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By: Jonna Coleman, And Nama Sanduk

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1 By: Jonna Coleman, And Nama Sanduk
North Africa By: Jonna Coleman, And Nama Sanduk

2 The Nile River A interesting fact is that it is the longest river in the world. Another interesting fact is that there are two main branches the white Nile which is in East Africa and the Blue Nile which is in Ethiopia. The Nile allowed the ancient Egyptians to grow by giving them food, transportation, and water. North Africans have changed the Nile by building the dams to stop it from flooding. The Nile made movement easier by allowing boats to transport things.

3 Suez Canal A interesting fact about the Suez canal is that It cost $100 million dollars to build. The Suez canal was made to make transportation easier and to transfer goods. It makes movement easier because you don’t have to go all the way around Africa to transfer things you can go through it. The impact it would have on North Africa would be bad because it would cause them to lose money and to lose jobs.

4 Aswan Dam A Interesting fact about the Aswan Dam is that it is 500 miles south of Egypt’s capital. The Aswan Dam is an example of North Africans changing their environment because they built it and stopped it from flooding. The Aswan Dam was constructed to stop the Nile River from flooding so more people lived and land wasn’t destroyed. Results if the Aswan Dam collapsed would be that it would flood the city and kill many people and they couldn’t have a controlled water source. The SaylorVille Dam in Des Moines is like the Aswan Dam. The impact on the Iowa, if the SaylorVille Dam collapsed would be many people would die and the city would be destroyed and we wouldn’t have water.

5 Mediterranean Sea A interesting fact about the Mediterranean Sea is that some of the most Ancient Civilization’s developed around it. The Mediterranean Sea encouraged movement in and around the region because it had resources like food, ability to trade, and it allowed civilizations to colonize. The sea allows societies to grow in the region because it gave them the ability to trade, get food , have homes , and survive. The sea has kept North Africa culturally different from the other parts of Africa because the different parts of Africa are to far apart to share culture so when other cultures come they go to the different parts of Africa.

6 Sahara Desert Two interesting facts about the Sahara are that it is the largest hot desert, and it has a fennec fox. The Sahara has kept North Africa, and the rest of Africa culturally different because it keeps them Isolated so that they can’t trade which makes their identity different from others.

7 The End Thank you for watching!!!!!

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