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Peipei Li, Tapan Mukerji

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1 Peipei Li, Tapan Mukerji
Annual Meeting 2014 Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting Sensitivity analysis of pre-stack seismic inversion on facies classification using statistical rock physics Peipei Li, Tapan Mukerji

2 Motivation Estimate P-wave impedance (Zp) and S-wave impedance (Zs)
Zp & Zs used for facies classification combining with statistical rock physics Large uncertainties in inversion as well as facies classification results Understand the impact of each parameter to inversion and facies classification

3 Geological Background and Data
North Sea turbidite system Target zone: Heimdal Formation (Sand and shale) Horizon: Top Heimdal Two seismic partial stacks: near offset (8 degrees) & far offset (26 degrees) Two wells: well A (type well) & well B

4 Pre-stack seismic inversion - Theory
Hampson and Russell’s pre-stack inversion algorithm 𝑆 πœƒ = 𝑐 1 π‘Š πœƒ 𝐷 𝐿 𝑃 + 𝑐 2 π‘Š πœƒ π·βˆ† 𝐿 𝑆 + 𝑐 3 π‘Š πœƒ 𝐷 βˆ†πΏ 𝐷 Linear relationship assumption: 𝐿 𝑠 = π‘˜ 𝐿 𝑝 + π‘˜ 𝑐 +βˆ† 𝐿 𝑠 𝐿 𝐷 = π‘š 𝐿 𝑝 + π‘š 𝑐 +βˆ† 𝐿 𝐷

5 Input and Output Parameters for Sensitivity Analysis
Parameters to study: 𝑾 𝜽 Angle dependent wavelet 𝒄 𝟏 Zp-Zs relationship 𝒄 𝟐 Zp-Density relationship 𝒄 πŸ‘ Vs/Vp ratio Initial guess Background model 5. Wells used to build the model 6. Highcut model frequency Output response: Pre-stack seismic inversion Seismic residual Facies classification results Oil sand probability

6 Correlation coefficient between observed seismic and synthetic seismic
Wavelet Extraction Ricker wavelet Amplitude Phase (degrees) Amplitude Phase (degrees) Phase Correlation coefficient between observed seismic and synthetic seismic at well locations Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Near offset Far offset Wavelet extracted from seismic using two wells Amplitude Phase (degrees) Amplitude Phase (degrees) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Near offset Far offset

7 Zp-Zs Relationship Linear regression: ln⁑( 𝑍 𝑆 )=k ln 𝑍 𝑃 + π‘˜ 𝑐
Depth(m) ln⁑( 𝑍 𝑠 ) ln⁑( 𝑍 𝑠 ) ln⁑( 𝑍 𝑝 ) ln⁑( 𝑍 𝑝 ) K= kc= K= kc= Zp-Zs Relationship 1: Auto fit Zp-Zs Relationship 2: User defined

8 Zp-Density Relationship
Linear regression: ln⁑(𝜌)=m ln( 𝑍 𝑃 ) + π‘š 𝑐 Depth (m) ln⁑(𝜌) ln⁑(𝜌) ln⁑( 𝑍 𝑝 ) ln⁑( 𝑍 𝑝 ) m= mc= m= mc= Zp-Density Rlationship1: Well A Zp-Density Rlationship2: Well A + Well B

9 Vs/Vp Ratio Default value: Vs/Vp=0.5 Median from well A : Vs/Vp =0.43
Histogram of Vs/Vp ratio of well A

10 Background Geological Model
Wells used to build the background geological model Only well A Both well A and well B Vs Estimation for well B: sand and shale intervals separately Highcut model frequency Lower highcut frequency: 5HZ Higher highcut frequency: 10HZ

11 Inversion Result – one example
Inverted Zp P-Impedance ((m/s)*(g/cc)) Inverted Zs S-Impedance ((m/s)*(g/cc))

12 Facies Classification using Statistical Rock Physics
6 parameters & 2 sets of value for each parameter Pre-stack seismic inversion 2 6 = 64 inversion runs Statistical rock physics Most likely facies Facies classification Probability cubes of each facies

13 Facies Identification
Depth (m) IIb IIc IIa IV V III Gamma ray Vp(km/s) Vs(km/s) Density(g/cm3) Six facies: IIa: Cemented clean sandstones IIb: Uncemented clean sands IIc: Plane-laminated sands III: Interbedded sands and shales IV: Silty and silt-laminated shales V: Pure, massive shales Three groups: Shale Brine sand Oil sand

14 Building Training Data and Facies Classification
Quadratic discriminant analysis Mahalanobis distance: M 2 = xβˆ’ ΞΌ i T βˆ‘ βˆ’1 xβˆ’ ΞΌ i Zs X : sample vector [Zp; Zs] ΞΌπ’Š : vectors of means of facies i βˆ‘ : training data covariance matrix Zp Rock physics model used for facies classification

15 Classification Result - one example
Facies classification at well A Facies classification at well B Shale overlying Heimdal formation Heimdal top oil sand Misclassification shale brine sand oil sand shale brine sand oil sand inline xline Well B Well A Average oil sand probability over interest interval

16 Sensitivity Analysis Inverted ZP & ZS Seismic Inversion
Experimental design Sensitivity Analysis Statistical rock physics 64 runs Facies Classification Facies classification results

17 Sensitivity Analysis Result on Seismic Inversion
L1 norm of seismic residual Zp-Zs Zp-Zs 2 Zp-ρ Zp-ρ 2 Ricker wavelet Extracted Vs/Vp=0.5 Vs/Vp=0.43 Model 1 Model 2 Higher frequency Lower

18 Sensitivity Analysis Result on Facies Classification
L1 norm of oil sand probability Zp-Zs Zp-Zs 2 Zp-ρ Zp-ρ 2 Ricker wavelet Extracted Vs/Vp=0.5 Vs/Vp=0.43 Model 1 Model 2 Higher frequency Lower

19 Conclusion and Discussion
Pre-stack seismic inversion combing statistical rock physics --- a good method for facies classification --- large uncertainties Seismic inversion -- most sensitive to seismic wavelet Facies classification -- most sensitive to background model Limitation: different parameters in other algorithms

20 Acknowledgement SCRF for supporting my research
Hampson - Russell software Thank you for the attention

21 Inversion Result Well-inverted seismic trace comparison Well A Well B
Time (ms) Filtered well log Inverted seismic trace Zp Zs Zp Zs

22 Background Model- Wells used to build the geological model
Only well A is used to build geological models Both well A and well B are used to build geological models Estimate Vs from Vp Vs Vp Vp Sand : Vs=0.771*Vp Shale: Vs=0.876*Vp

23 Background Model- Highcut frequency
Lower frequency:5Hz P-Impdeance ((m/s)*(g/cc)) Higher frequency:10Hz

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