy consumption, which again has developed according to the population the growth in the population. Over the last years oil consumption has developed stronger that the population growth because the strong economic growth in large countries such as Russia, India and in particular China . Cos emission has also developed stronger than energy consumption because coal increased its part of energy consumption. The strong growth in seaborne trade can firstly be attributed to the strong import to China of raw materials and the strong growth in finished good from China to Europe and the US. Source: Fearnleys/INTERTANKO

35 4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Drivers for Change
Driven hardest by a limited number of governments Supported mostly by EU governments, plus Japan, Australia, Canada and a few others Until recently only limited support in US (mostly environmental interests) Relatively little enthusiasm in much of the developing world, but now changing ? Environmental Lobby growing And becoming more coordinated Maritime industries showing considerable support Proactive involvement Although “hesitant” on market based instruments Economic incentives strong Fuel savings translate into potentially significant cost savings; plus incentives for innovation & new technologies

36 4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Kyoto Protocol Established under UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and adopted in 1997 Ratified by 181 countries – not the USA Categorises Annex 1 (Developed) Countries and Non-Annex 1 (Developing) Countries Annex 1 are committed to make GHG reductions with set targets, but also flexible mechanisms Runs through to 2012, with Conference of Parties (COP15) to meet in Copenhagen in Dec 2009 to develop successor Kyoto recognises “common but differentiated responsibilities”, i.e. developed countries produce more GHGs and should be “responsible” for reductions Kyoto looks to IMO to address Shipping and ICAO to address Aviation, and as such these emissions are currently excluded from Kyoto targets

37 Initiatives underway at the IMO
4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Initiatives underway at the IMO 1998: IMO initiated work on Green House Gas emissions 2003: IMO Assembly adopted Resolution A.963(23): Policies and Practices Related to the Reduction of GHG from Ships Today: Work continues through the MEPC This year: we can expect MEPC 59 to adopt - Mandatory Energy Efficiency Design Index for new ships Ship Energy Management Plan – existing ships: - Best practices to save energy used by the ship - Use of voluntary Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator In December: the outcome(s) of MEPC 59 will be presented to UNFCCC COP15 meeting in Copenhagen

38 Initiatives underway at the IMO
4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Initiatives underway at the IMO Ship Performance Index: CO2 / work done e.g. tonnes of CO2 produced per tonne mile of cargo Energy efficiency design index mandatory for new -ships incentivises designers and builders. At the next stage: The ship’s design index should be less than a maximum limit to be set by regulations. The maximum value will then be lowered over time. Voluntary energy efficiency operational indicator - measures efficiency of ship in service. A management tool for owners and charterers to measure energy efficiency on a voyage. Incentivises the owner to keep hull and machinery “clean” and charterer to use the ship efficiently – capacity, routing and speed.

39 SEMP: Examples of Best Practices for tanker emissions & energy efficiency
Programme for Measuring and Monitoring Ship Efficiency Voyage Optimization Programme Speed selection optimization Optimised route planning Trim Optimization Propulsion Resistance Management Programme Hull Resistance Propeller Resistance Machinery Optimisation Programme Main Engine monitoring and optimisation Optimisation of lubrication as well as other machinery and equipment Cargo Handling Optimization Cargo vapours control procedure on all crude tankers (80-90% reduction of cargo vapours) Cargo temperature control optimization Energy Conservation Awareness Plan On board and on shore training and familiarisation of company’s efficiency programme Accommodation-specific energy conservation programme

40 IMO is also reviewing possible economic measures (instruments) to reduce CO2 emissions
Emissions Trading Scheme Bunker Levy GHG Compensation Scheme Hybrids of above Other, e.g. differentiated charges Industry has established Guiding principles and believe any measure should: Be effective in reducing global GHG emissions Be binding on and applicable to all ships Be cost effective Not distort competition Support sustainable environmental development without penalising trade growth Promote technical innovation and leading technologies Be practical, transparent, fraud-free, easy to administer

41 4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Market Based Instruments
Key issues: Global versus regional ? Who administers ? Still needed – if other industry initiatives in place ? ETS Sets Cap – reduces over time Open versus Closed system ? Value of carbon – different schemes Levy Does not set cap A tax on fuel (used) GHG Compensation scheme A tax for a good cause – i.e. a charity !

