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The Right Solution: The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series for LC Analysis

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1 The Right Solution: The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series for LC Analysis
Laura Phillips Application Scientist Agilent Technologies June 27th, 2013

2 The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Where Do We Come From?
(1995 – 2006) 1200 Bin/Quat HPLC Bin (HPM) Quat (LPM) 400 bar 5 mL/min 1200 RRLC UHPLC 600 bar Price: 1200 Bin+20% 1200 Series (2006 – 2010) 1290 Infinity (2009) UHPLC Bin (HPM) Quat (LPM ) 1200 bar 5 mL/min 1260 Infinity Bin/Quat Bin (HPM) – 5mL/min Quat (LPM) – 10mL/min 600 bar Price ~ 1200 Bin/Quat 1220 Infinity Bin (LPM) 600 bar, 5 mL/min Price < 1200 Quat 1200 Infinity Series 1100 Bin/Quat HPLC Bin (HPM) Quat (LPM) 400 bar 5 mL/min June 27, 2013

3 The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Raising the Standard in HPLC – UHPLC for EVERY Lab
Isocratic, manual Gradient, manual Gradient, automated Gradient-DAD 1260 Infinity Low-flow Cap.LC Nano-LC Chip-LC Analytical flow Binary Quaternary Isocratic Binary-SFC Quaternary Bio-Inert Prep-flow 1290 Infinity new June 27, 2013

4 The Agilent 1200 Infinity Series Raising the Standard in HPLC – UHPLC for EVERY Lab
Method Developement Solution Multi-method Solution High-Dynamic Range DAD 2D-LC Solution Online-SPE Valve solutions Bioinert solutions SFC solutions GPC solutions June 27, 2013

5 1220 Infinity LC A solution to all your needs
Dual gradient pump with integrated degasser, 600 bar, up to 10 mL/ min, for flexible and reliable analysis Vial sampler with injector programming for higher automation 80°C oven for one 25 cm column for better results Variable wavelength or diode array detector with 80 Hz sampling rate for high sensitivity Easy: Small footprint, low height. One cable. Affordable with ChemStation/ EZChrom VL software Expandable: Any other module can be added June 27, 2013

6 600 bar for HPLC and UHPLC Same as with the 1260 Infinity LCs, existing conventional HPLC methods from 1100/1200 Series LC can be run on the 1220 Infinity LC and giving the same results as well as UHPLC methods on 3.0mm and 4.6mmID columns can be run. Both with excellent performance! Saving half of the time by transferring a HPLC method to UHPLC, without loss of resolution. Excellent retention and area RSDs even under UHPLC conditions. June 27, 2013

7 Expandability External tray for walk-up:
Together with Agilent‘s EasyAccess software the 1220 Infinity LC with external tray is a perfect solution for walk-up environments! Additional detectors: Almost all 1260/1290 Infinity detectors and SQ-MS can be added! June 27, 2013

8 Innovation: 1220 Infinity Mobile LC Solution Affordable, Flexible, Compatible – Everywhere!
Instrument Control Framework Boost Performance Complete UHPLC system for higher resolution and shorter run times Save Time Bring your laboratory to the samples Reduce Costs Most affordable system giving you access to UHPLC technology June 27, 2013

9 1260 Infinity LC. 1260/1290 Valve Solutions
1260 Infinity LC /1290 Valve Solutions Infinity Bio-Inert LC – Buffer Advisor Infinity SFC Infinity GPC /1290 ELSD June 27, 2013

10 1200 Infinity Series valve solutions

11 The largest and most flexible valve portfolio Workflow- and Application-Automation Flexibility
Types 600 bar, 1200bar Std, Bio-inert, µ-flow, prep 2pos/4port duo 2pos/ 6port 2pos/10port 4pos/10port 6pos/14port 8pos/ 9port 12pos/13port 6pos/ 7port 2pos/ 8port 2pos/12port Custom Valves Applications Multi-method/Method Dev Column switching (2,4,6,8) Solvent selection (13 – 26) Matrix-stripping Sample Enrichment Online-SPE Detector selection Heart Cutting 2DLC Comprehensive 2DLC Alternating Column Regen. Process Control/ Sample Sampling/ Fractionation Column Connection NEW Quick-Change Valve heads for universal Valve Drive 1290 Infinity TCC 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube 1290 Infinity Valve Drive September 22, 2018

12 Automated Column Regeneration 2-position / 10-port valve head
1x 1290 Infinity Thermostatted column compartment (or 1290 Infinity Valve Drive) 1x 2-pos/10-port valve head While the analysis is running on column 1, column 2 is regenerated using the flow from a second pump After the analysis on column 1, the flow switches to column 2 for analysis while column 1 is regenerated.

