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Characteristics of civilizations

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1 Characteristics of civilizations

2 What led to the establishment of civilizations?
1. Where did the first civilizations appear? 2. Was there a stable food supply during the Paleolithic Era? Explain. 3. How did the Neolithic Revolution create a predictable food supply? 4. What is a food surplus? 5. How did food surpluses lead to the development of civilizations?

3 What is Civilization? A civilization is often defined as a complex culture with five characteristics: advanced cities specialized workers complex institutions record keeping advanced technology Many historians believe that one of the first civilizations developed in Sumer


5 Advanced Cities Cities are characterized by more than just the size of their population Cities are centers of trade where people travel to in order to buy and sell goods Merchants- people who earn money through trading with others

6 Specialization of Workers
Specialization: division of work into specific jobs Made possible due to food surpluses and better farming technology Artisans: skilled workers who make goods by hand. May produce goods such as jewelry, tools, weapons, clothing, and pottery Other professions such as tax collectors, merchants, soldiers, priests, and so on

7 Complex Institutions Institution: a long-lasting pattern of organization in a community. Government- needed to make laws and keep order in society This meant that a minority group—kings, queens, high officials, priests, generals— exercised control over the labor and social behavior of everyone else.

8 Complex institutions Religion- cities often had temples and religious leaders who governed activity in ancient cities. Temples were often important for both government and trade In the city of Ur their massive temple was called a ziggurat Economy- an organized system where people trade goods and services Since money had not yet been created, the Ancient Sumerians bartered Barter: trading goods instead of using money to buy something


10 Record Keeping As society became more complex, it became necessary to keep written records of governmental, religious, and economic activity Ancient Sumerians used scribes to keep records Scribes- professional record keepers Cuneiform- system of writing used by scribes to keep records

11 Improved Technology New technology was needed to solve problems in ancient cities Around 3,500 BCE Sumerian metalworkers discovered a type of metal called bronze Bronze Age- refers to the time when people began using bronze, rather than copper and stone, to make tools and weapons Bronze tools and weapons were stronger and sharper than stone-based materials


13 Social class groups used to organize people based on some criteria, usually their wealth or importance to society

14 Public works Monumental buildings such as moats, city walls, temples, palaces, public plazas, and tombs of rulers.

15 Where were early river valley civilizations located

16 What are the advantages of settling near rivers?
What are the disadvantages of settling near rivers?

17 homework 1. Review your notes for today’s class. 2. In your notebook, answer the question: Which of the features of civilization do you think is most important? Why?

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