42 Initiatives already under way - parallel voluntary measures
For most ship types, some form of : Speed optimisation Voyage optimisation Capacity optimisation is already in hand. For Tankers: Liaison is encouraged between owners and charterers to optimise vessel speed and voyage schedules

43 Other initiatives under discussion
Pending the setting of mandatory upper limits for the Energy Efficiency Design Index of new ships, there exists the potential for: The Establishment of a Reference Value for a New Ship (i.e. a Target) Development of a Rating System relative to the Reference Value Similar to the performance rating of white goods

44 Other initiatives already under way - parallel voluntary measures
Ports / terminals Ports developing Environmental Ship Index (for pollutants and GHGs) Incentives to improve port efficiency Reward environmentally friendly ships with lower port dues

45 UNCTAD Conference Maritime Transport and the Climate Change Challenge
Tanker/Bulker Container Operational Engine Design Fuel Efficiency Gain Engine derating < 3.5% Diesel electric drives 5-30% Combined diesel electric and diesel mechanical drives <4% Waste heat recovery <10% Enhanced engine tuning and part load operation Common rail engine <1% Ro-ro New Build Retro-fit Ferry-Cruise Offshore Supply Estimates of fuel efficiency improvements are drawn from (Wartsila, 2008), (Green, Winebrake, & Corbett, 2008), (Bond, 2008) Source: International Transport Forum 2009, OECD

46 UNCTAD Conference Maritime Transport and the Climate Change Challenge
Tanker/Bulker Container Operational Propulsion Systems Fuel Efficiency Gain Wing thrusters <10% Counter-rotating propellers <12% Optimised propeller-hull interface <4% Propeller-rudder Unit Optimised propeller blade sections <2% Propeller tip Winglets Propeller nozzle <5% Propeller Efficiency Monitoring Efficient Propeller Speed Modulation Pulling Thruster Wind power: Flettner rotor <30% Wind power: Kites & Sails <20% Ro-ro New Build Retro-fit Ferry-Cruise Offshore Supply

47 Criminalisation of the Seafarer - and unfair treatment
2. Council Agenda Overview Criminalisation of the Seafarer - and unfair treatment Criminalisation legislation - “Find the guilty” culture rather than a thorough investigation of the cause Failure to adhere to “IMO/ILO Guidelines on the Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the Event of a Maritime Accident”

48 Criminalisation of Seafarers - Update
2. Council Agenda Overview Criminalisation of Seafarers - Update EU Ship Source Pollution Directive “Hebei Spirit” officers

49 EU Ship Source Pollution Directive
2. Council Agenda Overview EU Ship Source Pollution Directive “Criminalises accidental pollution” Review of the legality of the EU Ship Source Pollution Directive was brought in December 2005 by an industry coalition led by INTERTANKO. June 2006, the English High Court remitted the case to Luxembourg. Case heard before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) September Opinion of Advocate General Kokott published November 2007. ECJ delivered judgment June 2008. In brief, the ECJ ruled that the Directive: - cannot be assessed by reference to MARPOL as the Community itself (unlike its Member States) is not a party to MARPOL. - cannot be assessed by reference to UNCLOS as, although the Community is a party to UNCLOS, that Convention does not give individuals rights or freedoms on which they can rely against States. The Court has held that the use of the term ‘serious negligence’ does not infringe the requirement of certainty in Community legislation. This departs from the opinion of Advocat General Kokott, who concluded that the validity of the Directive should be tested by reference to MARPOL and UNCLOS, and that it exceeds Community powers unless ‘serious negligence’ is construed to have different meanings inside and outside territorial waters. [This leaves the Member State legislators in some difficulty, having to use the same terminology whilst interpreting it differently depending on where the incident takes place.]

50 Hebei Spirit Update

51 Hebei Spirit Update

52 Hebei Spirit Update

53 Dec 07 - Anchored VLCC hit by crane barge
Hebei Spirit Update Dec 07 - Anchored VLCC hit by crane barge Jun 08 - Hebei Two (Master and C/O) found innocent But prosecutors lodged appeal preventing Hebei Two’s release Dec 08 - INTERTANKO published open letter to the President of Korea in the Korean Times, expressing the hope that Hebei Two cleared. Dec 08 - Korean Appeal Court concluded Samsung only partially responsible for the allision, and only responsible for 10% of the oil spilled. Hebei Two considered a "flight risk" and ordered straight to prison in handcuffs - media spectacle to calm public feelings over the pollution.

54 Protest rally deferred but not cancelled
Hebei Spirit Update 15 Jan 09 - Hebei Two bailed by Supreme Court in Seoul (USD 7,500 each). However they must stay at Seoul hotel - not allowed to leave Korea without Supreme Court permission Supreme Court said that, in granting bail, it took into account international opinion and the special characteristics of the case Protest rally deferred but not cancelled

55 Hebei Spirit Update Jan 09 - Plans set in motion for protest rally with the ITF, IMEC and V.Ships on 23 January outside Korean Embassy in London to draw international media attention to this case Rare unanimity in statements and determined action from Round Table, ITF, IG, IMEC Jan 09 - V.Ships representatives organised London meeting with Korean Ambassador Chun Yung-woo; Ki-tack Lim, Maritime Counsellor; and Jung Hyung Taek, Marine Judge of the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal.