13 Sample Enrichment 2-position / 6-port valve head
1x 1290 Infinity Thermostatted column compartment (or 1290 Infinity Valve Drive) 1x 2-pos/6-port valve head The analyte is retained and concentrated on an enrichment column while the sample matrix flows to waste. For analysis, the concentrated sample is flushed out of the enrichment column to the analytical column.

14 Sample Cleanup 2-position / 6-port valve head
1x 1290 Infinity Thermostatted column compartment (or 1290 Infinity Valve Drive) 1x 2-pos/6-port valve head Matrix components are retained on a pre-column while the analytes pass through to the analytical column for separation. After sample cleanup or matrix stripping, the precolumn is flushed in reversed flow direction by the second pump.

15 Column Selection for Method Development 6-position / 14-port valve head
1x 1290 Infinity Thermostatted column compartment 1x 6-pos/14-port valve head Up to 6 columns (4 columns recommended because of available space)

16 Solvent Selection for Method Development 12-position selection valve head
Typically used with 1290 Infinity Valve Drive. For Method Development systems: 1290 Infinity Valve Drive and new 12-position selection valve head is fully supported as pump-valve cluster and by Agilent ChemStation Method Scouting Wizard

17 1260 Infinity Bio-Inert LC June 27, 2013

18 Innovation: 1260 Infinity Bio-inert LC Truly Bio-inert UHPLC System
Boost Performance Highly versatile (U)HPLC system for small- and large- molecule analysis Save Time Fast switching between bio- and non-bio applications, including cleaning Reduce Costs Only one system to maintain for bio- and non-bio analysis Stainless steel system 1260 Infinity Bio-inert LC June 27, 2013

19 New Capillary Design Ensures Bio-inertness
Capillaries Metal clad PEEK capillary Newest fitting design: Hybrid technique Finally, the capillary design is new. Our goal was to provide metal-free bio-inertness with UHPLC capability. In this slide it is demonstrated how we achieve this. In short, capillaries have a metal corsett outside and inside its PEEK. The manufacutring of the connecting partsprocess is shortly cartooned on this slide, enusring robust and 100% bio-inert connections. New capillary technolgy enables 600 bar AND is completely metal free !! June 27, 2013

20 Buffer Advisor Software Facilitates Workflows in Ion Exchange Chromatography
Manual preparation: Tedious Error-prone Irreproducible (operator) Buffer Advisor helps to: Define stock solutions for salt and pH gradients Check if the buffer system is suitable for your separation task Create a corrected time table for a salt- or pH gradient. Part of Bio-inert pump, G5611A June 27, 2013 20

21 Buffer Advisor User Interface
Area 1: Select Buffer and Gradient Type Area 2: Enter Gradient Time Table Area 3: Gradient Display Section: Process Gradient and Review Optimized Gradient with Compensation Steps Area 4: Review Composition of Stock Solutions and Adjust June 27, 2013

22 1260 Infinity SFC June 27, 2013

23 Innovation: Hybrid SFC/UHPLC System Double your Discovery
Boost Performance SFC with LC-like sensitivity, unique 600 bar x 5 mL/min power range Save Time Efficient instrument utilization and orthogonality through unique switching capability between LC and SFC Reduce Costs Lower solvent expenses, less waste, and only one system to maintain. Upgrade from LC to SFC June 27, 2013

24 Agilent 1260 Infinity Analytical SFC/MS System 1260 Infinity SFC and the G6100 SQ Mass Spectrometer
Analysis of leachables in food packaging material by SFC/MS June 27, 2013

25 1260 Infinity GPC June 27, 2013

26 High Performance GPC/SEC for Routine Work
High Performance GPC/SEC Solution Boost Performance High performance pump & oven for reproducible molecular weights Save Time RID warm up less than 1 hour, complete system based on industry-leading Agilent LC systems for maximum uptime Reduce Costs RID with built-in solvent recycle, minimum training effort. “I have always been impressed by the quality, robustness, reliability and ease-of-use of their products, which have served me well.” - John P. O’Donnell, Research Scientist, FUJIFILM Imaging Colorants Ltd., Manchester, UK June 27, 2013

27 1260 Infinity GPC/SEC Multi Detector Suite Summary
Key Benefits Comprehensive Allows complex multi detector GPC experiments to be performed routinely. Versatile The MDS can be controlled by software or the keypad for maximum ease of use, and can be used with any existing modular or integrated HPLC system. Convenient Data from an existing detector can be collected and processed through the MDS. High Quality Results The detector cells are heated for optimum baseline stability and minimum instrument downtime. Adaptable Can be expanded at any time to include additional detectors. Safe Incorporates multiple solvent leak detectors to prevent spillage of potentially hazardous solvents. June 27, 2013

28 Agilent 1260 Infinity ELSD & 1290 Infinity ELSD
Evaporative Light Scattering Detection (ELSD) Introducing the new Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors from Agilent, available to order November 2012.

