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aka Informational Texts

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1 aka Informational Texts
Expository Texts aka Informational Texts

2 What is an Expository Text?
Expository text is used to inform the reader, to offer new information, or to persuade the reader. Expository text is organized in ways to arrange and connect ideas and to help readers locate and organize information in the text. Expository texts should be clear, concise, and organized. Expository texts should be objective (unbiased and based on fact) not subjective (someone’s opinion or interpretation of facts).

3 Top 5 Ways Expository Texts are Organized
#1 Descriptive Describes the topic Uses pictures and words to bring the topic to life #2 Sequential Events are in chronological order The order in which they happened or need to happen #3 Comparison Two or more topics, subjects, ideas, or objects are compared in order to provide clarity or a better understanding

4 Cause/effect relationships occur in almost everything
Many events in history or natural phenomena happen as a result of other events. “What happened?” (effect) “Why?” (cause) Cause/effect relationships occur in almost everything #5 Problem/Solution Presents a problem and causes people to look for a solution. “What is the problem?” “What did people do to solve the problem?” “What could be done to solve the problem?” Problem/solution occur only when people are involved

5 Examples of Expository Texts
Some ads and speeches, but not all. Be careful!

6 Features of Expository Texts
Maps, charts, and graphs help readers visualize information. Captions are the words underneath pictures, diagrams, and graphs. Italics draw the reader’s attention to important words or phrases.

7 Fact, Opinion, Commonplace Assertion
Fact- a truth known by actual experience or observation. (Facts can be proven.) Ty Murray is a nine time world champion cowboy. Opinion- a personal view, attitude, or appraisal (Opinions can not be proven.) Chocolate almond is the best ice cream flavor. Commonplace Assertion- a statement or declaration held to be true by most people, but not backed up with facts Milk does a body good!

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