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Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2)

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1 Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2)
The Problem Solving Process 4/19/10 Panorama High School Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2) Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI2) Increasing PHS Attendance Average January 10, 2012 Juan C. Ortiz Juan C. Ortiz, Attendance Vista Middle School

2 RtI2 Problem Solving Process
The Problem Solving Process 4/19/10 Problem Identification Step 1 Step 4 Step 2 Problem Analysis The Problem Solving Process We are going to particularly talk to Problem Analysis and Evaluation as those are areas that are frequently forgotten/not addressed. Traditionally, we see a problem, and we throw an intervention at them. Evaluation Step 3 Intervention Design and Implementation Vista Middle School

3 Problem Identification: Attendance at Panorama High School
The Problem Solving Process 4/19/10 Problem Identification: Attendance at Panorama High School Attendance End of the year As of now 422= 22% +6-8 days +3-5 days Tier 2 As of now 139=7% +9 days Tier 3 +24 days Far Below Basic (139) days Layered on top of Tier 1 is Tier 2 (Click) and Tier 3 (Click) When we look at multi-tiered approach of the RTI framework, we need to recognize the following Tier I is the first instruction that happens in the school wide and in the classroom. It is the CORE. Whether a student is receiving TIER 2 or TIER 3 services they always have access to the CORE instruction. The CORE can provided targeted interventions/preventions in the classroom like the use of IWT, small group instruction, centers, and cooperative learning. These are not static divided layers. You can’t think of this in compartments. The students move in and out of the tiers based on data and their progress towards the benchmarks. Tier 2 and 3 increase the both the focus and individuality of the instruction and intervention inside the classroom and as part of a pull-out program outside the classroom. For example, a student clustered into a small group for classroom instruction is a type of tier 2 intervention. When we provide Tier 2 and 3 in the classroom we are strategically preventing the students from falling further behind. When we provide Tier 2 and 3 outside of the classroom as part of a school-wide effort to address a problem with a specific subgroup, we are strategically intervening. Again, we can not provide Tier 2 and 3 only out of the classroom. We need to build capacity within our teachers to provide intervention/prevention through research-based strategies and techniques. Many of your are focusing on Tier 2 and 3 interventions in a school-wide effort because you need to. Don’t stop. You can’t ignore the needs of your students, but in this training we are showing you how to build capacity within your teachers to meet the needs of the students in their classrooms so that we can reduce the number of students who need Tier 2 and 3 out-of-class or extended day interventions and provide more targeted assistance as a school. We need to focus our efforts building the instructional capacity to meet the needs of all our students so that we can focus on the fewer students who need something more individual. +8-14 days Below Basic (97) Basic (325) As of now1350=71% +1-2 Days Tier 1 +1-7 days Proficient (621) /Advanced(729) Vista Middle School

4 The Problem Solving Process
4/19/10 Problem Analysis Step 2: Problem Analysis Students give up after repeated academic failure. Students continuously need to be taught positive work habits. Communication barriers exist between the parent and school staff personnel. Family problems exist, substance abuse, neglect and defiance. Parental lack of understanding and lack of school-wide expectations. Students without a sense of belonging are likely be absent more often. 3 In Step 2: This is the most under utilized step in the PSM. We are asking ourselves- Why is this problem occurring? In a PD with Vista MS, they surveyed the faculty to identify the reasons why the three problems they identified were occurring. Problem Analysis Vista Middle School

5 Intervention Design and Implementation
The Problem Solving Process Intervention Design and Implementation 4/19/10 3 Step 3: Intervention Design and Implementation Teachers provide positive behavior strategies that focus on attendance and academics. Teacher call parents and refer to support staff. On going: Letters are sent home to include mandatory conferences. Students are identified based on attendance Tier level. Attendance Achievement recognition/Attendance Campaign Students who are chronically absent, late are put on attendance contracts with a follow up meeting. Tardy sweeps COST In Step 2: This is the most under utilized step in the PSM. We are asking ourselves- Why is this problem occurring? I and Implementation Vista Middle School

6 The Problem Solving Process
4/19/10 Step 4 Evaluation Evaluation of Parent/ Student conference focused on attendance, referred to by teachers, counselors and monitored students. Student attendance results (2) weeks before and (2) weeks after a parent and student conference. MYDATA information regarding PHS current attendance summary. This is another underutilized step in PSM. This area is often not addressed or forgotten. In Step 4, Evaluation is outcome of progress monitoring to determine whether we have achieved our goal. In first bullet, “Adequate “ means to ask yourself, “Is the gap being closed in a timely manner?” Vista Middle School

7 Evaluation: November-December 2011 Days absent
(2) Weeks before Conference (2) Weeks After Conference=10 Difference of Days Present Student 1 7 2 +5 Student 2 5 Student 3 6 3 +3 Student 4 10 0 (C/O) Student 5 Student 6 4 9 +2 -1 (C/O) Student 7 +4 Student 8 Student 9 Student 10 Student 11 Student 12 8 Student 13 Student 14 Student 15 +6 Total: 150 111 85 +30 Days Evaluation:

8 The Problem Solving Process
4/19/10 Panorama High School Attendance Growth Previous Year Current Year Percentage Point Change SEPTEMBER 95.70% 96.40% 0.70% OCTOBER 93.90% 95.50% 1.60% NOVEMBER 93.60% 95.30% 1.70% DECEMBER 93.20% 95.10% 1.90% JANUARY FEBRUARY 93.30% MARCH APRIL 93.50% MAY JUNE 93.40% Vista Middle School

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