29 Introduction: ELSD General Benefits
Universal detection More uniform response Gradient Compatible Complimentary to LC-MS Eliminates derivatization steps in analytical methods The ELSD responds to compounds with very small or no UV chromophore. The response is more uniform than UV or RI because the detector does not depend on a physical property of the analyte. ELSD provides a flat baseline with gradients because the mobile phase is removed prior to detection. A valuable addition to LC/MS systems to detect compounds with little or no UV response and compounds that do not fly and are not easily detected with MS. No compound derivatization required because the detector measures the light scattered from a solid particle, independent of the chemistry of the sample. June 27, 2013

30 Agilent ELSD Portfolio
G4260B G4261B 1260 Infinity ELSD 1290 Infinity ELSD (Cooling deleted) (Standard, cooled) Light Source Blue LED (480nm) Blue Laser (405nm) Temperature range Nebulizer: 25-90°C Evaporator: ambient – 120°C Evaporator: 10°C – 80°C Features Hydrocortisone limit of detection 30ng RS232 Communication only Hydrocortisone limit of detection 4ng 5-9 x improvement in sensitivity over current model Unique sub-ambient operation (greater response for volatile compounds) RS232 and LAN Communication The blue laser gives higher sensitivity than the LED. Low temperature evaporation is only available on the 1290 Infinity ELSD. Voltage selection (110/240V) no longer required Variable gas flow for uniformity of response Fast data collection (up to 80Hz) Controlled via ChemStation / EZChrom Front Panel control of all parameters (Temperature, gas flow, data rate etc) June 27, 2013

31 Increased sensitivity, reduced baseline noise
The increased laser intensity coupled with a high gain photomultiplier and digital signal processing increases signal and reduces noise. Signal/noise calculated using OpenLab Chemstation v1.04 G4261B S/N 158 Injection: 10µL (Hydrocortisone 50ng-on column) Column: Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C18 (5µm, 4.6x150mm) Mobile Phase: Water/ACN (80/20) Flow Rate: 1.0 m/min ELSD: Neb 40°C, Evap 60°C, Gas 1.05SLM The 1290 Infinity ELSD laser based technology offers higher sensitivity with a significant reduction in baseline noise. G4260B S/N = 5 June 27, 2013

32 Triglycerides in Natural Oils
Sample: 2mg/ml Starflower Oil Column: C18 5µm, 250x4.6mm Eluent A: ACN Eluent B: DCM Gradient: % B in 40 mins; 50-90% in 2 mins, hold for 3mins Flow Rate: 1.0ml/min Inj Vol: 20µl Detector: neb=40°C, evap=70°C, gas=1.4 SLM Triglycerides are historically a strong application for ELSD, having little or no UV chromaphore. ELSD can be used without the need to derivatize the sample. Volatility is not an issue for this application so higher temperatures can be used. Typically higher temperatures reduces baseline noise and improve limits of detection in examples like this. June 27, 2013

33 Environmental Application: Characterizing Biodiesel
Column: BDS Hypersil Cyano 3µm, 250x4.6 mm Eluent A: % Acetic acid in Hexane Eluent B: % Acetic acid in Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Gradient: 100% A, hold 5 mins; 0-80% B in 10 mins, hold 2 mins; 80-0%B in 3 mins Flow Rate: 1.0 ml/min Inj Vol: µl Detector: neb=40°C, evap=80°C, gas=0.8SLM The Agilent ELSD has been used for fingerprinting Biodiesel samples to compare batches of material. June 27, 2013

34 1290 Infinity LC. 1290 Infinity Quaternary Pump. 1290 2D LC
1290 Infinity LC Infinity Quaternary Pump D LC Infinity with ISET June 27, 2013

35 1290 Infinity Quaternary LC
June 27, 2013

36 Innovation: 1290 Infinity Quaternary Pump Quaternary Pump with Binary Pump-like Performance
Boost Performance Highest, binary-like accuracy and precision for composition and flow, with exceptionally low delay volume Save Time Accelerates method transfer from R+D to QA and from HPLC to UHPLC Reduce Costs One pump for any applications: Most universal – at HPLC-like costs of ownership June 27, 2013

