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Reflections on Bible Classes

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1 Reflections on Bible Classes
Have you ever given serious thought to the typical Bible class arrangement seen in most churches of Christ (not talking about “Sunday School”)? Do such classes constitute the “assembly” and if not, how should they be considered? Introduction: This PowerPoint presentation consisting of ten slides is designed to stimulate people’s thinking and knowledge of the Bible class arrangement. For all things, we must have Bible authority. Bible authority is established by express command, approved apostolic example, and/or necessary implication or inference (illustrate and explain). A matter can fall under the heading of “expedient,” providing it is not a substitution or violation of a specific command and providing it actually expedites a given command (see the exchange on Bible classes in Bible Truths. When on the home page, enter through the door and on the Site Map page, click on “Polemic Exchanges” in the table and on the Polemic Exchanges page, scroll down to the topic). The Sunday School arrangement is an anti-biblical practice in that it often involves a separate entity form the church. Some denominational Sunday Schools have their own treasury and oversight, even outside oversight in some cases.

2 Reflections on Bible Classes
Some have practiced the class circumstance (various classes according to age, gender, etc.) and in this situation, have served the Lord’s Supper (cp. I Cor. 11: 18, 20, 23-34). The raise back in the early seventies of “children’s church” presented all manner of aberrant practices and situations. The denominational introduction of “wards” or “cells” can also preclude the assembly in which all come together for the Lord’s Supper.

3 Reflections on Bible Classes
It is apparent that some circumstances that are viewed as having all physically together were not such (cp. Acts 2: 46). Bible classes serve as an expedient (cp. I Tim. 3: 15 but not a substitute for “the assembly”). It is apparent that the about three thousand in number (Acts 2: 41) did not meet in one house; notwithstanding the language in verse 46. Hence, “they continuing…in one accord…” is descriptively used even though these Jerusalem Christians were physical apart. Some scholars also see physical separation in the teaching arrangement involved in the logistics of Acts 2: 1-40 (if the miracle was in the diversity of languages being spoken by the apostles, I believe it was, then it appears that there may have been a class sort of arrangement being determined by the language spoken and understood by that group of people).

4 Reflections on Bible Classes
Not a free-for-all think tank. Beginning with slide four, the negatives and positives are considered relative to the typical Bible class arrangement. It is evident that too little importance is placed on these classes, in some cases, and also too much. I had one member to tell me where I served as an elder and there was a slight problem occurring in one of the classes for young people, “These classes are the most important work of the local church and must take priority over every aspect of the work!” This member seems to view the class arrangement as being more than an expedient to the general teaching command. Also, it is evident that in some cases, Bible classes have replaced parents teaching their children. Such must not be!

5 Reflections on Bible Classes
Not for the promotion of personal agendas.

6 Reflections on Bible Classes
Not for doing what cannot be done in the assembly. It is in the Bible class situation that women teachers in classes consisting of both adult males and females are often introduced by those who insist of women doing what the men do in the local church. “The Bible class is not the assembly; hence, we may have women teachers,” they reason. Even though the class arrangement does not constitute the assembly, why would it not be generally governed by the same principles? Teaching such as order, edification, etc. (I Cor. 14). It is evident that I Timothy 2: 12 is referring to the assembly (see beginning in verse 8), but headship is a general subject (I Cor. 11: 3, 4). Some have provided candy in the Bible class arrangement saying, “But this is not the assembly,” who would not think of such being done in the assembly (examine and explore the reasoning).

7 Reflections on Bible Classes
Must be organized. See I Corinthians 14: 33, 40.

8 Reflections on Bible Classes
Kindness and regard must prevail. Explore I Peter 3: 8.

9 Reflections on Bible Classes
Opportunity for detail study…. There can be a number of styles characteristic of a Bible class circumstance and study. The class can allow for a little more flexibility than the average assembly in terms of freedom to ask questions and make comments.

10 Reflections on Bible Classes
As an expedient, Bible classes must promote good, growth, and unity as opposed to ill feeling, infantilism, and disunity. An expedient, this is the justification for the Bible class practice, must assist and not be the source of problems and division. Also, as an expedient it must not become the focus of the work to the neglect of other areas of church responsibility.

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