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Solar Energy.

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1 Solar Energy

2 Layers in a Solar Cell There are seven layers in a solar cell. They are all necessary for the conversion of energy in the cell. The first of these layers is the cover glass. Then comes the transparent adhesive, and the antireflection coating following. Next comes the front contact. Then the n-type semiconductor, and then the p-type semiconductor. Finally, there is the back contact to finish the model. These seven pieces work together in conjunction with the production of energy in the solar cell.



5 Discoverer of the Solar Panel
Antoine-Cesar Becquerel is the discoverer of the solar panel. Mr. Becquerel is a French physicist who was wanted in 1839 for some unknown reason. He discovered the solar panel while experimenting with a solid electrode in an electrolyte solution. About 50 years later, Charles Fitts constructed the first genuine solar cell. He accomplished this by using junctions formed by the coating a semiconductor selenium with ultra-thin transparent layer of gold. As a result, the sunlight immersed had converted into energy.

6 Solar Cells Solar cells are designed to convert the available light into electrical energy. They do this without using either chemical reactions or moving parts. Such as a motor for a solar car. They have been a very big help in saving energy. Hopefully they will be a dominant in the future of fuel, for the majority of things in the world.

7 Brown-fields! Brown-fields contaminated fields of nothing. When saying contaminated meaning that the chemical or waste has been or is in the soil of the field. There is a perfect example of a brown-field in Brockton. The “Bay State Gas Company” used to own the area and contaminated it with gas chemicals (obviously). The city of Brockton is now trying to convert the field into a solar field. The reason why they are doing this is because they think we (not just Brockton) use too much energy. This can cut down on our energy use because all we are using is thermal energy. They plan to put millions of solar panels onto the field and generating energy for us Brockton residents.


9 By: Kassandra Andrade ( I Love Pink! ) Ariana Lopes Kayla Bushe

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