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Welcome to Ms. Clemons’s Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Ms. Clemons’s Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Ms. Clemons’s Class!

2 A Little Bit About Ms. Clemons
This is Ms. Clemons, in case you’ve forgotten. Likes The University of North Alabama Supernatural Video games Animals Reading The outdoors Disney movies The color pink Dislikes Negativity Rudeness Reality television Mashed potatoes Clothes hangers The color orange Being mean

3 Classroom Procedures What is a procedure? A “DO” A routine, not a rule The purpose of a procedure is to help make our classroom organized and efficient so that learning can take place.

4 Start of Class Greeting Enter the room quietly
Go directly to your assigned seat View Agenda and Objectives on the board Make sure that your belongings are not in the aisle Take out writing utensil and paper (if you don’t have paper, raise your hand and ask Ms. Clemons) Look on the board for the “Do Now” work

5 The Pen Cup and Extra Paper
If you need to borrow a writing utensil, take one Make sure to return it Extra paper may also be found at the front- please only take what you need (you do not need all of the paper)

6 “Do Now” First thing Expect variety Grading
Graded by completion I will choose five “Do Now” activities every other week to take for a grade These will be random The “Do Now” will be reviewed before proceeding with class

7 Vocabulary Vocabulary will be given every Monday, except under special conditions. We will review the vocabulary at least once a week in some fashion, but studying is up to you. Vocabulary quizzes will be on Fridays, unless otherwise specified. Quizzes will be matching and fill-in-the-blank. Vocabulary words may be taken as a grade. If you are absent on Monday, vocabulary may be found at

8 Snacks and Drinks Quiet snacks Put a lid on it Clean up after yourself
Mouth closed

9 May I Have Your Attention Please?
When it is time to move on to a new activity… Ms. Clemons will stand at the front of the room Ms. Clemons will raise her hand and count down from 3 When this happens, the class should… Stop any activity Become silent Look at Ms. Clemons

10 Taking Notes If Ms. Clemons does not provide a note guide,
you are responsible for taking your own notes. Notes may be taken in whatever style works best for you. Do not try to write everything down word-for-word If you need to ask a question or have something clarified, raise your hand

11 “Trashketball” Review Game
Raise your hand Answer the question correctly Receive ball Stand where indicated Throw ball into trash can Receive great honors DO NOT: Throw the ball as hard as you can Throw the ball AT anyone

12 Reading In Class Book is the only thing on your desk Follow along
Be respectful Feel free to ask questions/make points

13 Sustained Silent Reading
After tests Have a book ready Not a picture book Appropriate magazines are okay E-books must be approved After finishing the test, read silently until signal Grade for SSR: 50% Preparation 50% Participation

14 Working On An Individual Assignment

15 Strike System First offence… Second offence… Third Offence…
Name on the board Second offence… Checkmark beside your name Third Offence… Second check mark/parent contact Fourth Offence… Third checkmark/Write up Remember: You are responsible for YOUR actions.

16 Working In Groups Instructions first Thirty seconds
Each group member has a task Work with your group

17 Answering or Participating in Discussion
Avoid interrupting Don’t blurt out Raise your hand Wait for your turn

18 Getting Help Remain seated Raise hand Ms. Clemons assists right away
“I see you” If #2 occurs, continue working until help arrives

19 When You Finish Your Work
Keep paper on your desk Do one of the following: Work on another assignment Read Draw Wait patiently Write the next best selling novel or screenplay and become wildly rich

20 Going to the Bathroom Remain in seat Make sure that: Raise hand
You have finished the assignment The class is not reading out loud There is not a class discussion or activity in progress Raise hand Ask permission

21 Turning in Work Make sure that assignment has the appropriate header
Pass papers to the right Ms. Clemons will choose someone to take up papers and put them in order Papers will be places in the appropriate tray

22 Getting Work Back Review paper Questions Wait until your row is called
Place paper in your folder

23 Makeup Work You are responsible for all makeup work
When you return, check the red makeup binder at the front of the room If a test was missed, speak with Ms. Clemons about making it up Days missed = makeup days Completed makeup work should be given personally to Ms. Clemons

24 Late Assignments Assignments that are late will have ten points taken off the overall grade each day. For example: If the assignment was due on Monday, and it is now Tuesday, it can be worth no more than a 90. On Wednesday, it can be worth no more than an 80 On Thursday, a 70 And so on.

25 Leaving the Room (As a Class)
Listen to instructions Leave the room in an orderly manner Quiet and courteous in the halls Hands to yourself Last person out- lights and door

26 Remind English 10- First Block English 10- Second Block
to the number 81010 English 10- Second Block to the number 81010 English 10- Third Block to the number 81010

27 Class Website You will find… Makeup work
Resources Study Guides Forms Vocabulary

28 Dismissal Five minute warning Check the area on and around your desk
Is the desk clean? Is the floor clean? Is my row straight? Did I return all materials? Receive closing message

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