56 Supreme Court verdict : Thursday 23 April
Hebei Spirit Update Supreme Court verdict : Thursday 23 April INTERTANKO’s Chairman invited top execs of Members to sign strong open letter – deep regret and disappointment at sentencing and criminalisation of Hebei Two Supreme Court to restore lower court's ‘innocent’ decision Korea to release and repatriate Hebei Two immediately Letter signed by 118 CEOs/Chairmen/MDs, mostly from among our Members (+ a few from INTERCARGO, BIMCO, InterManager) We want exoneration and repatriation

57 Highlights absolute priority to ensure safety of crew and ship
Hebei Spirit Update INTERTANKO statement in Korea’s Supreme Court Appeal against criminal convictions of Hebei Two  Addresses accepted industry good practice, good seamanship and tanker safety.  Highlights absolute priority to ensure safety of crew and ship

58 Hebei Spirit Update

59 6. Tanker Incidents 2. Regional Developments Singapore Port Waters
Straits User Group data MPA/INTERTANKO dialogue INTERTANKO Proposal Tanker Incidents and Near-miss Information Sharing VTIS Pilotage Industry Best Practice 1. Tanker Incidents and Near-miss Information Sharing Having discussed the standard procedure among INTERTANKO member companies to gather incident and near-miss reports, and noting that such information was also gathered by the MPA on incidents within the port, it was felt worthwhile to begin sharing the information between INTERTANKO members and the MPA relating specifically to cases in port waters. Sharing such information will allow lessons learnt and root-cause analysis to be shared, discussed and acted upon, if necessary. While it would be important to encourage an open exchange of views and ideas it was felt important to keep the Forum confidential and by invitation only. The Forum would function in a similar manner to the industry’s own ‘Informal Tanker Operators Safety Forums - ITOSF’. Within the ITOSF meetings ship operators and oil company representatives exchange case studies on incidents and near-misses in a confidential manner, i.e. no vessel names or notes to be taken. Root causes are discussed and corrective actions/lessons learnt are shared and circulated. INTERTANKO is prepared to host and work on the format for the first of such Forum meetings but I would suggest we should carefully plan how we can arrange the confidentiality of the meetings while also ensuring that lessons learnt can actually be circulated within the industry and through the MPA. 2. VTIS INTERTANKO shared the views of its members relating to the VTIS. It was felt that an initial step forward in any MPA/INTERTANKO communication on the VTIS would be to provide INTERTANKO’s members with a presentation and tour. This would improve user understanding of the system and its operation. Following this a Q&A session would allow INTERTANKO members to share views and comment on the use of the VTIS from a tanker operator perspective. 3. Pilotage INTERTANKO presented some of the concerns relating to members experience with pilots and had proposed that MPA and INTERTANKO could establish a Pilotage User Group. This could provide a platform to share pilotage experiences and consider some of the issues related to the operational elements of pilot boarding, master/pilot exchange and vessel operation. I see this as being closely related to the proposal in ‘1’ but established on the basis of a two-way process of feedback, review, comment, and action, that will primarily be related to responsible safety, communication, and bridge team coordination. 4. Industry Best Practice We discussed the joint circular that was issued last year by MPA and INTERTANKO relating to taking bunkers OPL. This was a useful example of how it may be possible to release joint initiatives on best practice in the future. It was suggested that any developments form our efforts under ‘1’, ‘2’ and  ‘3’ above could lead to the issuance of further joint notifications or circulars to the industry/INTERTANKO members. Furthermore, should this be successful, the development of a more formal MPA/INTERTANKO Best Practice document may be considered. 5. Time Frame and Planning Finally, we also discussed the time frame for acting on the above, once agreement was reached on the direction to be taken on each item. I am currently busy with preparation for Maritime Week at the end of April and then our Tanker Event in mid-May. However, as I am in Singapore for most of March and April it may be a good opportunity to plan any future meetings or forums, as proposed in 1 to 3 above, with the view of staging one or more of these in June.

60 Asian Member’s Seminar
Seminar Overview Welcome and Introduction Asian Panel Regional Meetings and Events Cooperative Mechanism Council Agenda Overview Piracy Regional Update International Perspective Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hebei Spirit Update Tanker Incidents Overview of trends Regional developments Any other business

61 7. Any other business Singapore Vetting - Maritime Industry Foundation ...

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