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Unit 3- Basic Camera Operation & Shot Composition

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1 Unit 3- Basic Camera Operation & Shot Composition
3-1 Essential Camera Shots & Angles


3 Shots & Camera Angles: Basic Camera Composition
Every video, film, TV show, or trailer Will see multiple styles of camera work and shots Up to the cameraman to use his / her knowledge of framing & shots to create a interesting piece Will keep the viewer captivated Make them want to it

4 10 Main Camera Shots

5 Establishing Shot- (aka Extreme Long Shot)
Purpose- establish the setting of a particular scene

6 Long Shot Purpose- identifies particular scene location

7 Full Shot- (Entire Body in Shot)
Purpose- identifies main characters of scene

8 ¾ Shot- (¾ of Body in Frame)
Purpose- identifies main characters of a scene

9 Medium Shot- (½ of Body in Frame)
Purpose- starts to use main character to establish scene emotions

10 Medium Close-Up- (aka MCU)
Purpose- deeper look into main character’s thoughts and emotions

11 Close-Up- (aka CU) Purpose- illustrates main character’s thoughts And emotion of current situation / scene

12 Extreme Close-Up- (aka ECU)
Purpose- illustrates main character’s thoughts And emotion of current situation / scene

13 Two Shot- (2 Subjects Focused in Frame)
Purpose- identifies two main characters of scene

14 Over-the-Shoulder (aka OTS)
Purpose- shows conversation

15 Main Camera Angles

16 Horizon Angle- (at level plane with horizon)
Purpose- focus on main character or subject; it’s clean

17 High Angle- (From Above, Looking Down)
Purpose- illustrates main character’s weakness

18 Low Angle- (From Below, Looking Up)
Purpose- illustrates main character’s strength

19 Oblique Angle- (aka DUTCH Angle- Tilted Horizon)
Purpose- looks cool!

20 3 Face Angles Front Face, ¾ Profile, & Profile

21 Framing Heights Guide

22 Rule of Thirds The ”Rule of Thirds” is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.


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