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This is a power point all about our topic ancient Egyptians.

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1 This is a power point all about our topic ancient Egyptians.

2 Canopic Jars The ancient Egyptians had a strong religious belief that when a person died they would return to an ‘afterlife’ that was almost the same as the life they had when they were alive. The process required that not only the outside of the person’s body be mummified, but also all of the internal organs. Canopic jars were created to contain all of the organs, so that upon entering the afterlife, the person would be complete. These are the different types of canopic jars. What do you think?

3 mummification A mask was placed over the mummy’s face. This was thought to help the dead person’s spirit recognise their body in the afterlife. Once the mummy is ready, it would be placed in a wooden or stone box called a sarcophagus.

4 KING TUTENKAMUN King tutenkarmun ruled over Egypt for over 10 years as a pharaoh until he died at the age of 19 years old (around 1324 B.C). KING TUT BECAME THE PHARAH AT THE AGE OF 9 IN king tut was famous when a British archaeologist found his tomb near the valley of kings in Egypt. There is no positive evidence of what killed tutenkamun, some people think that it was from a broken leg that got infected; other people think that he might have been murdered.

5 Pyramids Pyramids were really important to the Egyptians because it was were they would place the kings and queens after their death also after they had been mummified. Most pyramids would be built on the western side of the river Nile just into the dry desert.

6 Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed it!
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