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Charlottetown Accord.

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Presentation on theme: "Charlottetown Accord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charlottetown Accord

2 Premier of Quebec (Bourassa) mad that Meech Lake didn’t work
Announced he would hold a referendum on Quebec independence Country resumed talks again and this time included special interest groups and First Nations Peoples

3 Charlottetown called for:
Aboriginal Self Government Senate Reform (Triple E) Quebec a distinct society (Canada Clause)

4 STOP! Referendum Time! Had a Nation wide vote on Charlottetown accord
Only four provinces accepted it No one talks about it anymore



7 On October 26, 1992, two referendums, the Quebec government's referendum in Quebec, and the federal government's referendum in all other provinces and territories, were put to the voters. Do you agree that the Constitution of Canada should be renewed on the basis of the agreement reached on August 28, 1992? No: 54.3%Yes: 45.7%

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