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Dramatic Significance

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Presentation on theme: "Dramatic Significance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dramatic Significance

2 There are 6 Dramatic Purposes of Scenes and Quotes
Character Setting Mood Plot Theme Audience Reaction There are 6 Dramatic Purposes of Scenes and Quotes

3 Character A scene or quote may reveal or develop character
Early scenes may reveal character traits that a later scene may develop or change It may establish relationships between characters or show these relationships changing It may direct the sympathies of the audience toward or withdraw them from a certain character Character

4 Setting A scene may give background information
It may provide a transition of time or place A scene or quote may present a contrast of mood Setting

5 A scene may suggest or convey a mood that contributes to the action or conflict
It may present a contrast in mood Mood

6 Plot A scene or quote may advance the plot It may create suspense
It may foreshadow coming events It may give information about events occurring offstage It may point the way for the scene following Plot

7 Theme A scene or quote may contribute to the main ideas in the play
Some main ideas in Macbeth: 1. Ambition 2. Fate/Prophecy 3. Betrayal/Deception 4. Power Theme

8 A scene or quote may provide pathos ( arouse compassion in the audience)
It may afford a relief of tension It may provide comedy Audience Reaction

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