37 Agilent 1290 Infinity Quaternary Pump Specifications & Benefits
Power Range 1200bar up to 2mL/min 800bar at 5mL/min For any kind of analysis Flow Accuracy and Precision < 0.07 % RSD or 0.01 min SD ± 1.0 % or 10 µL High RT precision in isocratic runs Composition Accuracy and Precision < 0.15 % RSD or 0.02 min SD ± 0.4 % (1-99 % Composition B) High RT precision in gradient runs Composition Range 1-99 % Wide analytical range Delay Volume < 350 µL For fast quaternary gradients

38 1290 Infinity 2D-LC Solution
June 27, 2013

39 Innovation: 1290 Infinity 2D-LC Solution Square your Separation
Boost Performance New levels of separation power, detection sensitivity and precision in 2D-LC Save Time A single ultra high peak capacity run instead of many conventional runs – with 1min method setup! Reduce Costs Special features to reduce solvent and valve cost, upgrade paths for existing LC-systems June 27, 2013

40 Data Analysis For heart-cutting 2D-LC by Agilent‘s OpenLAB CDS ChemStation ed. For comprehensive 2D-LC Agilent recommends: GC Image LCxLC Edition Software from GC Image LLC. Key features offered: Direct Agilent datafile import Peak identification, integration, annotation Comparative Analysis and Visualization Compound-libraries MS-data handling June 27, 2013

41 Hardware Module-flexibility
1. Dimension 2. Dimension 1290 Infinity Binary Pump 1290 Infinity Autosampler or 1260 HiP Autosampler Optional 1260/1290 Infinity Detector One or two 1290 Infinity TCC 1260/1290 Infinity detector 1260 Infinity Binary or Quaternary Pump 1260 Infinity Capillary Pump 1260 Infinity Autosampler For 1st dimension chromatogram and peak-triggering To monitor waste-line Almost any Agilent pump or autosampler in the 1st dimension! Almost any detectors are supported! A 1290 Infinity Binary Pump for the 2nd dimension is required. June 27, 2013

42 Applications examples - components of beer samples
Analysis of two different commercially available beer samples with different separation modes 1st dimension - Reverse Phase (C18) 2nd dimension - Reverse Phase (Phenyl)  Beer A Beer B Separation by RP (Phenyl) ⅱ.  (ion exchange) X (reverse phase) 1st column : ZORBAX 300SCX 2.1x150 mm, 5 µm 1st mobile phase : 10 mM ammnonium acetate(isocratic) 1st flow : 0.08 mL/min 2nd column : ZORBAX RRHT SB-Aq 3.0x50 mm, 1.8 µm 2nd mobile phase :A: water          :B: ACN        Min %B 0.5 20 0.51 0.65 2nd flow : 2.0 mL/min Run time  : 25 min Temperature  : 40 ℃(1st column)、50 ℃(2nd column) Sample : commercially available beer(ultrasonic) Injection volume : 5 µL  Detection    : 210 nm/4 nm reference off , 254 nm/4 nm reference off  Separation by RP (C18) June 27, 2013

43 1290 Infinity Binary LC w. ISET

44 Innovation: ISET Intelligent System Emulation Technology
Boost Performance The same retention times and peak resolution as the target system Save Time No method redevelopment or system modification required Reduce Costs Minimized investment and service costs, with one system for all methods June 27, 2013

45 What is Method Transfer? Different Aspects
From particle size to particle size (HPLC to UHPLC) often associated with a change of instruments due to constraints in max. pressure, extra-column band broadening etc.. Some fine-tuning of method might be required due to frictional heating effects available tools : Agilent Method translator, Third Party Method development SW (ACD Labs, ChromSword etc.) From one eluent type or phase chemistry to an other Method development available tools: Method development SW (Chromsword, ACD Labs, etc.) From column dimension to column dimension (e.g. 4.6 to 2.1 mm i.d., 50 mm to 100 mm) recalculate flow rates, recalculate gradient times, adjust connection capillaries and flow cells, due to delay volume results may vary, method might need revalidation available tools: Agilent Method translator From Instrument to Instrument with method/instrument change: Isocratic Hold / Pre-injection, Vol. Modification available tools w/o method or instrument change : none until ISET June 27, 2013 45

46 Intelligent System Emulation Technology Agilent Technical and Application Notes
Publication number EN Publication number EN Publication number EN Publication number EN Publication number EN 46

47 Instrument Control Framework
June 27, 2013

48 Innovation: Instrument Control Framework Integrate your Agilent LC with other CDS
Boost Performance Full functionality of all Agilent LC Systems in non-Agilent data systems Save Time Fast plug-and-play updates to latest Agilent LC features, modules, and systems Reduce Costs Access new Agilent features in non-Agilent software, without extra coding June 27, 2013

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